The New World Goblin Spiders Of The New Genus Neotrops (Araneae: Oonopidae), Part 1 Author Grismado, Cristian J. Author Ramírez, Martín J. text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2013 2013-12-02 2013 383 1 150 journal article 117816 10.1206/819.1 aaea09f8-fb97-44de-b9b3-c50e608a7197 0003-0090 5404446 Neotrops pithecia , new species Figures 80–82 , 86C–D ; map 8 TYPES: Male holotype from Peru : Loreto : Río Samiria , - 5.11666 ° , - 75.46666 ° , May 01, 1990 , to June 01, 1990 , T. Erwin , D. Silva ( MUSM PBI_OON 43168 ) ; 1♀ and 2♂ Paratypes ( MUSM PBI _ OON 43168) with same data. Deposited in MUSM . ETYMOLOGY: The specific epithet is a noun in apposition taken from one of the localities (Pithecia) where this species was collected. Fig. 81. Neotrops pithecia , new species , male PBI_OON 43168. A. Habitus, anterior view. B–D. Palp. B. Dorsal view. C. Prolateral view. D. Retrolateral view. DIAGNOSIS: Males share with those of N. platnicki an ovoid palpal bulb and similar trajectory of the seminal duct (figs. 81B–D, 86D), but differ in the shape of the conductor and partial fusion of bulb and cymbium. Females differ from other species in the group by the elongate anterior receptacle, gradually widened distally, and a very small posterodorsal plate, which has an irregular, wrinkled anterior margin (fig. 86C). DESCRIPTION: MALE (PBI_OON 43168). Total length 1.52. Cephalothorax: Carapace pale orange, ovoid in dorsal view, pars cephalica strongly elevated in lateral view, anteriorly narrowed to between 0.5 and 0.75 times its maximum width; lateral margin straight; nonmarginal pars cephalica setae absent; nonmarginal pars thoracica setae absent; marginal setae dark, needlelike. Clypeus setae dark, needlelike. Eyes PME largest, ALE circular, PME oval, PLE circular; posterior eye row procurved from front; ALE separated by more than their diameter, ALE-PLE touching, PME touching throughout most of their length, PLE-PME separated by less than PME radius. Sternum as long as wide, pale orange, anterior margin unmodified, posterior margin not extending posteriorly of coxae IV; setae sparse, evenly scattered. Mouthparts: chelicerae, endites, and labium pale orange; cheliceral setae light, evenly scattered. Labium anterior margin indented at middle; with six or more setae on anterior margin. Endites distally not excavated, anteromedian tip with backward folded ridge, with anterolateral folded margins (fig. 80E). Abdomen: Dorsum pale white. Book lung covers elliptical. Postepigastric scutum pale orange. Spinneret scutum absent. Dorsum setae dark, needlelike. Colulus represented only by setae. Legs: Pale orange; femur IV thickened, much larger than femora I–III. Leg spination: leg I: femora d1, tibiae v2-2-2-2-2-0, metatarsi v2-2-2-2; leg II: femora d1, tibiae v2-2-2-2-2-0, metatarsi v2-2-2-2; leg III: femora d1-1, tibiae p1-0, r1, v1ap, metatarsi p1-1; leg IV: femora d1-1-1, tibiae d1, p1-1, r1-1, v1ap, metatarsi d1-0-1, p1-1, r1-1. Trichobothria not examined. Genitalia: Palp proximal segments pale orange; femur normal size, two or more times as long as trochanter; cymbium pale orange, ovoid in dorsal view, fused with bulb but with clearly defined seam between on the retrolateral side (fig. 81D); bulb pale orange, more than two times as long as cymbium, slender, elongated; conductor complex distally, with two prolongations, one translucent, medial, with a ventral series of spicules, and other more prolateral, sclerotized, curved; both elements basally connectd with membrane; embolus dark (fig. 86D). Fig. 82. Neotrops pithecia , new species , female PBI_OON 43168. A. Habitus, dorsal view. B. Same, ventral view. C. Same, lateral view. D. Carapace, dorsal view. E. Cephalothorax, ventral view. F. Same, lateral view. G. Habitus, anterior view. H. Epigynum, ventral view. Map 8. Records of Neotrops pithecia + silvae (triangles) and N. pakitza (circles). FEMALE (PBI_OON 43168). Total length 2.00. As in male except as noted. Cephalothorax: Carapace broadly oval in dorsal view, anteriorly narrowed to less than half their maximum width. Eyes posterior eye row straight from front; ALE separated by their radius to diameter, ALE-PLE separated by less than ALE radius. Sternum precoxal triangles present; setae dark (fig. 82E). Labium elongated hexagon. Palp spines absent. Abdomen: Dorsum white. Book lung covers round. Postepigastric area setae dark, needlelike. Legs: Patella plus tibia I nearly as long as carapace. Leg spination: leg I: femora d1-1, tibiae v2-2-2-2-2-0, metatarsi v2-2-2-2; leg II: femora d1-1, tibiae v2-2-2-2-2-0, metatarsi v2-2-2-2; leg III: femora d1-1-1, tibiae p1-1, v1ap (very tiny), metatarsi p1-1, r0-1, v2subap; leg IV: femora d1-1-1; tibiae d1, p1-1, r1-1, v1-0-ap (very tiny), metatarsi d1, p0-1-1, r1-0-1, v1-2ap. Genitalia: Dorsal view: anterior receptacle elongated, gradually widened distally, apical part rounded; posterodorsal plate shorter than anterior receptacle, with irregular, wrinkled anterior margin; uterus externus opening broad, transverse (fig. 86C). OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: PERU : Loreto : Pithecia, - 5.18333 ° , - 72.70000 ° , May 01, 1990 , to June 01, 1990 , T. Erwin, 3♀ ( MUSM PBI _ OON 43063). DISTRIBUTION: Loreto ( Peru ), where is sympatric with N. silvae (map 8).