Revision of the " Aemilia " ambigua (Strecker) species-group (Noctuidae, Arctiinae) Author Schmidt, Christian Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Ottawa ,, Canada text ZooKeys 2009 2009-05-12 9 9 63 78 journal article 10.3897/zookeys.9.149 710c183e-b0f2-4955-8985-cd90a15a4ac2 1313–2970 576452 0B7144FA-80DE-4D12-9456-1434A3FDEA25 Pseudohemihyalea ambigua (Strecker) , comb. n. Figs. 1 , 6 , 11 , 16 , 21 , 25 Halisidota ambigua Strecker, 1878: 274 , pl. 9, fig. 7. Seirarctia bolteri H. Edwards, 1885: 121 . Type material. Halisidota ambigua : Male holotype [FMNH], not examined. Type locality: “ Colorado [ USA ].” The male holotype is a badly damaged specimen with the abdomen, ventral thorax and head missing, although the wings are mostly intact, with the apex of the right forewing missing (J. Rawlins, pers. comm.) . Seirarctia bolteri : Holotype [unknown], not examined. Type locality: “Las Vegas, N[ew]. Mex[ico]., 7000 feet [ USA ].” The sex of the holotype is not indicated in the original description; the type is not among the Edwards type material in the AMNH ( B. Vincent , pers. comm.). Given the distinctive original description and absence of species similar to P . ambigua in the USA , bolteri is retained as a junior synonym of ambigua . Diagnosis . Pseudohemihyalea ambigua is very similar to P . syracosia externally, but the two can usually be separated without dissection by the slightly larger size, broader forewing striae ( Figs. 1 and 2 ) and more northerly distribution ( Fig. 25 ) of P . ambigua . Internally, both the saccular process (cf. Figs. 6 and 7) and uncus (cf. Figs. 11 and 12) are shorter and wider compared to P . syracosia (mean length to width ratio of uncus 1.9 in P . ambigua , 2.4 in P . syracosia ). The coecum of the aedeagus is longer and more conical in P . ambigua (cf. Figs. 16 and 17). In females, the antevaginal plate is less flared laterally with a shallower distal indentation compared to P . syracosia (cf. Figs. 21 and 23). Biology and distribution. Collection dates indicate the peak flight is in July, with extreme dates ranging from mid June to early August, presumably representing a single annual brood. Pseudohemihyalea ambigua is the most widespread of the ambigua - group, occurring from southern Wyoming ( Ferguson et al. 2000 ) to Durango , Mexico ( Fig. 25 ). Ferguson et al. (2000) show P . ambigua as occurring in Tamaulipas , Mexico , but no specimens from Tamaulipas could be located and their record may refer to another species, possibly P . potosi .