A new species of the genus Graphelmis DELÈVE, 1968 from China (Coleoptera: Elmidae) Author Dong, Xue Author Bian, Dongju text Zootaxa 2020 2020-01-24 4728 4 483 488 journal article 24254 10.11646/zootaxa.4728.4.7 94ba47a6-9421-48a4-add4-6f49f48575b7 1175-5326 3626634 6A4EFA48-5902-4A90-A5A1-9A67C36C07AC Graphelmis dulongensis sp. nov. ( Figs 1–8 ) Type material . Holotype (IAECAS) male: “ CHINA : Yunnan Province , Gongshan County , / Dulongjiang Township , Moon falls , 1135m , | 98°15’55”E , 27°39’58”N , / 2018.10.31 , leg Peng, Zhu & Dong” . Paratypes (IAECAS): 2 males , 5 females , same data as holotype ; 1 ex. : “ CHINA : Yunnan Province , Shangri-La City , / Pudacuo National Forest Park , 3495 m , | 99°54’30”E , 27°50’55”N , / 2018.11.04 , leg. Peng , Zhu & Dong” . Diagnosis. This new species is similar to Graphelmis schillhammeri in habitus, but can be distinguished by following: 1) median longitudinal yellowish marking on pronotum interrupted in middle; 2) basal yellowish marking on elytra not reaching the elyral suture, yellowish marking on distal third not extending to the apex of elytra; 3) male metatibiae with small terminal spines; 4) penis slightly constricted in middle with distal 1/10 gradually narrowed and apex curved; 5) parameres present. Description. Habitus as in Figs. 1–2 . BL: 3.2–3.5 mm , BW: 1.4–1.5 mm (n=8). Body elongate. Surface shiny. Pronotum and elytra with yellowish markings. FIGURES 1–2. Habitus of Graphelmis dulongensis sp. nov. 1. dorsal view, male. 2. ventral view, male Head. Antennae with 11 segments, yellowish brown; maxillary palpus 3-segmented, third segment inflated; labrum micro-punctured, punctures setigerous; clypeus as long as labrum; eyes oval in lateral view and distinctly convex in dorsal view. Thorax. Pronotum slightly wider than long, subparallel in basal 2/5, slightly attenuate anteriorly; densely and shallowly punctate, densely pubescent; median groove present from anterior 1/4 to posterior 1/4; median longi- tudinal yellowish marking on pronotum interrupted in middle; base with a pair of small admedian impressions. Surface of prosternum rugulose. Sides of prosternal process raised, subparallel, apex truncate with wide median protuberance; disc of prosternal process rugulose, sparsely punctate. Metaventrite with discrimen present in poste- rior 0.9; disc broadly and slightly impressed; surface rugulose, with few sparse punctures; sublateral area densely pubescent. Abdomen. Ventrite I with pair of admedian carinae not reaching posterior margin; ventrites I–IV with disc glabrous, sparsely punctate, and sides with plastron; ventrite V with basal 1/5 of disc glabrous, remaining surface densely pubescent. Elytra subparallel in basal 2/3, distinctly narrowed in distal third. Basal 1/3 with distinct trapeziform yellowish markings not reaching elytral suture; distal 1/3 with transversal markings, which slightly extend backwards at interval 4, not reaching elytral apex. Strial punctures large and deep in basal 2/3 separated by 0.5 time their diameter, becoming smaller and well separated in distal 1/3. Intervals flat, smooth and shining, sparsely punctate, except intervals 2–5 slightly elevated at base. Legs. Male metatibiae with small terminal spine ( Fig. 3 ), tarsus and tibia are all yellowish- brown; tibia with spines and setae; posterior of each tarsal segment with cilia. Aedeagus ( Figs 4–7 ) 1.0 mm long. Penis elongate, feebly sclerotized; in lateral view almost straight and curved at apex; in ventral view slightly constricted in middle portion; distal 1/10 gradually narrowed with apex broadly round; membranous endophallus fan-like. Parameres present, about 0.3 time as long as penis. FIGURE 3 . Graphelmis dulongensis sp. nov. : metatibial spines, male FIGURES 4–7 . Aedeagus of Graphelmis dulongensis sp. nov. , 4, 6 dorsal view; 5, 7 lateral view. Ovipositor ( Fig. 8 ) with terminal segment almost straight; preterminal segment ca. 3.6 × as long as terminal, outer side concave; basal segment about as long as preterminal and distal sclerites combined. Sexual dimorphism . No obvious sexual dimorphism, habitus of male and female are almost same size. Distribution. Known only from two localities in Yunnan Province , China . Etymology. Named after the type locality, Dulongjiang Township, Yunnan Province , China . Habitat. 1.5–2.0 m wide, cold, fast flowing stream, on a small slope, with pebbles, mossy stones, deadwood and sides with tall shrubs. The vegetation around the stream is dense, especially a kind of herb called Amomum tsaoko Crevost et Lemarie. See Fig. 9 .