A redefinition of the genus Troglocharinus Reitter, 1908, with description of new species (Coleoptera, Leiodidae, Cholevinae, Leptodirini) Author Fresneda, Javier Ca de Massa, 25526 Llesp-El Pont de Suert, Lleida, Spain. & Museu de CieÌncies Naturals (Zoologia), Passeig Picasso s / n, 08003 Barcelona, Spain. comasj 2 @ gmail. com Author Rizzo, Valeria Myosotis M. M. Coop, Via Ulisse Aldrovandi, 18, 00197, Roma RM, Italy. valeria. rizzo 80 @ gmail. com Author Comas, Jordi Museu de CieÌncies Naturals (Zoologia), Passeig Picasso s / n, 08003 Barcelona, Spain. comasj 2 @ gmail. com Author Ribera, Ignacio 0000-0003-0701-6016 Institut de Biologia Evolutiva (CSIC-Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Passeig Maritim de la Barceloneta 37 - 49, 08003 Barcelona, Spain. Corresponding author. ffresned @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 0701 - 6016 ffresned@gmail.com text Zootaxa 2021 2021-02-05 4926 2 151 188 journal article 8302 10.11646/zootaxa.4926.2.1 bc32a3b9-3917-47ef-8b02-b914c660daac 1175-5326 4505942 740D55C2-35EA-4D83-98D0-AC924C38CDD5 Troglocharinus fadriquei sp. nov. Figs 4 , 8 , 12 , 16 , 21 , 26 , 29, 30 , 43 , 48 , 53 , 59 Type locality. Spain , Lleida, Figols d’Organyà, Forat de Casanova , UTM ( ETRS89 ) 31N 3637 46744, 905 m . Type series. Holotype ϐ ( MZB ): “HISPANIA Lleida / Fígols d’Organyà / Forat des Cases Noves , Escoll & 22-8-1992 / Fresneda leg.”, and holotype label. Paratypes (226 exx., CAF , CCB , CDV , CFL , CJC , CPMG , CXB , IBE , MNHNP , MZB ): same data as holotype and paratype labels, 5 ϐϐ & 10 ♀♀ ( CFL ) ( Fresneda & Salgado 2017 ) ; pitfall trap : 22-8-1992 / 28-7-1993 , Fresneda & Escoll leg., 25 ϐϐ & 51 ♀♀ ( CFL , CPMG , CCB ) ( Fresneda & Salgado 2017 ) ; 30-9-2017 Sendra & Pallissé leg., 12 ϐϐ & 18 ♀♀ , plus 21 exx. ( 1 paratype used for DNA extraction and sequencing, voucher No. IBE-AN1239; DNA aliquotes stored in the IBE and the MNCN ; Ref. MNCN :ADN:118947). 23-XII-2018 , R . Sendra & J. Pallisé leg., 11 ϐϐ & 17 ♀♀ . The following specimens are part of the type series of S. vinyasi deposited in the MZB . Although the specimens have paratype labels, in the original description ( Escolà 1971 ) there was no designation of holotype and paratypes , and all specimens were treated as syntypes . They are here designated as paralectotypes of S. vinyasi (see below) and as paratypes of T. fadriquei sp. nov. : Spain , Lleida, Fígols d’Organyà, Forat de Casanova, 27-2-1972 , Bley & Meseguer leg., 3 ϐϐ, 10 ♀♀ & 7 remains with data “Forat Cases Noves / Figols d’Organya / 27-II-72 ϐ1 [ϐ2-ϐ3- ] // Bley-Meseguer leg.”, “ Speonomus / vinyasi n. sp. / O. Escolá det.”, “Paratipo [ Paratypus ]”, “ϐ1 [ϐ2-ϐ3- ]”, with reference labels of the MZB for each pin: “ MZB 78-1097, MZB 78-1098, MZB 78-1099, MZB 78-1100, MZB 78-1101, MZB 78-1102, MZB 78-1103”, “ PARALECTOTYPUS / Speonomus vinyasi / Escolà, 1971 Fresneda, Rizzo, / Comas & Ribera des. 2020” [rl, pr]. 1 ϐ, paralectotypus of Speonomus vinyasi (MZB) labelled: “Av. de Can Sala [= Forat de Casa Nova] / Fígols d’Organyà / a l’E) 25-I-70 ϐ / C. Ribera leg.”, “ Speonomus / vinyasi n. sp. / O. Escolá det.”, “Paratipo”, “ϐ1”, “78-1094 / MZB ”, “ PARALECTOTYPUS / Speonomus vinyasi / Escolà, 1971 Fresneda, Rizzo, / Comas & Ribera des. 2020” [rl, pr]. 1 ϐ & 1 ♀ , paralectotypus of Speonomus vinyasi (MZB) labelled: “Cv. de Can Sala [= Forat de Casa Nova] / Fígols d’Organyà /12-III-72 ϐ [ ] / Bley-Auroux leg.”, “ϐ1 [ 1]”, “78-1095 / MZB ”, “78-1096 / MZB ”, “ PARALECTOTYPUS / Speonomus vinyasi / Escolà, 1971 Fresneda, Rizzo, / Comas & Ribera des. 2020”. In addition to these there are other specimens deposited in the MZB from the same locality (Forat de Casa Nova) that have been designated as paratypes of T. fadriquei sp. nov. : 2-5-1982 , Escolà, Lista & Hernández leg., 42 exx. ( MZB ), plus paratype labels. Differential diagnosis. Bathyscioid species of Troglocharinus with well-developed mesoventral keel; first male protarsomere rectangular, wider than apex of tibia, and as long as tarsomeres 2nd–3rd. Median lobe of aedeagus regularly curved in lateral view, with a small preapical ventral depression, apex short. Endophallus with elliptical NCs, long and broad with a small inner nodule; NFVM rounded, PF2 large, rectangular. Spiculum of the female urite viii very short, wide and with trunctated, bifid apex. Description of the Holotype . Habitus as in Fig. 4 . Body length 3.2 mm. Body shape oval, very convex, tapering towards apex. Body surface finely punctated on pronotum, with transverse striolas on elytra. With fine, yellowish, recumbent conspicuous pubescence. Antennomere length as in Table 3 . Pronotum transverse, lateral margins regularly arched, as wide as elytra, with maximum width at base (maximum width = 1.6 x length = 0.9 mm.). Elytra elongated, maximum width close to base, posterior half strongly narrowing towards apex. Mesoventral keel well developed, with hook-like vertex ( Fig. 12 ). FIGURES 3–4. Habitus of the holotypus of Troglocharinus sendrai sp. nov. (3) and T. fadriquei sp. nov. (4). Legs very long, particularly the posterior legs. Mesotibia straight, first protrarsomere rectangular ( Fig. 8 ), wider than apex of tibiae and as long as tarsomeres 2nd–3rd. Median lobe of aedeagus with parallel margins in dorsal view ( Fig. 21 ), with apex truncated; regularly curved in lateral view ( Fig. 16 ), with a small preapical ventral depression; apex short. Lateral stylus of the tegmen robust, sinuate, somewhat shorter than median lobe and with three setae on apex, two long, regularly curved and inserted laterally, one arched and the other sinuate; third shorter, fine and straight, inserted on the opposed side ( Fig. 43 ). Membranous lamina oval, very long, with a long and dense tuff of setae (“penicillum”) inserted in the apical region, including the membranous lamina. Endophallus ( Figs 26 , 29, 30 ) with elliptical, long and broad NCs, with an interior small prominent nodule; NFVM rounded and PF2 large and rectangular. Female. Slightly smaller than male, with shorter antennae; protarsi not dilated. Spiculum of the urite viii very short, wide and with truncated, bifid apex ( Fig. 59 ). Spermatheca very long and thin, with lobes only weakly bended with respect to the median region; basal lobe wider than median region, apical lobe hemispherical; spermaduct very long, 60–70 times longer than spermatheca ( Fig. 48 ). Comparative notes. Similar to T. vinyasi , species with which it was confused previously. Body shape less elongated than in T. fadriquei sp. nov. ( Figs 4 , 70 ), in particular the elytra, which are strongly narrowed apically (elytra width of T. fadriquei sp. nov. = 1,70 mm , length = 2.38 mm, width/length = 0.71; T. vinyasi , width = 1.68, length = 2.25, width/length = 0.74). Male protarsi wider than in T. vinyasi , rectangular and only slightly wider than apex of tibiae ( Fig. 8 ); very narrow, elongated and narrower than apex of tibiae in T. vinyasi ( Fig. 11 ). The only species of the complex with the apex of the aedeagus in lateral view short, not elongated ( Fig. 16 ). Etymology. The species is named after our colleague Florentino (Floren) Fadrique, an active collaborator in collecting subterranean fauna. FIGURES 5–6. morphometric measurements. LA: Length of antenna; LE: Length of elytra; LP: Length of pronotum; LT: Total length; LL: Length of metatibiae; WE: Maximum width of elytra; WP: Maximum width of pronotum; WPA: Width of pronotal anteriad; WPB: Width of pronotal base. Troglocharinus ferreri (5) and Speonomites velox (6). Distribution ( Fig. 71 ). Only known from the type locality, Forat de Casa Nova (= Forat de Cases Noves, Avenc or Coves de Can Sala) in Fígols d’Organyà, between the rivers Segre and la Vansa ( Escolà 1971 ; Bellés & Déliot 1983 ).