The spider mites of the genus Eutetranychus Banks (Acari, Trombidiformes, Tetranychidae) from Saudi Arabia: two new species, a re-description, and a key to the world species Author Kamran, Muhammad Author Khan, Eid Muhammad Author Alatawi, Fahad Jaber text ZooKeys 2018 799 47 88 journal article 1313-2970-799-47 9BEDE3E77066402FA30E7F55361E989B 9BEDE3E77066402FA30E7F55361E989B Eutetranychus neotranversus sp. n. Figures 16, 17, 18, 19−22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27-30 Diagnosis (Female). Dorsal body setae slender and serrate, all set on small tubercles; hysterosoma medially with transverse striae; propodosoma with lobed striae, hysterosomal striae simple (without lobes); stylophore slightly notched anteriorly; leg I shorter than body length; femora, genua, tibiae and tarsi I−IV: 5−4−2−1; 4−4−1−2; 6 (1)−5−4−4; 12(3ζ, 2ω)−11(3ζ, 1ω)−10(1ω)−10(1ω), respectively. Description. Female (n = 8) (Figures 16-22). Body oval; length of body (excluding gnathosoma) 347 (340−355), (including gnathosoma) 425 (415−430) and maximum width 263 (255−270). Dorsum (Figure 16). Propodosoma medially with longitudinal striae, propodosoma with lobed striae, hysterososma medially with transverse striae, hysterosoma with simple striae; dorsal body setae slender and serrate, all dorsal setae with small tubercles, setae v2 reaching about two third to the distance v2−v2, reaching to the base of setae sc1; most hysterosomal setae distinctly shorter than distances of setae next row distance f1−f1 almost as long as d1−d1 but more widely spaced than c1−c1 and e1−e1. Length of dorsal setae: v2 34 (32−36), sc1 37 (36−38), sc2 32 (32−33), c1 24 (24−25), c2 36 (35−36), c3 23 (22−23), d1 33 (33−35), d2 38 (36−38), e1 37 (36−38), e2 42 (40−44), f1 39 (36−41), f2 26 (24−27), h1 28 (27−29); distances between dorsal setae: v2−v2 53 (51−55), sc1−sc1 95 (93−96), sc2−sc2 163 (160−165), c1−c1 58 (55−59), c2−c2 168 (160−170), c3−c3 263 (260−268), d1−d1 95(93−97), d2−d2 179 (174−185), e1−e1 63 (61−66), e2−e2 168 (163−170), f1−f1 73 (70−75), f2−f2 100 (97−102), h1−h1 26 (25−28), v2−sc1 27 (26−29), sc1−sc2 43 (42−45), sc2−c3 89 (87−90), sc2−c2 58 (57−59), sc2−c1 86 (85−87), c1−c2 53 (52−55), c2−c3 50 (50−52), d1−d2 48 (47−49), e1−e2 47 (46−48), f1−f2 21 (20−22), c1−d1 63 (60−64), c2−d2 74 (73−75), d1−e1 68 (66−69), d2−e2 74 (73−75), e1−f1 42 (41−43), e2−f2 53 (52−54), f1−h1 40 (39−41), f2−h1 37 (36−38). Figure 16. Eutetranychus neotransversus sp. n. Female, Dorsum (A, B). Venter (Figure 17). Area between setae 1a−g1 with transverse striae. Length of ventral setae: 1a 37 (34−38), 3a 39 (39−40), 4a 40 (41−42), 1b 44 (41−44), 1c 43 (42−44), 2c 37 (35−38), 3b 36 (35−38), 4b 36 (33-37); distances between intercoxal and coxae setae: 1a−1a 53 (51−54), 3a−3a 68 (66−70), 4a−4a 95 (92−97); agential setae ag 42 (37−43), ag−ag 85 (83−86); genital setae: g1 33 (30−33), g2 32 (30−32), g1−g1 25 (24−26), g2−g2 81 (76−85); anal setae two pairs: ps1= ps2 14 (13−15), ps1−ps1 23 (21−23), ps2−ps2 23 (22−23); para−anal setae two pairs: h2 28 (27−28), h3 26 (26−28), h2−h2 31 (29−34), h3−h3 75 (72−77); all ventral setae simple except h2 and h3 slightly barbed. Spermatheca not clear. Figure 17. Eutetranychus neotransversus sp. n. Female, A Genito-anal region B Venter. Gnathosoma (Figure 18). Subcapitular setae m 23 (22−25), m−m 42 (39−44) (Figure 17). Palp femur and genu each with one setae, d 40 (39−44), l" 42 (40−43); palp tibia with three setae d 16 (14−17), l" 23 (21−25), l' 23 (21−25) and a palp tibial claw; palp tarsus 16 (16−17) long, 11 (11−12) wide at base, with three setae a 7 (7−8), b 7 (6−7) both simple, c 13 (12−13) slightly barbed, three eupathidia suζ'' 7 (6.5−7) long, 1.60 wide, ul'' ζ 6, ul'ζ 6 and one solenidion ω 5 width 1.7 (1.5−2) (Figure 18). Stylophore anteriorly slightly notched; peritreme ending with a simple bulb (Figure 16). Figure 18. Eutetranychus neotransversus sp. n. Female, Palp. Legs (Figures 19-22). Length of legs I−IV (trochanter to pretarsus): 257 (250−265), 221 (216−225), 215 (210−225), 242 (235−250) respectively; leg I: trochanter 24 (23−25), femur 105 (102−107), genu 58 (54−63), tibia 57 (54−59), tarsus 68 (66−70); leg II: trochanter 30 (29−33), femur 95 (92−98), genu 53 (50−55), tibia 48 (46−50), tarsus 63 (61−65); leg III: trochanter 32 (30−34), femur 74 (71−75), genu 40 (39−41), tibia 68 (66−70), tarsus 68 (66−70); leg IV: trochanter 32 (30−35), femur 95 (91−98), genu 42 (40−45), tibia 74 (71−76), tarsus 70 (69−73); chaetotaxy of legs I−IV (eupathidia and solenidia in parenthesis): coxae 2−1−1−1, trochanters 1−1−1−1, femora 5−4−2−1, genua 4−4−1−2, tibiae 6(1)−5−4−4, tarsi 12(3ζ, 2ω)−11(3ζ, 1ω)−10(1ω)−10(1ω). Figures 19-22. Eutetranychus neotransversus sp. n. Female, 19 Leg 1 20 Leg 2 21 Leg 3 22 Leg 4. Male (n = 2) (Figures 23-30). Body oval; Length of body (excluding gnathosoma) 236−246, (including gnathosoma) 335−353, maximum width 154−165. Dorsum (Figure 23). Propodosoma medially with longitudinal striae; hysterosoma medially with transverse striae; all dorsal body setae slender, serrate and sub-equal in length, setae sc2 and hysterosomal setae with small tubercles. Length of dorsal setae: v2 19−21, sc1 18−20, sc2 20−24, c1 19−22, c2 24−28, c3 21−24, d1 20−23, d2 25−27, e1 24−26, e2 20−24, f1 28−33, f2 20−23, h1 19−21, h2 9−11, h3 12−13; distance between dorsal setae: v2−v2 48−54, sc1−sc1 80−85, sc2−sc2 143−148, c1−c1 35−37, c2−c2 115−120, c3−c3 160−164, d1−d1 63−65, d2−d2 120−125, e1−e1 32−36, e2−e2 86−90, f1−f1 42−43, f2−f2 68−70, h1−h1 25−27, h2−h2 17−19, h3−h3 38−40, v2−sc1 32−33, sc1−sc2 36−38, sc2−c3 43−45, sc2−c2 32−34, sc2−c1 60−63, c1−c2 37−38, c2−c3 26−28, c1−d1 24−26, c2−d2 37−38, d1−e1 42−45, d2−e2 32−34, e1−f1 43−45, e2−f2 38−40, f1−h1 22−22, f2−h1 28−30. Figure 23. Eutetranychus neotransversus sp. n. Male, Dorsum. Venter (Figure 24). Idiosoma ventrally with transverse striae from setae 1a−ag. Length of ventral setae; 1a 35−38, 3a 22−24, 4a 26−28, 1b 45−48, 1c 42−47, 2b 26−30, 3b 30−33, 4b 27−28; distance between setae: 1a−1a 55−58, 1b−1c 13−16, 3a−3a 44−47, 4a−4a 62−65; aggenital setae: ag 14−16, ag−ag 10−11; genital setae: g1 10−11, g2 11−12, g1−g1 16−17, g2−g2 24−26; anal setae two pairs: ps1 8−9, ps2 12−13, ps1−ps1 8−9, ps1−ps2 6−7. Figure 24. Eutetranychus neotransversus sp. n. Male, Venter. Gnathosoma (Figure 25). Subcapitular setae m 24−28, m−m 30−31 (Figure 24); palp femur and genu each with one setae d 20−22, l" 26; palp tibia with three setae d 12−13, l" 17−19, l' 8 and a palp tibial claw; palp tarsus 11 long, 8 wide, with 3 simple setae a 7−8, b 6, c 10−11, 3 eupathidia ul'' ζ = ul'ζ 6−7, width 0.7 (0.6−0.9) suζ 4, 0.6 (0.5−0.7) a solenidion ω 3.5 long, width 1 (0.9−1.2) (Figure 25). Stylophore slightly notched; peritremes with simple bulb terminaly (Figure 23). Figure 25. Eutetranychus neotransversus sp. n. Male, Palp. Aedeagus (Figure 26) bends dorsad at an angle of 90°; the bent portion blunt distally, shaft 8 long, 4 wide, bent portion 2.5 long. Legs (Figures 27-30). Length of legs I−IV (trochanter to pretarsus): 315−325, 269−275, 265−271, 268−275 respectively; chaetotaxy of legs I−IV (eupathidia and solenidia in parenthesis): coxae 2−1−1−1, trochanters 1−1−1−1, femora 8−6−4−1, genua 5−5−2−2, tibiae 9(4)−5(3)−5−4, tarsi 11(2ζ, 2ω)−11(3ζ, 2ω)−10(1ω)−10(1ω). Figure 26. Eutetranychus neotransversus sp. n. Male, Aedeagus. Figures 27-30. Eutetranychus neotransversus sp. n. Male, 27 Leg 1 28 Leg 2 29 Leg 3 30 Leg 4. Immature stages. Unknown. Etymology. The species name is derived from the transverse striations on dorsal hysterosoma. Type material. Holotype female and four paratype females, Juniperus procera Hochst. Ex Endl. ( Cupressaceae ), Al-Shifa road, Taif, 21°04.690'N , 040°18.928'E , elevation 2244 m, 11 Oct 2016, leg. M Kamran and M Rehman; three paratype females, J. procera , Ash Shifa road, Taif, 21°06.481'N , 040°20.526'E , elevation 2133 m, 12 Sept 2017, leg. Eid M Khan and M Rehman. Remarks. Eutetranychus neotransversus sp. n. belongs to orientalis species group. It closely resembles E. transverstriatus Smiley & Baker, 1995 because the entire hysterosoma dorsomedially in both bear transverse striations. The new species is different from E. transverstriatus by stylophore anteriorly slightly notched vs. rounded; hysterosomal striae without lobes vs. with distinct lobed striae; number of setae on femora I−IV 5−4−2−1 vs. 7−7−4−3; genu III 1 vs. 2 and tibiae I−IV 6(1)−5−4−4 vs. 10−6−6−6 in E. transverstriatus (Table 1).