Caridea (Crustacea, Decapoda) collected on the Brazilian (13 / 22 S) continental shelf and slope Author Cardoso, Irene text Zootaxa 2006 1364 1 44 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.174755 85193b41-eed1-4490-8a4a-c3153bdf5278 1175-5326 174755 Pontonia manningi Fransen, 2000 ( Figs. 19–22 )
Pontonia margarita — Holthuis, 1951a: 137 (part); Chace, 1972: 39 (part). (Not Pontonia
margarita Smith, 1869 ).
Pontonia manningi Fransen, 2000: 101 –108; 2002:102.
Material examined: 20o10´11”S , 37o27´70”W , 60m , 1 male ( 3mm ), MNRJ 19460. Diagnosis: Carapace, rostrum directed slightly downwards, flattened dorsally, upper margin with a small distal tooth and lower margin with a larger distal tooth. Strong, acute antennal spine. Stylocerite broad, with acute tip, reaching less than a half of basal antennular segment length, anteroleteral tooth well developed, reaching a half of second antenular peduncle segment length. Scaphocerite with distal tooth small, not overreaching blade. Telson with 2 pairs of dorsolateral cuspidate setae, and 3 pairs of distal cuspidate setae. Description: Carapace, rostrum directed slightly downwards, flattened dorsally, upper margin with a small distal tooth and lower margin with a larger distal tooth; strong, acute antennal spine; branchiostegal and hepatic spines absent ( Fig. 23 A). Stylocerite broad, with acute tip, reaching less than a half of basal antennular segment length, anteroleteral tooth well developed, reaching a half of second antenular peduncle segment length ( Fig. 19 B). Scaphocerite with distal tooth small, not overreaching blade ( Fig. 19 C). Mandible, incisor process curved, slender with 4 distal teeth and 2 median teeth; molar process formed by 5 strong blunt teeth and several acute median teeth; palp absent ( Fig. 20 A). Maxilla 1, distal endite with cupidate serrate setae on inner margin; palp bilobed distally, inner lobe curved, outer lobe small ( Fig. 20 B). Maxilla 2, scaphognathite with plumose setae on all margins; endopod one third of the scaphognathite length; endite bilobed both lobes slender, directed upwards, with simple setae on inner margin ( Fig. 20 C). Maxilliped 1, exopodal lobe broad, with plumose setae on outer margin; exopod well developed, once and a half the exopodal lobe length, with plumose articulated setae on tip; endopod one third of exopod length; endite with simple setae on inner margin ( Fig. 20 D). Maxilliped 2, basis and ischium fused; carpus short; large propodus with simple setae on anterior margin; dactylus slender, with serrate setae on anterior inner margin, and simple setae on posterior inner margin. Maxilliped 3, basis, ischium and merus fused with simple setae on inner margin; carpus with simple setae on inner margin; propodus and dactylus fused, small, with simple setae on inner margin ( Fig. 20 E). Pereopod 1 slender and elongate, shorter than second; propodus twice dactylar length ( Fig. 21 A). Pereopod 2 stronger and heavier than others; propodus broad, almost three times dactylar length ( Fig. 21 B). Pereopod 3 to 5 with dactylus short, broad biunguiculate ( Fig. 21 C–E); Pereopod 3, longer than pereopods 4 and 5 ( Fig. 21 C). Pereopod 4, propodus with one distal small cuspidate seta ( Fig. 21 D). Pereopod 5, shorter than pereopods 3 and 4; propodus with one distal small cuspidate seta (Fig. 215E). Male endopod of pleopod 1 leaf-like, with 4 small cuspidate setae on lateral margin ( Fig. 22 A). Male endopod of pleopod 2, appendix masculina two thirds of appendix interna length, with serrate setae on tip and on lateral margins ( Fig. 22 B); appendix interna digitiform with hook setae on tip ( Fig. 22 B). Telson with 2 pairs of dorsolateral cuspidate setae, and 3 pairs of distal cuspidate setae ( Fig. 22 C). Endopod of uropod without diaresis; lateral margin not ending in sharp triangular projection; without a posterolateral tooth ( Fig. 22 C). FIGURE 19. Pontonia manningi Fransen, 2000 , male, 3mm, MNRJ 19460; A. lateral view; B. right antennule, dorsal view; C. right antenna, dorsal view (as — antennal spine; st — stylocerite). Distribution: Western Atlantic: Caribbean Sea, North Caroline, Georgia , Florida, Gulf of Mexico , and Brazil (Espírito Santo ) . Eastern Atlantic: Canary Islands, Cape Verde Islands. Remarks: Only one species of genus Pontonia is recorded in Brazilian waters: Pontonia margarita Smith, 1869 (Ramos-Porto & Coelho, 1998). Holthuis (1951a) observed some variations (in rostrum and dactyl shape, and telson setae pattern) between Atlantic and Pacific specimens of P. m a rg a r i t a . Fransen (2000) compared a large number of specimens referred to as P. m a rg a r i t a from East Pacific and West Atlantic and described Pontonia manningi , based on Caribbean Sea material, presuming that the Atlantic specimens of P. m a rg a r i t a are synonymous to this new species. To distinguish these two species Fransen (2000) used differences in rostrum ventral tooth, robust in P. manningi and small in P. m a rg a r i t a ; distolateral margin of basal antennular segment, with tooth in P. manningi and without tooth in P. margarita ; and scaphocerite distal tooth, directed slightly inward in P. m a n n i n g i and directed strongly inwards in P. margarita . The specimen herein examined agrees with Fransen’s (2000; 2002) description in having all features mentioned to distinguish P. manningi from P. m a rg a r i t a and the stylocerite broad at base with acute tip; scaphocerite distal tooth small not overreaching blade; and mouth parts shape and setae pattern. A variation was observed on telson distal cuspidate setae, the outer pair is bigger and the inner pair is stouter than in Fransen´s (200; 2002) descriptions.