Description of Protallagma hoffmanni sp. nov. from the Peruvian Andes (Odonata: Coenagrionidae), including description of its larva Author Hunger, Holger Author Schiel, Franz-Josef text Zootaxa 2012 3202 28 50 journal article 45370 10.5281/zenodo.215126 7b3ca294-d1e3-48a3-973f-5f002e9d20e2 1175-5326 215126 Protallagma hoffmanni sp. nov. Etymology. This species is named hoffmanni after our good friend and colleague Joachim Hoffmann who worked at the Museo de Historia Natural in Lima for many years and is an expert on Odonata from Peru . We found the new species on a field trip led by him. Type material. Holotype : 3 from Laguna Querococha, Ancash region, Peru , S 09° 43' 33.6" W 077° 19' 51.8" , 3,980 m a.s.l., 18 February 2007 , leg. Holger Hunger and Franz-Josef Schiel (deposited at MHNL ). Allotype: Ƥ same data ( MHNL ). Paratypes : 7 3, 8 Ƥ, same data (2 3 and 2 Ƥ paratypes at FNS, remainder in INULA collection). Larvae: 19 larvae , same data (all in INULA collection). Description. Male holotype . Head. Head and labium yellowish brown. Frontal suture black, as well as sutures on both sides of median ocellus and suture behind left and right ocelli and occipital bar, which is pale. Whole head, especially antefrons to labium, with very long (up to ca. 0.6 mm ) setae. Distinct row of setae also on occipital bar ( Fig. 1 ). No postocular spots. Thorax. Pronotal hindlobe undulate with nozzle-like structure facing toward head ( Fig. 2 ). Legs yellowish brown with long black spines. Supplementary pretarsal claws distinct, forming an acute angle with claws. Wings hyaline with very light brownish tinge; pterostigma light brown, very narrow. Number of postnodal crossveins: FW 11 (left), 10 (right); HW 9 (left), 10 (right). Thorax yellowish brown, densely covered with fine, long setae. Darker band along both sides of middorsal carina. Humeral, metapleural, and interpleural stripes very fine and diffuse. Broad, light greenish antehumeral stripe. Venter of thorax bears a metasternal tubercle covered with long pale setae. FIGURE 1. P. hoffmanni , head of male holotype, dorsal view. FIGURE 2. P. hoffmanni , pronotum and mesostigmal plate of male holotype, dorsal view. Abdomen. Completely covered with fine, short pale setae; ventral side of S1–3 including area around secondary genitalia with long black setae. Abdomen yellowish brown ventrally; S1–4 completely coral red dorsally, with fine black transverse rings at intersegmental articulations (present on S2–6). S5–6 red with a black dot at distal third, washed on S5, more conspicuous on S6. S7–10 with azure markings forming a characteristic indented band, caused by a black lateral band on S7–10 with flame-like dorsad projections. Posterior margin of S7–9 with a few black denticles. Posterior margin of S10 with a wedge-shaped mid-dorsal emargination. Cercus dorsally brown, in lateral view whitish, mitten-shaped, “thumb“ very pronounced and long, with pointed black tip, overlapping paraproct (Fig. 3). Paraproct conical, wide base gradually narrowing toward blackish tip pointing upwards. Genital opercula pointed posteriorly, reaching close to distal margin of S9 ( Fig. 4 ). Genital ligula (taken from paratype specimen): distal segment of genital ligula with an inner fold proximal to the flexure and with two lateral lobes on each side. On the outer side with a paired ledge-shaped structure ( Figs. 5–6 ), the two ledges, seen from caudad, converging distally. Measurements. HW 17.5, abdomen 19.2, total length 26.3. FIGURE 3. P. hoffmanni , tip of abdomen with appendages of male paratype , lateral view. Female allotype. Head. Labium to postfrons yellowish brown, frontal suture and sutures right and left of median ocellus dark brown. Vertex light olive, occiput yellowish brown. Whole head, especially antefrons to labium, with very long (up to ca. 0.6 mm ) setae. Row of setae also on occipital bar which is pale as in the male ( Fig. 7 ). No postocular spots. Thorax. Pronotum yellowish brown with darker areas, pronotal hindlobe similar to that of holotype , undulate with nozzle facing toward head. Legs and supplementary pretarsal claws as in holotype . Wings hyaline with very light brown tinge, pterostigma light brown and small. Postnodal crossveins: FW 11, HW 9. Thorax similar to holotype ; as well as abundant occurrence of setae, metasternal tubercle present. Abdomen. Venter of S1–10 yellowish brown/light ochre. S2–6 with a fine black line at intersegmental articulation. S2 with a black dorsal marking not reaching black line at dorsal half of intersegmental articulation. S3–5 with sword-like markings, formed by bands tapering at both sides and dorsally connected to a circular “hilt” which is connected to the transversal ring at the intersegmental articulations. Sword shape is clearest on S3–4 and black markings become wider from S3 to S5. S6 with a broad black band tapering anteriorly. S7–10 with a broad black band with a conspicuous, narrow azure middorsal band ( Fig. 10 ). As in holotype , posterior margin of S10 has a wedge-shaped mid-dorsal emargination. Cercus white, cone-shaped; paraproct white. S8 with vulvar spine, tip of ovipositor valve reaching distal margin of S10, stylus curved downward ( Fig. 9 ). Measurements. HW 17.7 mm , abdomen 17.8 mm , total length 24.5 mm . Variation in paratypes : As holotype ; for variations in dimensions, see above and tables 1 and 2; for variations in number of postnodal crossveins, see tables 1 and 2. Measurements. Males (n = 8, including holotype ): HW 15.0–18.3 (mean 16.6); abdomen 17.0–20.0 (mean 18.1); total length: 23.0–28.3 (mean 24.8). Females (n = 8; including allotype; one of the paratype females lacking wings and therefore not taken into account): HW 15.5–19.2 (mean 17.7); abdomen 17.8–20.0 (mean 18.5); total length: 23.0–28.3 (mean 25.1). FIGURE 4. P. hoffmanni , tip of abdomen of male holotype with genital opercula and appendages, ventral view. FIGURE 5. P. hoffmanni , genital ligula, taken from paratype, lateral view. Male F0 larva. ( Fig. 17 ) Head. Antennae with seven segments ( Fig. 18 ). Prementum short and broad, articulation of pre- and postmentum reaching backwards behind procoxae; two medium-sized mental setae on each side of prementum ental surface; ligula entire, smoothly convex, and devoid of denticles ( Fig. 19 ). Labial palp with two lobes and three large setae distal to movable hook and five small setae along outer border ( Figs. 19–20 ). Mandibular formula L 1234 y x a b / R 1234 y 0 a 0 ( Fig. 21 ). Thorax. Wing sheaths reaching from middle to distal margin of S4. Abdomen. Lacking lateral spines; integument completely covered with small bristles. Caudal lamellae ovalshaped with tip forming a small point ( Fig. 22 ). Lateral and median lamellae shaped identically. Larvae uniformly brown without any definite pattern. Male gonapophyses as in Fig. 23–24 , female gonapophyses as in Fig. 25–26 . Measurements. Total length including caudal lamellae 18.4; head width 3.75; abdomen length 8.3; lateral lamellae length 3.5, width 2.1; median lamella length 3.25, width 2.25; hind femur length 3; hind tibia length 2.5; prementum length 2.6, width 2.3. Variation in measurements. The 19 larvae collected belonged to four different stadia: (1) Four larvae were in the F0 stadium with completely developed wing sheaths surpassing middle to end of S4, head width 3.4–3.75 (mean 3.56), total length incl. caudal lamellae 16.0–18.5 (mean 17.35); (2) five larvae with wing sheaths reaching end of S2, head width 2.6–2.8 (mean 2.66), total length 12.5–13.1 (mean 12.75); (3) nine larvae with wing sheaths reaching end of S1, head width 2.1–2.4 (mean 2.27) and total length of 9.6–12.4 (mean 11.0), and (4) one small larva with wing sheaths just reaching S1, head width of 1.8 and a total length of 7.7. Diagnosis. Protallagma hoffmanni is distinguished from the only other species in this genus, P. titicacae , by several characters. While P. titicacae has extended black areas around the ocelli, in P. hoffmanni black is restricted to the frontal suture and other sutures around the ocelli. Pale occipital spots are present in P. titicacae but missing in P. hoffmanni ( Fig. 1 ). In both sexes, the pronotal hind lobe is undulate with a nozzle facing toward the head ( Fig. 2 , Fig. 8 ), whereas in P. titicacae it is bi- or trilobed. In lateral view, the male cercus of P. h o f f m a n n i is mitten-shaped, with the thumb of the mitten very pronounced and long, overlapping the paraproct (Fig. 3). In comparison, the thumb of the mitten in males of P. titicacae is very small and not overlapping the paraproct. The number of postnodal crossveins as well as the overall number of veins and cells in both FW and HW of both sexes of P. hoffmanni is significantly higher than in P. titicacae . More details and further characteristics are given in the discussion section ( Tables 1 and 2 ). Common trait of the larvae of Protallagma titicacae described by Bulla (1972) , drawings of which are also depicted in Heckman (2008) , and P. hotffmanni : a distinct median notch at the occipital margin ( Bulla 1972: 130, Fig. 2 ; Fig.16 ). Differences between the larvae of the two species: Total length without caudal lamellae higher in P. hoffmanni : 10.5–14.5 in P. titicacae compared to 13.0 – 15.2 in P. hoffmanni . Length of caudal lamellae lower in P. h o f f m a n n i : 4.2–4.4 in P. titicacae (not specified whether median or lateral) compared to 3.5 (lateral) and 3.25 (median) in P. hoffmanni . Whereas the caudal lamellae in P. hoffmanni ( Fig. 22 ) are short (3.5), oval-shaped and bearing a distinct small point, the caudal lamellae of P. titicacae (no indication given whether lateral or median is depicted in Bulla 1972 : 130, Fig. 6 ) are longer (4.2–4.4), lanceolate, tapering distally and forming an elongate tip.