An extraordinary new genus and species of spider wasps (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Pompilidae) from Southeast Asia
Akira Shimizu
Raymond Wahis
Anthony C. Harris
James P. Pitts
Journal of Natural History
journal article
Aberropompilus dayi
Shimizu & Wahis
sp. nov.
Figures 1
Description of the
Length: body
8.8 mm
; fore wing
6.1 mm
. Body devoid of long bristles, except for several stout bristles on upper frons and a few weak setae on sternum VI. Pubescence on body long and rather sparse, hence integument is visible.
Body black, yellow and orange. Head and mesosoma predominantly black with the following light yellow: V-shaped broad marking along inner orbits on upper frons (
Figure 2
A), lower frons, except for ill-defined brown markings below antennal sockets, clypeus, labrum, mandible, gena (
Figure 2
B), pair of large spots anterolaterally and pair of transverse spots posteriorly on pronotum, spots on upper and lower mesepisterna dorsally (
Figure 2
C), tegula and two pairs of large anterolateral spots on metasomal terga II and III; metasoma with the following orange-red: metasomal tergum I apically, terga II and basal two-thirds of tergum III, except for two pairs of yellow spots, sternum I apically and sterna II
III, remainder black. Antenna mostly reddish brown, darker toward apex dorsally; scape yellow laterally; scape, pedicel and flagellomere I yellowish brown ventrally. Maxillary galea, lacinia, palpus and labial palpus light yellow; other parts of labio-maxillary complex dark brown. All coxae except fore and hind coxal bases, fore and mid femora dorsally, except for bases, fore tibia dorsally, dorsobasal halves of mid and hind tibiae light yellow; fore and mid tarsi, mid tibia except dorsobasal half, hind femur apically and hind tibia internally and ventrally orangered; others blackish brown; fore tibial spur yellow; mid and hind tibial spurs ivorywhite. Fore- and hind wing bases light yellow; fore wing (
Figure 2
E) hyaline with yellowish tint, apically with a broad fuscous band covering apical three-quarters of marginal cell, SMCs 3 and 4, discal cell 3, apical margins of SMC2 and discal cell 2, and apical two-thirds of subdiscal cell 2 (
Figure 2
Head in frontal view 1.4 times as broad as long. Vertex moderately convex between eye tops (
Figure 1
A). Frontal line very short and faint near antennal sockets. Ratio of UID: MID:LID = 8.3: 10: 4.4. Eye 0.59 times half of MID. Ocelli large (
Figure 1
F); ocellar area not raised. Ratio of POD: OOD = 1: 0.24; POD 3.1 times as long as width of anterior ocellus. OVD/POD = 0.36. Gena in dorsal view very short, almost linear (
Figure 1
F), in lateral view 0.3 times eye width, strongly narrowed above, gradually broadened below (
Figure 1
B). Malar space as long as thickness of flagellum. Clypeus1.5 times as broad as long; anterolateral corner subangulate; apical rim very short, set off from main part of clypeus by fine groove; apical margin arcuately concave. Length ratio of palpomeres I
VI = 7: 14: 31: 35: 25: 31. Length ratio of scape, pedicel, and flagellomeres I and II = 12.9: 5: 10: 10; flagellomere I 3.4 times as long as broad, 0.47 times as long as UID. Posterior margin of vertex weakly concave in dorsal view (
Figure 1
Pronotum with shoulder slightly produced laterally (
Figure 2
A); lateral face smooth and strongly polished; posterior margin obtusely subangulate medially. Mesoscutum with parapsidal sulcus finely impressed, divergent anteriorly. Scutellum with lateral declivity very steep, smooth and strongly polished. Metanotum smooth and strongly polished laterally with disc declined posteriorly. Posterior margin of mesosternum remarkably produced posteriorly into pair of median lobes in front of mid coxae. Metapleuron with ventral and posterior rims distinctly set off from its main part by groove and reflexed (
Figure 2
C). Propodeum 1.1 times as long as broad in dorsal view, gradually narrowing caudad with small triangular, strongly polished area and short, sharply impressed median groove basimedially.
Fore wing with fifth abscissa of vein M, cross veins 2 and 3rs-m and 2 m-cu mostly unpigmented for most part (
Figure 2
E). Marginal cell removed from wing tip by 0.17 times its own length. Last three abscissae of vein Rs almost straight. Length ratio of cross vein 2r-rs and last three abscissae of vein Rs = 10: 6.7: 14.2: 25.8. SMC2 receiving cross vein 1 m-cu at basal 0.29. SMC3 0.87 times as long as SMC2 on vein M, 2.1 times as long as SMC2 on vein Rs, narrowed on vein Rs by 0.90 times its own length on vein M, receiving cross vein 2 m-cu almost at its base. Vein M with fifth abscissa deflected downward; last three abscissae almost straight. Last abscissa of hind wing vein M obsolete (
Figure 2
Fore tarsomere I almost as long as tarsomere V. Mid tibia with few minute spines dorsally. Hind tibia with dorsal spines much longer and more abundant than those on mid tibia. Longer spur of hind tibia 0.68 times as long as basitarsus. Hind tarsomere V with few small, irregularly arranged spines ventrally.
Metasoma broadest at apex of tergum II (
Figure 2
A). Sternum I strongly compressed laterally, smooth and strongly polished. Tergum VI and sternum VI compressed laterally (
Figure 2
Variation based on the paratype female
Length: body
5.7 mm
; fore wing
4.3 mm
. Body more extensively black than in
Figure 3
); the following light yellow: V-shaped narrow marking along inner orbits on upper frons, lateral narrow marking along inner orbit on lower frons, pair of apicolateral spots on clypeus, labrum, mandible, gena, pair of large spots anterolaterally and pair of transverse spots posteriorly on pronotum, tegula and two pairs of anterolateral spots on metasomal terga II and III; the following orange: metasomal tergum I apically, terga II and basal two-thirds of tergum III, except for two pairs of yellow spots, sternum I apically and sterna II
III. Antenna dark brown dorsally, darker toward apex; scape laterally and ventrally, and pedicel and flagellomere I ventrally yellowish brown; others light brown. Fore coxa anteriorly, all trochanters apically, fore femur and tibia anteriorly, fore tarsus, mid coxa, dorsoapical half of mid femur, mid and hind tibiae basally light yellow; mid tibia except basally, mid tarsus, hind femur apically, hind tibia ventromedially and hind tarsus orange-red; remainder dark brown.
Head in frontal view 1.5 times as broad as long. Ratio of UID:MID:LID = 8.4: 10: 4.9. Eye 0.53 times half of MID. Ratio of POD: OOD = 1: 0.26; POD 3.8 times as long as width of anterior ocellus. OVD/POD = 0.33. Gena in lateral view 0.3 times eye width. Clypeus 1.8 times as broad as long. Length ratio of scape, pedicel, and flagellomeres I and II = 14.3: 6.7: 10: 10.5; flagellomere I 2.8 times as long as thick, 0.38 times as long as UID.
Propodeum 0.99 times as long as broad.
Length ratio of fore wing cross vein 2r-rs and last three abscissae of vein Rs = 10: 5.7: 16.5: 25.2. SMC3 1.4 times as long as SMC2 on vein M, 3.0 times as long as SMC2 on vein Rs, narrowed on vein Rs by 0.88 times its own length on vein M.
Longer spur of hind tibia 0.67 times as long as basitarsus.
Type material
Batu Feringgi Catchment area
. T. Pagden
’ ‘
on tree trunk close to nests of
Trigona atripes
‘Pres by Com Inst Ent B M 1960-3
. I. E. COLL. NO. 16593
. T. Pagden Coll. B.M. 1971-461
1 ♀
Nam Nao NP
, Checkpoint
924 m
Malaise trap
8 March 2007
Leng Janteab
The species is named after Mr. M.C. Day, who showed AS the
specimen deposited at the NHMUK.