“ Larger ” Benthic Foraminifera Of The Cenomanian. A Review Of The Identity And The Stratigraphic And Palaeogeographic Distribution Of Non-Fusiform Planispiral (Or Near-Planispiral) Forms Author SIMMONS, MICHAEL Halliburton, 97 Milton Park, Abingdon, OX 14 4 RW, UK & The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London, SW 7 5 BD, UK mike.simmons@halliburton.com Author BIDGOOD, MICHAEL GSS Geoscience Ltd., 2 Meadows Drive, Oldmeldrum, AB 51 0 GA, UK mike@gssgeoscience.co.uk text Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae 2023 2023-08-02 19 2 39 169 http://dx.doi.org/10.35463/j.apr.2023.02.06 journal article 10.35463/j.apr.2023.02.06 1842-371x 10834181 Pseudorhapydionina chiapanensis Michaud et al., 1984 Reference Illustration & Description Michaud et al. (1984) , Pls. 1 & 2 (not 11-14), p. 35-37. Pseudorhapydionina chiapanensis is similar in respects to both P. dubia and P. laurinensis . Michaud et al. (1984) outlines the main differences as P. chiapanensis having a thicker wall and less depressed sutures compared with P. laurinensis and a more parallel-sided seriate portion compared with P. laurinensis which is more flaring. It has somewhat more chambers in the seriate portion than P. dubia . Consorti et al. (2016b) notes it has fewer internal septula in the seriate portion than P. dubia and P. laurinensis , and which are thick, medium length and thickened at the base. See the Species Key Chart (Appendix) for diagnostic and other characteristics. Stratigraphic Distribution Early – late (but not latest) Cenomanian. Originally described from the early – middle Cenomanian of southern Mexico by Michaud et al. (1984) who associated the new species with Rotalipora apenninica (Renz) (= Thalmanninella appenninica ) (late Albian – lower late Cenomanian; Bidgood & Simmons, 2022 ). However, T. apenninica is not illustrated, so there is something of a question mark over the oldest age of P. chiapanensis . Aguilera-Franco (2000 , 2003 ) associated P. chiapanensis with P. dubia which she stated was a middle – late Cenomanian species. Aguilera-Franco & Allison (2004) placed the extinction of P. dubia within the late Cenomanian. Cenomanian Paleogeographic Distribution Central America/Caribbean. This species was originally described and illustrated from the Chiapas region in the far south of Mexico ( Michaud et al. 1984 ) and has subsequently only been reported from that region (i.e., the Maya Block), including Guatemala . Records include from the Guerrero-Morelos Platform ( Aguilera-Franco et al., 2001 ; Aguilera-Franco, 2000 , 2003 (illustrated); Aguilera-Franco & Romano, 2004; Aguilera-Franco & Allison, 2004 ; Bomou et al., 2019 ). Other records from southern Mexico include Michaud & Fourcade (1989) , Rosales-Dominguez et al. (1997 , 1998 illustrated); Cros et al. (1998) and Martens & Sierra-Rojas (2021) . Records from Guatemala include Michaud et al. (1992) ; Fourcade et al. (1999) ; Moeschler (2009 , illustrated); Caceres Flores (2016 , illustrated) and Radmacher et al. (2021 , illustrated). It was not reported by Omaña et al. (2012 , 2019 ) from central Mexico which suggests a very restricted area of distribution.