Seven new species and a checklist of the genus Thecobathra Meyrick from China (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae) Author Fan, Ximei Author Jin, Qing Author Li, Houhun text Zootaxa 2008 1821 13 24 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.183025 eda8839b-ee01-4b11-aa5c-c6d8ad118a32 1175-5326 183025 Thecobathra basilobata sp. nov. ( Figs. 1 , 8 ) Type material. Holotype : ɗ, CHINA : Mt. Baxian (Pahsien) [ 24°09'N , 121°01'E ], Taizhong, Taiwan , 800– 900 m , 16.viii.2006 , coll. Houhun Li and Xicui Du, genitalia slide no. FXM06123. Paratypes : 1 ɗ, same data as holotype ( NSU ); 1 ɗ, Sikanshui, Taizhong, Taiwan , 550–600 m , 4.viii.2006 , coll. Houhun Li and Xicui Du. Diagnosis. This species is similar to T. anas (Stringer) in the male genitalia, but can be distinguished easily from it by the socius bluntly angled at 1/4 on dorsal edge, the ventral margin of valva with distal 3/5 obliquely blunt, and the sacculus nearly straight ventrally. In T.anas , the socius is somewhat acutely angled at 1/4 on dorsal edge, the distal half of the ventral margin of the valva is roundly arched outward, and the sacculus is deeply concave inward ventrally. Description. Adult ( Fig. 1 ): Wing expanse 12.5–13.5 mm. Head white, with appressed scales on frons and rough scales tufted between antennae. Antenna with scape white, flagellum pale yellow. Labial palpus white, ascending. Thorax and tegula white. Forewing with apex rounded, termen bluntly oblique; white with scattered brown scales; distal 1/5 of costal margin and termen brown, forming a thin arched line; an oblique brown spot set at about 2/3 of fold; cilia white with greyish brown tip. Hindwing and cilia grey. Legs white; tibiae and tarsi pale yellow; hind tibia laterally with dark brown dot on end. Male genitalia ( Fig. 8 ): Socius bluntly angled at 1/4 on dorsal edge, slightly narrowed to apex; apex pointed and hooked. Tuba analis membranous. Ventral plate of gnathos with fine spines apically. Valva narrow at base, slightly widened to about 2/5, distal 3/5 gradually narrowed to rounded apex; ventral margin with distal 3/5 obliquely blunt, distinctly protruding at 2/5, forming a corner with a spine. Sacculus narrow, almost straight, only gently arched, with a large hairy lobe basally. Saccus with posterior half large U-shaped, anterior half gradually narrowed to bluntly rounded apex. Phallus about 1.5 times length of saccus, slender and straight, dorsal edge with distal half and ventral edge with distal 1/5 dentate, apex narrowly pointed. Female: Unknown. Distribution. China ( Taiwan ). Etymology. The specific name is derived from the Latin prefix basi -, and lobatus , referring to the distinct hairy lobe at the base of the sacculus.