Notes on the genus Sakakibarella Creão-Duarte with description of three new species (Membracidae: Membracinae: Hoplophorionini) Author Camacho, Luis F. Author Flórez-V, Camilo Author Evangelista, Olivia text Zootaxa 2017 4281 1 90 107 journal article 28733 10.11646/zootaxa.4281.1.9 263fbd47-2940-46fb-b1c9-9d91b9bbac57 1175-5326 815947 03504C60-C768-4E06-937F-211B3F7BFEF2 Sakakibarella albinoi Flórez-V and Camacho sp. nov. Figures 4–5 , 9–10 , 17–18 , 25–26 , 30–35 , 47–49 , 53–54 Diagnosis. Females with general color reddish brown, mottled with light brown spots; posterior margin of maxillary plates perpendicular to longitudinal axis; dorsal process as long as wide, directed forward and upwards. Males black, mottled with light brown spots, pronotum lacking dorsal process. Description. Holotype female. Color . Mostly brown. Head dark brown, lighter on supraantennal ledges, eyes dark brown, ocelli light brown. Pronotum brown, mottled with light brown spots; metopidium, anterior horn and anterior part of dorsum (until near humeral angles) darker than rest of pronotum. Forewing membrane opaque pale brown with brown patches at basal cells M and Cu, and mid-clavus; sclerotized areas brown; forewing veins brown to dark yellow. Hindwings hyaline, apex smoky hyaline. Thoracic sternites and coxae dark brown. Femora, tibiae and tarsomeres brown. Metatibia partially translucent. Sculpture. Pronotum densely and deeply punctate, each pit with one erect and golden seta in the middle. Body covered in dense golden pubescence, including head, sclerotized areas of forewings, ventral region of thorax and legs. Abdominal terga III–VII with antero-lateral margins with depressions accompanied by finger-shaped integumental thickening. Head . In frontal view: width approximately 2/3 of distance between tips of humeral angles; eyes width approximately 1/4 of vertex width; ocelli closer to coronal suture than to eyes; vertex rectangular, medially convex; clypeus strongly curved posteriorly with width slightly less than 1/2 of vertex width; suprantennal ledges wide and narrow, lateral external angle round, posterior margin truncate, curved forwards, forming a continuous straight line with clypeus. In ventral view: clypeus ellipsoidal, ventrally flattened, with feeble transversal carina at same level of suprantennal ledges; maxillary plates distinctly expanded, almost reaching postocular lobes, visible outline resembling a right triangle; rostrum reaching posterior margin of metacoxae. Thorax . Pronotum: in frontal view: humeral angles triangular. In lateral view: pronotum with short anterodorsal process emerging right above postocular lobes, directed forward and upwards, approximately as long as wide at base, slightly tapering to round apex, median carina sharp and percurrent from metopidium to apex of posterior process, metopidium straight to base of anterior horn, dorsum descending in straight diagonal line from tip of anterior horn to apex of posterior process, acute and triangular, reaching apex of forewing clavus; in dorsal view: diamond shaped, lateral margins posterior to humeral angles discreetly sinuous, converging to an acute and triangular posterior process. Forewing with one s , one r-m , and two m-cu crossveins; five apical cells and two discoidal cells delimited by bifurcation of R and r , and two m-cu crossveins. Hindwing with R3 of equal length than R5. Metafemur distinctly shorter and more slender than pro- and mesofemora. Tibiae lacking cucullate setae in all three rows. Abdomen : Dorsum of tergites IV–VII with small tuberosites. Gonoplac with setae along postero-ventral margin and few small acanthae scattered over surface. Second valvulae widening toward apex, subapically narrowing toward the subtriangular apex; dorsal margin smooth, with very small tooth on apical 1/3; ventral sculpture area with linear striae; ramus extended to apical 1/3; canals restricted to apical 1/3. First valvulae with ventral and dorsal margins parallels to subapex, then narrowing to the pointed apex; ventral and dorsal sculpture areas with linear striae; ramus extended almost to apex. Males differ from females in the following features: Color : Mostly dark brown to black; pronotum mottled with pale yellow spots; legs yellow; forewings black, opaque. Head : narrower than in females, width approximately 1/2 distance between tips of humeral angles; eye width approximately 1/3 of head width. Thorax : Pronotum lacking antero-dorsal process, metopidium and dorsum widely curved above humeral angles, dorsal margin almost straight past humeral angles to apex of posterior process. FIGURES 1–6. Sakakibarella species in frontal view: (1) S. costaricensis Creão-Duarte , male holotype (INBio); (2) S. elongata Creão-Duarte , female holotype (UCMS); (3) S. seminigra Creão-Duarte , male holotype (DZUP); (4–5) S. albinoi Flórez-V and Camacho sp. nov. , female holotype and male paratype, respectively (CBUCES); (6) S. crassa Flórez-V and Camacho sp. nov. , male holotype (CBUCES). FIGURES 7–10. Sakakibarella species. In frontal view: (7–8) S. santaceciliae Flórez-V and Camacho sp. nov. , female holotype and male paratype, respectively (CBUCES). In fronto-ventral view: (9–10) S. albinoi Flórez-V and Camacho sp. nov. , female holotype and male paratype, respectively (CBUCES). Abdomen : Aedeagus robust, cylindrical, U-shaped; posterior arm 2x as tall as anterior arm; posterior arm gradually widened from base to tip in anterior and caudal view; corona with numerous rows of scale-like spines near anterior dorsal region of posterior arm; ventral longitudinal canal extending from base to tip of aedeagus. Styles curved ventrally and hooked-shaped, abruptly narrowed to acute tip. FIGURES 11–13. Sakakibarella species in fronto-ventral view. (11) S. crassa Flórez-V and Camacho sp. nov. , male holotype (CBUCES); (12–13) S. santaceciliae Flórez-V and Camacho sp. nov. , female holotype and male paratype, respectively (CBUCES). Late-instar nymph unknown. Remarks. Flórez-V et al. (2015) previously described these specimens, which were misidentified as S. sinuosa Creão-Duarte, 1997 . S. albinoi sp. nov. is distinguished from S. sinuosa mainly in the shape of the antero-dorsal horn, which is much narrower, and the straight dorsal contour of the pronotum. These two species also differ in their coloration. In live specimens, the yellow spots in the pronotum are brighter and hence contrast strongly with the rest of the pronotum. Females can vary in coloration from the holotype , sometimes appearing darker with less opaque wings ( Figs. 53–54 ). Males can also vary in coloration, some are light brown with less opaque wings ( Figs. 53–54 ). Presumably, these males are teneral adults, considering that other adults are much darker. Sakakibarella albinoi sp. nov. was observed feeding on Viburnum sp. ( Adoxaceae ). Females guarded their egg masses, which were inserted into the plant tissue and often located at the axils of the host-plant. Females did not desert the eggs when they were disturbed, and they usually responded by kicking and buzzing their wings while remaining on top of the egg mass. Some females appeared to have punctured host plant tissue adjacent to their egg mass. The type series was collected in an aggregation of 8 males and 7 females located on the main stem of the host plant, close to the apical meristem. FIGURES 14–19. Sakakibarella species in lateral view. (14) S. costaricensis Creão-Duarte , holotype male (INBio); (15) S. elongata Creão-Duarte , (UCMS); (16) S. seminigra Creão-Duarte , holotype male (DZUP); (17–18) S. albinoi Flórez-V and Camacho sp. nov. , female holotype and male paratype, respectively (CBUCES), (19) S. crassa Flórez-V and Camacho sp. nov. , holotype male (CBUCES). FIGURES 20–21. Sakakibarella santaceciliae Flórez-V and Camacho sp. nov. , female holotype and male paratype in lateral view, respectively (CBUCES). Distribution. COLOMBIA : Antioquia : Belmira (near Páramo de Santa Inés), Longitude: -75.648194°, Latitude: 6.615667°; and El Retiro (Reserva San Sebastián de la Castellana), Longitude: -75.546111°, Latitude: 6.113889°. Measurements. Female/Male (mm): Body length: 6.37/5.85; pronotum length: 4.62/3.31; pronotum height: 1.76/1.29; forewing length: 5.31/5.07; distance between humeral angles: 2.82/2.68; head width: 1.82/1.67; vertex width: 1.21/1.07; vertex length: 0.76/0.71. Examined material. Holotype female from COLOMBIA : Antioquia : El Retiro : “ COLOMBIA . Antioquia , El Retiro , Reserva \ San Sebastián de la Castellana , 6°6'50''N \ 75°32'46''W , 2900m , manual, agrupación de \ machos y hembras en Viburnum L., \ bosque, 23-ago-2014 \ leg. C. Bota , C. Flórez , L. Gómez \ CBUCES-F”. (CBUCES). Paratypes ( 5♀ and 8♂ in total). COLOMBIA : Antioquia : El Retiro : 2♀ and 5♂ with the same collection data as holotype ( 1♀ / 2♂ in CEUA ; 1♀ / 3♂ in CBUCES). COLOMBIA : Antioquia : Belmira : “ COLOMBIA . Antioquia , Belmira , Cerca del \ Páramo de Santa Inés , 06°36'56,4"N \ 75°38'53,5"W , 2900m , manual, hembra \ posada sobre huevos en Viburnum L., \ borde de bosque, 11-dic-2016 \ leg. V. Correa , C. Flórez , \ CBUCES-F” ( 2♀ in CBUCES); “ COLOMBIA . Antioquia , Belmira , Cerca del \ Páramo de Santa Inés , 06°36'56,4"N \ 75°38'53,5"W , 2900m , manual, dos machos \ y una hembra en Viburnum L., borde de \ bosque, 11-dic-2016 \ leg. V. Correa , C. Flórez \ CBUCES-F” ( 1♂ in CEUA , 1♂ and 1♀ in CBUCES); “ COLOMBIA . Antioquia , Belmira , Cerca del \ Páramo de Santa Inés , 06°36'56,4"N \ 75°38'53,5"W , 2900m , manual, en ápice de \ Viburnum L., borde de bosque, 16-ago-2015 \ leg. J. Cardona , V. Correa , C. Flórez , H. \ Londoño \ CBUCES-F” ( 1♂ in CBUCES). Notes on type series. Holotype minuten mounted, in excellent state of preservation. Paratypes equally well preserved, pinned or minuten mounted. One male and one female paratype with dissected abdomens placed in vials with glycerine pinned with specimens. Etymology. This species is named in honor of Dr. Albino Morimasa Sakakibara, one of the most prolific taxonomists of Auchenorrhyncha, and the mentor of many scientists and taxonomists.