Revision of the Ceratocapsine Renodaeus group: Marinonicoris, Pilophoropsis, Renodaeus, and Zanchisme, with descriptions of four new genera (Heteroptera, Miridae, Orthotylinae) Author Henry, Thomas J. text ZooKeys 2015 490 1 156 journal article 1313-2970-490-1 C1CD90CAB36F4197A9C60FAEF09EBD4A C1CD90CAB36F4197A9C60FAEF09EBD4A Taxon classification Animalia Hemiptera Miridae Pilophoropsidea schaffneri Henry sp. n. Figs 62-65, 243-245 Diagnosis . This species (Figs 62-65) is recognized by the large size; overall dark brown to fuscous coloration; shiny, finely granulate, fuscous pronotum; and male genitalia, particularly the left paramere (Fig. 243) with a quadrate dorsal process and the stout, C-shaped right paramere (Fig. 245). Description. Male (n = 2; holotype measurements in parentheses): Length 4.48 mm (4.68 mm), width 1.28 mm (1.30 mm). Head: Width 0.91 mm (0.85 mm), interocular width 0.26 (0.27 mm). Labium: Length 1.54 mm (1.44 mm). Antenna: Segment I, length 0.30 mm (0.30 mm); II, 1.02 mm (0.91 mm); III, 0.59 mm (0.53 mm); IV 0.59 mm (0.53 mm). Pronotum: Length 0.83 mm (0.82 mm), basal width 1.23 mm (1.20 mm). Coloration: Head: Fuscous. Antenna: Segment I pale brown, slightly infuscated at base, red mark frequent in other species absent; segment II fuscous, slightly paler at base; segments II and III fuscous. Pronotum: Dark brown to fuscous. Scutellum: Fuscous. Hemelytron: Dark brown to fuscous, apical half slightly darker; membrane smoky black, paler through areoles and basal half of area between. Ventral surface: Shiny dark brown, abdomen fuscous or black. Ostiolar evaporative area: Uniformly white (one paratype with a tiny red dot at base of auricle). Legs: Procoxa brown, middle and hind coxae white to pale brown with fuscous bases; femora uniformly dark brown; tibiae dark brown, fore and middle tibiae paler apically. Structure, texture, and vestiture: Head: Granulate, with a dull sheen; frons weakly transversely striate. Labium: Extending to bases of middle coxae. Pronotum: Shiny, finely granulate, collar with weak transverse striations, pubescence sparse and very short. Scutellum: Transversely rugose except for smooth apex, with a band of silvery scale-like setae across apical half except apex, intermixed with a few long, erect, pale, simple setae. Hemelytron: Smooth, polished, with two bands of silvery scale-like setae, a narrow one across base of clavus and a broader one through middle of corium and across apical third of clavus, intermixed on apical half of clavus and inner corial margin bordering membrane with long, erect, pale, simple setae. Legs: Hind tibiae straight, slender, diameter subequal to that of fore and middle tibiae, lacking dense row of erect setae along inner margin. Male genitalia: Aperture above left paramere with a slender, dorsally directed spine. Left paramere (Fig. 243) relatively stout, apex slender, curved downward, with a low, quadrate dorsal flange on apical third and a large, stout, apically acute process on basal half. Right paramere (Fig. 245) C-shaped. Phallotheca (Fig. 244) relatively stout, with a slender, decurved apical process. Female (n = 1): Length to apex of abdomen 3.12 mm, length to apex of cuneus 2.48 mm, width 1.24 mm. Head: Width 0.88 mm, interocular width 0.48 mm. Labium: Length 1.50 mm. Antenna: Segment I, length 0.28 mm; II, 0.86 mm; III, 0.50 mm; IV 0.48 mm. Pronotum: Length 0.76 mm, basal width 0.74 mm. Similar to male in coloration. Structure, texture, and vestiture: Labium: Extending to base of abdomen. Pronotum: More quadrate than in males, lateral margins subparallel, basal angles weakly flared. Hemelytron: Brachypterous, deeply depressed basally, abruptly lifted upward over abdomen beyond apex of scutellum, claval and cuneal sutures and membrane absent, apical four abdominal segments exposed beyond apices, apical half of corium tumid or with a glabrous hump; pubescence similar to that of male except tumid area surrounded by a semicircular band (modified broad band of males) of silvery scale-like setae beginning at middle of outer corial margin, continuing around toward clavus and across apex to outer margins of cuneus. Ventral surface and legs similar to those of male. Etymology. This species named in honor of mirid specialist Dr. Joseph C. Schaffner, friend, colleague, and collector of all the known specimens of this species, as well as those for six other new species described in this paper. His collections of Mexican Miridae are unsurpassed. Distribution. Nuevo Leon and San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Host. Unknown. Type material. Holotype: ♂: MEXICO:San Luis Potosi: 28.5 mi. S. Huizache, July 4, 1985, Jones and Schaffner (00167507) (TAMU). Paratypes: MEXICO:San Luis Potosi: 28.5 mi. S. Huizache, July 4, 1985, Jones and Schaffner, 1♂, 1♀ (00167508-00167509) (TAMU). Nuevo Leon : 8 miles south of La Escondida, July 24, 1976, Piegler, Gruetzmacher, R. & M. Murray, and J. C. Schaffner, 1♂ (00162223) (USNM).