Checklist of water mites from mainland Portugal and its archipelagos Author Cantallo, Harold 0000-0001-7005-6462 Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research (CIIMAR), University of Porto, Terminal de Cruzeiros do Porto de Leixões, Avenida General Norton de Matos, s / n, 4450 - 208, Matosinhos, Porto, Portugal. & https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 7005 - 6462 Author Gomes, Nuno 0000-0002-5513-6875 Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research (CIIMAR), University of Porto, Terminal de Cruzeiros do Porto de Leixões, Avenida General Norton de Matos, s / n, 4450 - 208, Matosinhos, Porto, Portugal. & Aquamuseu do Rio Minho, Vila Nova de Cerveira, 4920 - 290, Portugal. & https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 5513 - 6875 Author Antunes, Carlos 0000-0003-2294-6174 Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research (CIIMAR), University of Porto, Terminal de Cruzeiros do Porto de Leixões, Avenida General Norton de Matos, s / n, 4450 - 208, Matosinhos, Porto, Portugal. & Aquamuseu do Rio Minho, Vila Nova de Cerveira, 4920 - 290, Portugal. & https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 2294 - 6174 Author Martins, Duarte 0000-0003-3736-5743 Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research (CIIMAR), University of Porto, Terminal de Cruzeiros do Porto de Leixões, Avenida General Norton de Matos, s / n, 4450 - 208, Matosinhos, Porto, Portugal. & Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade do Porto, rua do Campo Alegre s / n, 4169 - 007 Porto, Portugal & https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 3736 - 5743 Author Costa, Dimítri De Araújo 0000-0002-5399-2483 Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research (CIIMAR), University of Porto, Terminal de Cruzeiros do Porto de Leixões, Avenida General Norton de Matos, s / n, 4450 - 208, Matosinhos, Porto, Portugal. & Aquamuseu do Rio Minho, Vila Nova de Cerveira, 4920 - 290, Portugal. & https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 5399 - 2483 text Zootaxa 2022 2022-11-28 5213 4 336 370 journal article 198868 10.11646/zootaxa.5213.4.2 bf19faf6-6e2f-4f68-83c2-79c95be93fa0 1175-5326 7381432 685D4DC1-0C1E-4E76-BEEE-E54749603695 Atractides ( Maderomegapus ) hystricipes (Lundblad, 1941) Synonym: Maderomegapus hystricipes Lundblad, 1941 ( original designation ) Type material: Holotype one male NHRS-GULI000089969 and one female Allotype NHRS-GULI000089970 deposited at NRM ( Pers. comm., G. Lindberg ) . Type locality: Portugal : Madeira Island ( Lundblad 1941b ) Geographical distribution: Portugal : Madeira Island ( Borges et al. 2008 ; Hughes et al. 1998 ; Lundblad 1941b ). Ecological notes: Freshwater ( Borges et al. 2008 ; Hughes et al. 1998 ). Atractides ( Atractides ) insulanus (Lundblad, 1941) Synonym: Megapus insulanus Lundblad, 1941 ( original designation ) Type material: Deposited in NRM : Holotype one male ( Gerecke 2003 ; Lundblad 1941b ), catalogue number NHRS-GULI000006542 ( GBIF 2022 ); Paratype : ( Gerecke 2003 ), catalogue number NHRS-GULI000006544 ( GBIF 2022 ). Type locality: Portugal : Madeira Island ( Lundblad 1941b ), in Ribeira da Janela waterfall ( Gerecke 2003 ). Geographical distribution: Portugal : Madeira Island ( GBIF 2022 ; Gerecke 2003 ). Distribution in Portugal : Madeira Island ( Borges et al. 2008 ; Hughes et al. 1998 ; Lundblad 1941b ), in Ribeira da Janela waterfall ( Gerecke 2003 ). Ecological notes: Freshwater ( Borges et al. 2008 ; Hughes et al. 1998 ), springs (rhithrobiontic habit), in thin layers of flowing water ( Gerecke 2003 ). Atractides macaronensis (Lundblad, 1941) Synonym: Megapus macaronensis Lundblad, 1941 ( original designation ) Type material: Deposited in NRM : Holotype one male ( Lundblad 1941b ),catalogue number NHRS-GULI000006536 ( GBIF 2022 ); Paratype catalogue number NHRS-GULI000006537 ( GBIF 2022 ). Type locality: Portugal : Madeira Island ( Lundblad 1941b ), in Vinte e Cinco Fontes, Levada ( GBIF 2022 ; Gerecke 2003 ). Geographical distribution: Portugal : Madeira Island ( GBIF 2022 ; Gerecke 2003 ). Distribution in Portugal : Madeira Island ( Borges et al. 2008 ; Hughes et al. 1998 ), in Vinte e Cinco Fontes, Levada ( GBIF 2022 ; Gerecke 2003 ). Ecological notes: Freshwater ( Borges et al. 2008 ; Hughes et al. 1998 ), rhithrobiont (river and tributary environment), in thin layers of flowing water, preference at rocky habitats ( Gerecke 2003 ). Atractides maderensis (Lundblad, 1941) Synonyms: Megapus maderensis Lundblad, 1941 ( original designation Type material: Deposited in NRM : Holotype one male ( Gerecke 2003 ; Lundblad 1941b ), catalogue number NHRSGULI000006546 ( GBIF 2022 ); Paratype : ( Gerecke 2003 ), catalogue number NHRS-GULI000006547 ( GBIF 2022 ). Type locality: Portugal : Madeira Island ( Lundblad 1941b ), in Ribeira da Janela, Risco; Vinte e Cinco Fontes, Levada ( GBIF 2022 ; Gerecke 2003 ). Geographical distribution: Portugal : Madeira Island ( GBIF 2022 ; Gerecke 2003 ). Distribution in Portugal : Madeira Island ( Borges et al. 2008 ; Hughes et al. 1998 ; Lundblad 1941b ), in Ribeira da Janela, Risco; Vinte e Cinco Fontes, Levada ( GBIF 2022 ; Gerecke 2003 ). Ecological notes: Freshwater ( Borges et al. 2008 ; Hughes et al. 1998 ), found in springs and river habitats (rhithrobiontic species) ( Gerecke 2003 ). Atractides ( Polymegapus ) rutae (Lundblad, 1941) Synonyms: Megapus rutae Lundblad, 1941 ( original designation ); Megapus ( Allomegapus ) rutae Lundblad, 1941 Type material: Deposited in NRM : Holotype one male ( Lundblad 1941b ),catalogue number NHRS-GULI000006538 ( GBIF 2022 ); Paratypes catalogue number NHRS-GULI000006539 ( GBIF 2022 ); one female catalogue number NHRS-GULI000006540 ( GBIF 2022 ). Type locality: Portugal : Madeira Island ( Lundblad 1941b ), in Rabaçal ( GBIF 2022 ; Gerecke 2003 ). Geographical distribution: Portugal : Madeira Island ( GBIF 2022 ; Gerecke 2003 ; Lundblad 1941b ); Spain : Canary Islands , in Tenerife ( Lundblad 1962 ; Valdecasas 1988 ). Distribution in Portugal : Madeira Island ( Lundblad 1941b ), in Rabaçal ( GBIF 2022 ; Gerecke 2003 ). Ecological notes: Freshwater ( Borges et al. 2008 ; Hughes et al. 1998 ), springs, and thin layers of flowing water ( Gerecke 2003 ). Atractides ( Atractides ) clavipes Lundblad, 1954 Type material: Holotype ( Lundblad 1954 ), Lundblad No. Präp. 4500, deposited in NRM ( Lundblad 1956 ). Type locality: Portugal : Sintra-Monserrate Park and Palace( Lundblad 1954 , 1956 ). Geographical distribution: Germany , France , Iberian Peninsula and Italy ( Gerecke et al. 2016 ). Distribution in Portugal : South: Estremadura ( Valdecasas 1988 ), in Sintra, Monserrate Park and Palace ( Lundblad 1956 ). Ecological notes: Crenobiont species: at springs habitats ( Gerecke et al. 2016 ) and small streams, present in plant Alsophila spp. ( Lundblad 1956 ) . Atractides ( Atractides ) nodipalpis Thor, 1899 Synonyms: Megapus nodipalpis Thor, 1899 ( original designation ); Megapus tenuitarsus Komárek, 1921 ; Megapus nodipalpis parviporus Besseling, 1933 ; Atractides moravicus Láska, 1952 ; Atractides limnicola Schwoerbel, 1959 ; Atractides microcavaticus Schwoerbel, 1961 ; Atractides schlienzi Schwoerbel, 1961 Type material: Paratypes 3 specimen deposited in SMF , catalogue numbers 42618-1516-VIE/053, 42619-1517- VIE/053, 42620-1518-VIE/053( GBIF 2022 ) . Type locality: Norway : Gudbrandsdalen ( GBIF 2022 ; Gerecke 2003 ; Lundblad 1956 ). Geographical distribution: Palaearctic ( Gerecke et al. 2016 ). Distribution in Portugal : Centre: Beira Alta, in Santa Comba Dão ( Lundblad 1956 ). Ecological notes: Warm fast-flowing streams, present in moss in a waterfall ( Lundblad 1956 ). Organic pollutiontolerant species with rhithrobiont freshwater preferences (river and tributaries environment); Larval insect hosts: Chironomidae dipterans ( Gerecke et al. 2016 ). Atractides ( Tympanomegapus ) ibericus Lundblad, 1956 Synonym: Atractides lacustris ibericus Lundblad, 1956 ( original designation ) Type material: Holotype one male Lundblad No. Präp. 4551, deposited in NRM ( Lundblad 1956 ). Type locality: Portugal : Santa Comba Dão , Beira Alta ( Lundblad 1956 ) . Geographical distribution: Portugal : Santa Comba Dão, Beira Alta ( Lundblad 1956 ). Distribution in Portugal : Centre: Santa Comba Dão, Beira Alta ( Lundblad 1956 ). Ecological notes: Freshwater, in slow-moderate motion streams, on a sandy substrate; present in Carex spp. plants ( Lundblad 1956 ).