Revision of the genus Oedematopus (Diptera, Dolichopodidae) with the description of a new genus and a key to the Neotropical genera of Hydrophorinae Author Naglis, Stefan M. text Zootaxa 2011 2756 40 52 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.201012 355c8ea5-bed4-4acd-bfc3-89c9644677b2 1175-5326 201012 Oedematopus crassitibia Van Duzee, 1929 ( Figs. 1 A, 2) Oedematopus crassitibia Van Duzee, 1929 : 39 . Type material examined. PARATYPES : GUATEMALA : 1 ɗ, “ElSalto Antigua Guat”, “J M Aldrich Coll v – 1 – 26 ”, [green label:] “M C Van Duzee Collection”, [label with red border:] “ Oedematopus crassitibia Paratype Van Duzee” [ CAS ]; 1 Ψ, same data and labels [ CAS ]; 3 ɗ, “ElSalto Antigua Guat”, “JM Aldrich Coll V – 1–26 ”, [red label] “ Paratype No 41052 U.S. N.M” [all specimens with same paratype number] [ USNM ]; 3 Ψ, same data and labels [ USNM ]. Additional material examined. MEXICO : 1 Ψ, Veracruz Rio, 3 km N Chocaman 2.V.1981 , C.M. & O.S. Flint, Jr. [ USNM ]; 1 Ψ, Puebla #1, 8mi. SE Huauchinango 14.VI.1961 , 6400’, G.W. Byers [ SEMC ]. GUATE- MALA : 2 ɗ, Dpto. Zacapa, 15°03.594'N , 89°56.243'W , near La Trinidad , 1600 m , 25.V.1997 , M.E. Irwin; 2 ɗ, Dpto. Zacapa, 15°03.59' N , 89°56.24'W , near La Trinidad , 1600 m , 27.V.1997 , malaise trap in stream bed. [ INHS ]. COSTA RICA : 1 ɗ, San Jose, Zurqui de Marovia, 1600 m , VI.1996 , P Hanson [ INBio ]; 1 Ψ, Puntarenas, Monteverde, 1500 m , 1-10.III.1992 , D.M. Wood, MT, beside stream [ INBio ]. Redescription. Male: Length ( paratype ): body 5.2 mm , wing 5.4 mm ; thorax 2.2 mm , abdomen 2.3 mm . Head: Face with dense silvery-white pruinosity, ratio narrowest distance between eyes to distance between ocellar setae = 7; ratio height of face and clypeus to narrowest distance between eyes = 3.3; palpus dark with silvery-white pruinosity and brown hairs; antenna dark brown; scape about twice as long as pedicel; pedicel about as long as high; first flagellomere ovate and about as long as high; arista dorsal, bare; frons with dark brown pruinosity above antennae and with silvery-white maculation along eye margins; vertex black with white pruinosity ventrally; pair of relatively short ocellar setae present; upper postoculars short and uniseriate, lower long, white and multiseriate. Thorax: Metallic green ground color of mesonotum mostly covered with dense black pruinosity, and with silverywhite pruinosity on area of anterior dc and on postpronotum; acrostichal setae absent; 6 dc present decreasing in size anteriad, posteriormost very weak; scutellum with pair of strong marginal setae, and without smaller additional setae; pleuron mostly covered with dense grayish pruinosity; propleuron with fine hairs. Legs: All legs including coxae dark, femora with dense grey pruinosity, trochanters partially yellow; CI with vertical row of long pale hairs; FI with dense long pale hairs along anterior side ( MSSC ); TI and It1-4 with ventral pile; TI with some very weak dorsal setae; FII with short spine-like av setae on basal half ( MSSC ), and row of short pv hairs along entire length ( MSSC ); TII with weak ad seta at about 1/2; IIt1 with ventral pile; FIII with ventral row of short spine-like setae along entire length ( MSSC ); TIII strongly swollen, about 2.5 times as wide as FIII , with dense short hairs ( MSSC ). All claws well developed, pulvilli absent. Relative podomere ratios: I: 52:43:29:7:5:4:9; II: 62:63:42:11:5:3:12; III: 65:103:26:21:10:5:8. Wing: With brownish tinge; R4+5 curved posteriad before wing apex; cross-vein dm-cu parallel to posterior wing margin and shorter than distal section of M ( Fig. 1 A); RMx ratio: 2.0; CuAx ratio: 5.5; lower calypter pale yellow with fan of yellow setae; halter stem brown, knob yellow. Abdomen: Metallic green, with brown pruinosity dorsally, and grey pruinosity ventrally; hairs and setae black; sternum 4 forming hood and partially enclosing hypopygium, with apical row of minute spine-like setae. Male genitalia ( Fig. 2 ): lateral epandrial lobe narrow, with 1 apical seta; median epandrial lobe short and curved apically; Vsur with 1 recurved seta; Dsur strongly curved, with two arms, lateral arm with 1 strong flattened seta, median arm with 1 flattened and 2 normal setae; cercus broadened apically, with long curved dorsal setae. Female: Similar to male, but face broader, with yellowish-brown pruinosity on face and on clypeus, its extension variable.