Identification guide to some Diaptomid species (Crustacea, Copepoda, Calanoida, Diaptomidae) of " de la Plata " River Basin (South America)
Perbiche-Neves, Gilmar
Boxshall, Geoffrey Allan
Previattelli, Daniel
Nogueira, Marcos Gomes
da Rocha, Carlos Eduardo Falavigna
journal article
classification Animalia Calanoida Diaptomidae
Notodiaptomus incompositus (Brian, 1926)
Figs 61, 62, 63, 64, 65
Diaptomus incompositus
Brian, 1926
Diaptomus paranaensis
Pesta, 1927
Adult male, body length 1029
. Rows of spinules present dorsally along posterior margins of Ped3 and Ped4 (Fig. 62A), and dorsal surfaces of Ur3 and Ur4 extensively ornamented with patches of small spinules (Fig. 62E, F). Caudal setae modified; each seta with strong plumose setules bilaterally and rounded apex (Fig. 61B, C). Modified seta of segment 13 of A1R strong, with bifid apex and not extending beyond distal margin of segment 14; spiniform process on segment 15 larger than on segment 16 (Figs 61A, 62D). Enp1 of A2 ornamented with pore and spinule row (Fig. 61E). Right BspP5 with internal and outer margins smooth (Fig. 62G). Right Exp1P5 longer than wide; right Exp2P5 cylindrical, internal margin with sclerotized process near middle (Figs 61D, 62B); lateral spine of Exp2P5 inserted subterminally, slightly curved, short, less than 1/3 length of terminal claw (Fig. 62C).
Figure 61.
Notodiaptomus incompositus
male. A Segments 13-16 of A1R B Caudal seta showing reticulate form C Dorsal view of CR D P5 E First segment of Enp of antenna.
Figure 62.
Notodiaptomus incompositus
male, SEM photographs. A Dorsal view of Ped3, Ped4, Ped5 and GS (100
), showing detail of dorsal rows of spinules B, C P5 (100
) D Segments 10-15 of A1R (100
) E Dorsal view of Ur4 (50
) F Dorsal view of Ur3 (20
) G P5L, and Cx and Bsp of P5R (100
Adult female, body length 1310
. Complete suture present between Ped4 and Ped5; transverse row of short spinules present along posterior margin of Ped4 (Fig. 63A); row of long setules, present dorsally on Ped5 (Fig. 64B); lateral wings asymmetrical (Fig. 64A, B), left wing narrower than right, each with two unequal sensillae, large sensilla at apex of wing. Sensilla about 1.5 times longer than wide. GS asymmetrical, approximately 1.5 times longer than wide: slightly dilated anteriorly, with swelling on right side larger than left; sensilla present at apex of each swelling, slightly on dorso-lateral surface on right side (Fig. 63A). P5 symmetrical (Figs 63B, 64C) with small conical process at outer distal corner of CxP5 bearing long blunt sensilla, approximately 2.6 times longer than wide. BspP5 with long external seta, equal in length to external margin of Exp1P5. EnpP5 approximately 3/4 of length of internal margin of Exp1P5. Exp 3-segmented; lateral spine of Exp2P5 as long as external margin of Exp3P5; internal seta of Exp3 about 2.3 times longer than external seta; internal seta reaching almost to middle of terminal claw (Fig. 64C).
Figure 63.
Notodiaptomus incompositus
female. A Posterior part of prosome and GS, showing details of dorsal spinule row B P5.
Figure 64.
Notodiaptomus incompositus
female, SEM photographs. A Dorsal view (100
) B Posterior pedigers and GS (50
) C P5 (100
This species was collected in the Machadinho Reservoir (MAC-U) on the Uruguay River and it can be easily identified by the unusual form of the caudal
. It is distributed across the southern part of de la Plata river basin, including southern Brazil, south of the
River (Fig. 65), and it also occurs widely in Argentina and Uruguay. In the present study,
Notodiaptomus incompositus
was among the dominant species and it tended to occur abundantly in reservoirs and river stretches irrespective of their trophic status (eutrophic, mesotrophic, and oligotrophic), as observed for
Notodiaptomus henseni
. In general,
Notodiaptomus henseni
was the dominant species in the northern part of de la Plata river basin, while
Notodiaptomus incompositus
was dominant in the southern sector.
Figure 65. Geographical distribution of
Notodiaptomus incompositus
in de la Plata river basin.