A survey of Diphya Nicolet, 1849 (Araneae: Tetragnathidae) from South Africa Author Omelko, Mikhail M. 0000-0002-1556-6248 Federal Scientific Center of East Asia Terrestrial Biodiversity, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok 690022, Russia Far Eastern Federal University, Laboratory of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology of Aquatic Organisms (LEEBAO), School of Natural Sciences, Vladivostok 690091, Russia & omelkom @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 1556 - 6248 omelkom@gmail.com Author Marusik, Yuri M. 0000-0002-4499-5148 Institute for Biological Problems of the North, Portovaya Street 18, Magadan 685000, Russia & Department of Zoology & Entomology, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein 9300, South Africa & Zoological Museum, Biodiversity Unit, University of Turku, FI- 20014, Finland & yurmar @ mail. ru; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 4499 - 5148 yurmar@mail.ru Author Lyle, Robin 0000-0002-5279-5306 Biosystematics: Arachnology, ARC-Plant Health and Protection, Pretoria, South Africa & LyleR @ arc. agric. za; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 5279 - 5306 text Zootaxa 2020 2020-12-30 4899 1 259 279 journal article 8803 10.11646/zootaxa.4899.1.14 9730d2b0-31d4-421c-8ca9-d7c8cf5b89e4 1175-5326 4400533 1CD410D3-F192-46D0-8BF2-A6E977BEFA33 Diphya simoni Kauri, 1950 Figures 1 D–F, 2D-E, 3C, E–F, 4A–B, F, H–I, 5A–B, E, G–I, 6D, 7C, H, 8C, 9A–B, D–E, 10F–K, 11A, 12A–P, 13D, K–L Diphya simoni Kauri, 1950: 8 , fig. 6 ( holotype from SOUTH AFRICA : Mpumalanga : Kruger National Park , Pretoriuskop Camp, 4.XI.1948 , Lund Museum, with dissected and lost epigyne—examined); Marusik, 2017: 127, figs 7–9, 19. Diphya capensis Simon, 1894: 744 ( nomen nudum ); Bonnet, 1956: 1477 (marked as nomen nudum ). Diphya tanikawai Marusik, 2017: 135 , figs 1–6, 13–18 ( holotype and paratype from SOUTH AFRICA : Western Cape : Cape Town, Table Mt., Platteklip Gorge, 33.9608°S , 18.408307°E , leg. Y.M. Marusik, 29.I.2017 , NCA—examined) syn. nov. Diagnosis. Both sexes of this species differ clearly from other South African species by having a distinct pattern on the carapace, which is lacking in the other species, or presenting only as a light median band. The male palp of this species is most similar to that in D. foordi sp. nov. and differs by the the straight anterior margin of the conductor ( vs . roundly bent), the shorter cymbial process (1/5 of cymbial length vs . 1/2), and the relatively shorter embolic loop, ca. 1/2 of cymbial length vs . almost as long as cymbium. Females of D. simoni differ clearly from the other species by the shape of the septum, and the septum extended over the plate of the epigyne ( Figs 12M , O–P, 13L). Description. Male (NCA 2008/3048). TL 2.46. CL 1.41, CW 1.06. Carapace dark brown, with yellow median band. Shape and color of median band differing between males: wide, yellow, narrow at middle part ( Fig. 1E ), divided in 2 large, yellow spots ( Fig. 1D ), or in one male, these spots poorly visible ( Fig. 1F ). Clypeus yellowish, twice higher than AME diameter. Chelicerae and mouthparts dark brown. Chelicerae with 3 promarginal and 3 retromarginal teeth. Retromarginal teeth significantly smaller than promarginal ones. Sternum yellowish, with 3 pairs of black spots at edges and black longitudinal band. Femora of all legs light brown; III–IV with poorly visible or distinct rings. Patellae light brown; III–IV lighter than Pa I-II with poorly visible gray spots at lateral sides. Tibiae light brown; III–IV with gray rings. Metatarsi and tarsi I–II light-brown; III–IV lighter than I–II. Abdomen dorsally dark-brown, surrounded by white guanine line and with poorly visible pair of black spots at frontal part. Lateral sides dark gray, with thin longitudinal yellow stripes. Ventrally dark gray, surrounded by yellowish spots. Palp and leg segment lengths
Fe Pa Ti Mt Ta Total
palp 0.37 0.09 0.07 - 0.36 0.89
I 1.46 0.49 1.24 1.41 0.71 5.31
II 1.29 0.46 1.11 1.21 0.66 4.73
III 0.79 0.29 0.53 0.57 0.40 2.57
IV 1.00 0.29 0.74 0.86 0.43 3.31
Legs I-II spination
Fe Pa Ti Mt
I 3p2r 1d 2d3p1r 1d
II 1d2(3)p3r 1d 2d1p1r 1d
Palp as in Figs 7C, H , 8C , A–B, D–E; femur as long as cymbium; cymbial process short, 3 times shorter than cymbium, length:width ratio 2; conductor straight, gradually tapering; embolus long, almost as long as cymbial length. Female (NCA 2011/2888). TL 3.65, CL 1.64, CW 1.24. Carapace yellowish, with dark-brown edges and with Y or X markings. Clypeus yellowish, somewhat lower than AME diameter. Ocular area yellow. Chelicerae and mouthparts light brown. Chelicerae with 3 promarginal and 3 or 4 retromarginal teeth. Retromarginal teeth significantly smaller than promarginal ones. Sternum brown, with dark edges and longitudinal stripe. Legs as in male, but spots and rings more distinct. Abdomen dorsally light brown, with number of guanine spots and couple of large black spots in frontal part. Lateral sides dark gray, with yellow spots and stripes. Ventrally as in males, but lighter. Palp and leg segment lengths
Fe Pa Ti Mt Ta Total
palp 0.43 0.21 0.40 - 0.44 1.49
I 1.63 0.64 1.49 1.57 0.83 6.15
II 1.50 0.50 1.29 1.51 0.73 5.53
III 1.09 0.37 0.73 0.79 0.46 3.43
IV 1.36 0.43 0.99 1.07 0.50 4.34
Spination of legs I–II
Fe Pa Ti Mt
I 1p - 1d3p1r 1d
II 1d1r 1d 2d2(1)p1r 1d
Mt I–II and distal parts Ti I–II with row of prolateral spines. Epigyne as in Figs 11A , 12 A–P, 13D, K–L; shape of epigyne and its appearance variable, especially septal stem and base ( Figs 12 A–L); septum about 1.33 times wider than long, stem short, shorter than septal base, with subparallel lateral margins or diverging posteriorly (stem triangular), stem with distinct lateral pockets ( Lp ); whole septal base extending across epigynal plane, central part of base with extended lateral parts ( Figs 12M,P , 13L ), central part (= septum base, Sb ) well distinct in ventral view in some specimens ( Figs 12A,L ) or almost indistinct ( Figs 12C , E–F). Receptacles pear-shaped, with globular heads and thinner posterior part, globular parts slightly spaced. Other material examined. SOUTH AFRICA : Eastern Cape : Cape St. Francis , 34°11.4’S , 24°49.2’E , leg. J. Leroy , 8.IV.2007 (plants), 1♀ ( NCA 2010 /121); Hogsback, Amatola Mountains , 32°35.4’S , 26°55.2’E , leg. UFS Entomology students, 25.III.2007 (foliage, beating), 1♁ 4♀ ( NCA 2007 /1240); Same locality and collectors, 4.IV.2006 (pine plantation, sweepnet), 1♀ ( NCA 2010 /2666); Jeffrey’s Bay , 34°03.6’S , 24°54.6’E , leg. L. Wiese , 17.VI.2006 (orb-webs), 2♀ ( NCA 2010 /3143); Port Elizabeth , Klein River Gorge Wilderness, 33°57.0’S , 25°36.6’E , leg. J. Neethling & C. Luwes , 7.XII.2011 (bushveld, litter sifting), 1♁ ( NCA 2013 /1080) . KwaZulu-Natal : Midlands , Baynesfield , 29°40.620’S , 29°55.32’E , leg. I. Yekwayo , 1.I.2014 (grassland, pit trap ), 1♁ ( NCA 2015 /1559), 1♀ ( NCA 2015 /1558); Midlands , Good Hope Plantation , Boston , 29°39.046’S , 29°58.565’E , leg. I. Yekwayo , 1.I.2014 (grassland, pit trap ), 1♁ ( NCA 2015 /1547), 1♀ ( NCA 2015 /1560) . Mpumalanga : Mariepskop , Vacuum , 24°34.8’S , 30°52.2’E , L. Taylor , 1.II.2014 (grassland, mountain), 1♁ 1♀ ( NCA 2015 /4967) . North West : Zeerust , 25°31.8’S , 26°04.8’E , leg. N. Hahn , 2.IV.2010 (ground habitat, rocky outcrop, active search below knee), 1♀ ( NCA 2011 /2888) . Western Cape : Hermanus , 34°24’S , 19°15’E , leg. V.L. Hamilton-Attwell , 6.XII.2006 (litter sifting), 1♁ ( NCA 2008 /3048); Table Mountain National Park , Constantia Nek , 34°00.6’S , 18°24.6’E , leg. C. Uys , 7.XI.2008 (litter sifting), 1♀ ( NCA 2010 /2531); Same locality, Cecilia Rooikat , Pinus 33°59.4’S , 18°25.2’E , leg. C. Uys , 23.V.2008 , 1♀ ( NCA 2010 /3128) .
FIGURE 4. Female habitus of Diphya simoni Kauri, 1950 (A–B, F, H–I), D. vanderwaltae sp. nov. (C), D. wesolowskae sp. nov. (D) and D. foordi sp. nov. (E, G) (B Holotype of D. tanikawai Marusik, 2017 ; H Holotype of D. simoni ). A–F, H; G–I Habitus, dorsal; G, I Prosoma, dorsal. Comments. The epigyne of the holotype female of D. simoni was not found; maybe it remained on the preparation slide. Study of the numerous specimens with a differently developed septum, and females collected with males, lead us to conclusion that the two species names should be synonymized, although their type localities are far away from each other. All specimens that we consider as D. simoni have a well-developed pattern on the carapace, and females have distinct hoods (pockets) on the septal stem. Distribution. This species has the widest range among African Diphya and is known across the whole of South Africa , from the Western Cape Province to Mpumalanga Province (type locality) ( Fig. 14 ). The type locality of D. simoni is located far away from other localities but is very close to those of D. leroyorum sp. nov. (known from the holotype male only). This can be caused either by mislabeling, or because we wrongly synonymized D. tanikawai . Types of both species and all studied specimens have a distinct carapace pattern, which is absent in D. leroyorum sp. nov.