Annotated checklist of the spiders (Arachnida, Araneae) of the Site of Community Importance and Special Area of Conservation “ Alpi Marittime ” (NW Italy) Author Isaia, Marco Author Paschetta, Mauro Author Chiarle, Alberto Lab. di Ecologia - Ecosistemi terrestri, Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita e Biologia dei Sistemi, Università di Torino, Via Accademia Albertina, 13 - 10123 Torino (Italy) marco. isaia @ unito. it text Zoosystema 2015 2015-03-31 37 1 57 114 journal article 10.5252/z2015n1a4 1638-9387 4577680 Phrurolithus minimus C. L. Koch, 1839 NEW DATA . — Entracque : Tetti Violin , grassland with bushes, 900- 1100 m , 10.VI.2011 , 1♂ (collected within the PIT Summer School 2011) ; Valdieri : pathway to Pian del Valasco , beech forest near stream, 1500-2000 m , 29.VI.2009 , 1♀ ; southern slope of Monte Bourel , Vallone della Meris , Sant’Anna di Valdieri , Alpine prairies with rocky debris, 1500-2300 m , 1-31.VIII.2011 ( pitfall traps ), 1♂ . CHOROTYPE. — EUR. MACROHABITAT. — Alpine pastures, Alpine prairies, broadleaved woods, shrublands, riparian habitats. NOTES. — New record for the study area.