The Acentropinae (Lepidoptera: Pyraloidea: Crambidae) of Africa Author Agassiz, David J. L. The Natural History Museum, London SW 7 5 BD text Zootaxa 2012 2012-09-21 3494 1 73 journal article 55841 10.11646/zootaxa.3494.1.1 17277230-72bb-4500-8e53-1bd8e3ca6d74 1175­5334 6380783 E31EF0DC-825E-4D60-8AED-3127019CF8F0 Elophila ealensis sp. n. Imago (Fig. 15): Wingspan 14mm . Head white mixed fuscous; labial palpus short, white with fuscous tuft beneath; antenna indistinctly ringed whitish and pale fuscous. Thorax mixed white and fuscous. Forewing with ground colour white, markings fuscous; an indistinct dark fuscous subbasal fascia; a narrow curved white fascia; a broad suffused fuscous band, a further white curved median fascia outwardly edged fuscous; markings in outer half of wing indistinct; a lunule above disc and a broad brown subterminal band; costa dark fuscous before apex; two small indistinct brownish triangles in upper half of termen. Hindwing basally white; an irregular waisted dark fuscous median fascia, edged on both sides white; a broad fuscous band before whitish termen with a fine double line along cilia. Male genitalia: Unknown. Female genitalia (Fig. 145): Ostium broad; ductus evenly tapered to colliculum; corpus bursae comprised of a small ovate sack and a larger one of weaker membrane, both without signa. Tympanal organs: Venulae absent. Diagnosis: Distinguished from E. africalis by the strong median fascia of the hindwing; in the female genitalia by the large diverticulum. Derivation: From the type locality, this was a manuscript name already chosen by Ghesquière. Biology: Unknown. Distribution: Known only from the type locality Eala, Tshuapa Province, Democratic Republic of Congo . Material examined: Holotype , Eala | Tshuapa Prov. | Congo | latitude N 00° 04´ , longitude E 18° 17´ |DJLA slide 3002 ( RMCA ).