Two new species and new records of Psychoda Latreille (Diptera: Psychodidae: Psychodinae) from Brazil, with comments on supraspecific classification of the genus Author Bravo, Freddy Author Cordeiro, Danilo Author Chagas, Cinthia text Zootaxa 2006 1298 1 15 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.173590 c239348b-1c2b-4f64-b6e7-7a9df3888afa 1175­5326 173590 Psychoda ( Psychodocha ) dantilandensis Bravo, Cordeiro & Chagas sp. n. ( Figs. 19–27 ) Type material. BRAZIL , Bahia, Dantilândia (Fzda. Sossego, 15°06´S 41° 00´W ), male holotype , 25.IV.2004 , R. Vieira & C. Chagas (MZUEFS); 1 paratype male, same locality, date and collector as holotype (MZUEFS); Bahia, Itabuna ( 14° 45’ S , 39° 17’ W ), 2 paratypes male, 30.V.1999 , J.R. Santos (MZUEFS). Etymology. The species name dantilandensis is based on the type locality. Diagnosis. This species can be distinguished from other species of Psychoda ( Psychodocha ) by the following combination of characteristics: eyes separated by 2.5 facet diameters; frons with large patch of alveoli at base and with pair of small patches of alveoli near eyes, triangular shaped; neck 1.0X length of base of flagellomeres; tergite 9 with large pseudospiracular opening; presence of triangular hypandrial plate covering aedeagus. Description. Male. Frons with 2 small triangular patches of alveoli near eyes ( Fig. 19 ). Eye bridge with 4 facet rows; eyes separated by 2.5 facet diameters ( Fig. 19 ); antenna with 14 flagellomeres, separated, 1st–10th nodiform ( Figs. 21–22 ), 11th and 12th with neck ( Fig. 20 ); flagellomere 14 with small basal neck ( Fig. 20 ); scape cylindrical, 1.5X length of pedicel ( Fig. 21 ); pedicel spherical ( Fig. 21 ); ascoids lost in preparation. Palpus formula = 1.0:1.3:1.3:1.4 ( Fig. 22 ). Labellum with 3 apical teeth ( Fig. 23 ). Wing ( Fig. 24 ) with short Sc; radial fork apical to medial fork; radial and medial fork complete; R2+3 fused to R4; base of M1+2 with somewhat circular swelling. Male terminalia ( Figs. 25–27 ): Gonostylus with pointed apex having same length as gonocoxite. Tergite 9 rectangular, wider than long, with pseudospiracular opening ( Fig. 26 ). Cercus short, club shaped from ventral view, 2.0X length of gonocoxite, with 1 apical tenaculum. Paramere curved apically, ending beyond apex of aedeagus. Aedeagal apodeme 1.5X length of aedeagus, slender; hypandrial plate triangular. Female. Unknown. Collection. The specimens from Dantilândia were collected in a light trap. The specimens from Itabuna were collected in a Malaise trap. Distribution. Brazil : Bahia (Dantilândia, Itabuna).