Potential economic pests of solanaceous crops: a new species of Solanum - feeding psyllid from Australia and first record from New Zealand of Acizzia solanicola (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) Author Taylor, Gary S. Author Kent, Deborah S. text Zootaxa 2013 3613 3 257 273 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3613.3.4 e6fb6505-2090-41cd-9a7f-62efb4e51dc7 1175-5326 220213 F32B75A1-C6E7-4164-B8AD-EE1970540A54 Acizzia credoensis , sp. n. ( Figs 1–12 ) Australia , Western Australia : Holotype 3 (dried): Credo Station Reserve, Station Dam, 30º28.020'S , 120º49.475'E , GST, 3.ix.2011 , Solanum lasiophyllum (WAMA). Paratypes : 33, 3Ƥ, 8 nymphs (3 slides), 183, 33Ƥ, 1 nymph (dried) same data (ANIC, SAMA, WAMA, WINC). Other material : uncounted 3, ƤƤ, nymphs (ethanol) same data (WINC). Description. Adult. Colouration. Male ( Figs 1, 3 ): General colour, head and thorax brown to dark brown, abdomen pale greyish-brown; eyes dark red-brown; antenna yellow-brown to black, segments 1–2 pale brown, segments 3–5 yellow-brown with apices grading to dark brown, segments 6–10 dark brown grading to black; head dark brown; pronotum and mesopraescutum brown to dark brown, mesoscutum with 2 pairs dark brown longitudinal submedial stripes; scutellum dark brown to black; thoracic mesopleural sclerites brown; metapleurites pale greyish- brown; legs pale yellow-brown; general colour of abdomen including terminalia pale greyish-brown; wings with pale greyish-brown infuscation, with greyish-brown markings at wing margin in cells r2, m1, m2 and cu1, in central portion of cells m2 and cu2, and parallel to but slightly apical to length of vein Cu1b ( Figs 5–6 ); veins of fore wing light brown. Female ( Figs 2, 4 ): As for male, except head and thorax pale yellow-brown; mesopraescutum with a pair of pale brown longitudinal submedial stripes, mesoscutum with 2 pairs pale brown longitudinal stripes; scutellum pale brown; proctiger and subgenital plate pale greenish-brown with dark infuscation towards apex. Structure. Body short, broad ( Figs 1–4 ). Head ( Figs 7–8 ): vertex short, broad, 0.62–0.70 times as long as wide; genae broadly rounded; genal processes absent; median ocellus visible from above; antenna moderate in length, about 1.65–1.98 times longer than width of head; pronotum short, broad, little narrower than width of head, weakly arcuate in dorsal aspect; thorax moderately arched in lateral aspect. Fore wing ( Figs 5–6 ) 3.27–3.83 times as long as head width, 2.29–2.41 times as long as wide, short, broad, with broadly rounded apex; weak costal break; pterostigma very short, triangular; vein Rs short, weakly curved terminating well short of wing apex; vein M short, vein M1+2 0.73–0.84 times as long as vein M; medial and cubital cells subequal, broadly triangular: m1 cell value: 1.56–1.96; cu1 cell value: 1.57–1.96; metatibia 1.02–1.23 times as long as head width, with 1+2 apical black spurs; 1 outer black spur on metabasitarsus. Male terminalia ( Figs 9–10 ); proctiger 0.38–0.49 times as long as head width, high, with narrow apex and prominent, acutely angled, lateral lobes; parameres elongate with a basal incurved node at about one third height, apex of paramere strongly curved inward with sclerotised apex ( Fig. 10 ). Female terminalia ( Fig. 11 ); proctiger 1.31–1.40 times as long as head width, 4.32–4.67 as circumanal ring and 1.16–1.22 as subgenital plate, respectively; proctiger and subgenital plate elongate, straight, acutely pointed. Measurements in mm (3 3, 3 Ƥ): Body length (vertex to terminalia) 3 1.45–1.52, Ƥ 1.93–2.14; body length (vertex to apex of folded wings) 3 2.41–2.45, Ƥ 2.69–2.79; head width 3 0.53–0.58, Ƥ 0.60–0.62; length of vertex 3 0.22–0.25, Ƥ 0.23–0.26; width of vertex 3 0.35–0.37, Ƥ 0.37–0.39; antenna length 3 0.96–1.05, Ƥ 1.02–1.11; length of first antennal flagellomere 3 0.19–0.21, Ƥ 0.19–0.22; fore wing length 3 1.83–2.03, Ƥ 2.14–2.17; fore wing width 3 0.79–0.86, Ƥ 0.90–0.93; length of vein Rs 3 1.00–1.05, Ƥ 1.12–1.23; length of vein M 3 0.67–0.70, Ƥ 0.74–0.84; length of vein M1+2 3 0.51–0.54, Ƥ 0.56–0.61; marginal width of cell m1 3 0.26–0.32, Ƥ 0.32–0.39; marginal width of cell cu1 3 0.32–0.39, Ƥ 0.42–0.44; length of vein Cu1b 3 0.24–0.26, Ƥ 0.23–0.28; metatibia length 3 0.60–0.65, Ƥ 0.61–0.64; 3 proctiger length 0.21–0.26; paramere length 0.26–0.28; length of proximal aedeagal segment 0.28–0.32; length of distal aedeagal segment 0.19–0.21; Ƥ proctiger length 0.81–0.84; Ƥ circumanal ring length 0.18–0.19; Ƥ subgenital plate length 0.67–0.72. Fifth instar nymph. Colouration. Eyes pale red, antenna very pale with penultimate segment pale brown, terminal segment brown; body pale greyish-brown, thoracic and abdominal sclerites pale brown; venter and legs pale. Structure. Body elongate; antenna 9-segmented with a subapical rhinarium on segments 3, 5, 7 and 8; segment 9 with a short apical seta; thoracic sclerites with capitate setae; fore wing pad ovate with capitate setae; fore wing margin with alternating long and short capitate setae; abdominal sclerites with long capitate setae; tarsal arolium triangular, petiolate with unguitractor; circumanal pore ring small, consisting of a single row of pores. Measurements (in mm) and ratios (n = 3): antenna length (AL) 0.49–0.58; head width (HW) 0.49–0.53; body length (BL) 1.18–1.54; body width (BW) 0.91–1.14; fore wing pad length (WL) 0.51–0.65; caudal plate length (CPL) 0.42–0.54; caudal plate width (CPW) 0.65–0.74; circumanal ring width (CPRW) 0.11–0.12. Ratios: AL:HW 0.96–1.09; AL:WL 0.83–0.96; HW:BL 0.36–0.42; BL:BW 1.27–1.35; CPL:CPW 0.58–0.83; CPRW:CPW 0.15–0.18. Egg. Not known. Behaviour. Free-living, particularly on underside of leaves of host. Etymology . Named after Credo Station + “ ensis ” = pertaining to, originating in. FIGURES 1–8. Acizzia credoensis sp. n. (1) habitus, male (dorsal aspect); (2) habitus, female (dorsal aspect); (3) habitus male (lateral aspect); (4) habitus female (lateral aspect); (5) fore wing, male; (6) fore wing, female; (7) head, female (dorsal aspect); (8) head, female (dorsal aspect). Scale = 0.5 mm. Distribution. Recorded only from the type locality of Credo Station, a former pastoral property now part of Australia’s National Reserve System, 70 km N Coolgardie in the Great Western Woodlands region of Western Australia ( Fig. 12 ). Host plant. Type material collected from Solanum lasiophyllum , flannel bush, recorded from Credo Station Reserve, WA (Gibson & Langley 2012). Solanum lasiophyllum is an erect or rounded shrub to 1 m , usually greygreen, densely pubescent with prickles to 5 mm long, moderately abundant on stems and fruiting calyx, less common on leaf veins and/or absent elsewhere; leaves ovate to broadly elliptic; inflorescence purple; berry globular to ovoid, 10–15 mm , yellow. Its distribution ( Fig. 13 ) is widespread in WA, extending to south-western NT and central SA where it usually occurs in sand or on stony rises (WA) or restricted to rocky outcrops and ranges (in NT and SA) (Purdie et al . 1982).