Maastrichtian Larger Benthic Foraminifera From The Arabian Plate Sensu Lato: New Data From Somalia, Turkey, And Iran Author Schlagintweit, Felix text Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae 2020 2020-05-18 16 2 69 83 journal article 10.35463/j.apr.2020.02.03 1842-371x 12583430 Pseudedomia hamaouii Rahaghi, 1976 Fig. 6 1976 Pseudedomia hamaouii n. sp. – Rahaghi, p. 6, pl. 1, fig. 1-11 (Campanian Gurpi Formation of Iran ). 1997 Fallotia sp. – Çoruh et al., pl. 74, figs. 4–5 (late? Maastrichtian Besni Formation of Turkey ). 2010 Fallotia ? sp. (probably new genus) – Sirel, pl. 2, figs. 5–13 (late Maastrichtian Beyobasi Formation of Turkey ). 2016a Fallotia jacquoti Douvillé – Schlagintweit et al., fig. 7L (late Maastrichtian Tarbur Formation of Iran ). ?2017 Pseudedomia hekimhanensis Görmüş – Solak et al., fig. 12 T1-T3 (Maastrichtian of S-Turkey). 2018 Pseudedomia sp. – Luger, p. 95, pl. 16, fig. 10 (late Maastrichtian Auradu Formation of Somalia ). Remarks: Test diameter is mostly between 1.6 mm and 2.0 mm (maximum 2.2 mm ), thickness is 0.3 mm to 0.5 mm . The tiny proloculus observed in some forms has a diameter from 0.06 mm to 0.07 mm ( Fig. 6d ). Adult specimens consist of up to 15 planispirally-involute coiled whorls. The original material of Rahaghi was deriving from two localities in the Zagros Zone belonging to the so-called Lopha Limestone Member of the Gurpi Formation and assigned to the upper Campanian ( Wynd, 1965 ; Hashmie et al., 2020). P. hamaouii is intermediate in size between the smaller P. hekimhanensis from the late Campanian?-Maastrichtian of Turkey ( Görmüş, 1999 ) and the larger type-species P. striata from the Maastrichtian of Qatar ( Henson, 1948 ). The specimens from Iran have been observed in the lower part of the Tarbur Formation in bioclastic packstones together with siderolitids, and Omphalocyclus ( Fig. 6a ). In southern Turkey it is recorded as P. hekimhanensis by Solak et al. (2019, fig. 9) from strata assigned to the lower Maastrichtian, namely an “ Orbitoides , Omphalocyclus , Siderolites assemblage zone”.