The genus Trichoscypha (Anacardiaceae) in Upper Guinea: A synoptic revision Author Breteler, F. J. text Adansonia 2001 3 23 2 247 264 journal article 1639-4798 5180184 7. Trichoscypha laxissima Breteler , sp. nov. Trichoscyphae baldwinii Keay affinis sed foliolis laevibus non pustulatis, inflorescentia lax et pedicellis longioribus differt; Trichoscyphae cavalliensis Aubrév. & Pellegr. affinis sed floribus multo majoribus differt. TYPUS . — Stoop - van de Kasteele 186 , Liberia , Snofere Beach, Ƌ fl. Aug. (holo-, WAG). Shrublet. Branchlets appressed-puberulous. Leaves 2-3-jugate, petiole, rachis and the 2-3 mm long petiolules apressed-puberulous; leaflets papery, smooth, ovate-elliptic, 2.5-3 times as long as wide, 6-9 × 2.5-3 cm , shortly cuneate at base, apex caudate-acuminate, the acumen 1-1.5 cm long, often curved, obtuse to emarginate; lateral nerves 9-13 pairs, rather obscure on both sides; midrib above with an erect-hairy furrow, leaflets otherwise glabrous except for a few hairs on the midrib beneath and the top of the acumen. Male inflorescence terminal, very lax, nearly glabrous. Flowers pink, ± concentrated at the ends of the lateral branches, 4-merous, glabrous. Pedicel 10- 12 mm long; calyx ± 1 mm long, shallowly lobed; petals ovate-elliptic, 3.5 × 2 mm , spreading; stamens shorter than petals, 3 mm long, anthers ± 0.7 mm long; disc quadrate, ± flat. Female flower unknown. Fruit unknown. — Figs. 6 , 9. HABITAT AND DISTRIBUTION. — Only known from the type locality near Monrovia , Liberia , a riverbank in the Firestone Plantation .