Pheidole in the New World. A dominant, hyperdiverse ant genus. Author Wilson, E. O. text 2003 Harvard University Press Cambridge, MA book 20017 Pheidole spathipilosa new species Types Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard. etymology L spathipilosa , paddle-haired; see distinctive clavate hairs. diagnosis A unique species of the fallax group somewhat similar to members of the " jujuyensis complex" comprising araneoides , cuevasi , durionei , jujuyensis , kugleri , leonina , leptina , lucretii , lupus , paraensis , punctithorax , tijucana , wallacei , and wolfringi , but easily distinguished as follows. Major: clavate hairs present on occipital margin, as depicted; antennal scape slightly exceeds occipital comer in full-face view; widely spaced carinulae cover the outer halves of the frontal lobes and all of the posterior dorsal half of the head, including the occiput; pronotal dorsum foveolate and bearing scattered, short carinulae and rugulae; first gastral tergite weakly shagreened. Minor: pilosity sparse, with many of the hairs along the dorsal profde of the head and body clavate; entire head and body foveolate; anterior third of first gastral tergite shagreened; occiput narrowed, with nuchal collar. Both castes are tricolorous (see below). Measurements (mm) Holotype major: HW 0.94, HL 0.96, SL 0.78, EL 0.18, PW 0.54. Paratype minor: HW 0.54, HL 0.70, SL 0.92, EL 0.18, PW 0.40. Color Major: tricolorous, with head and waist medium reddish brown, mesosoma and appendages light reddish brown, and gaster very dark brown. Minor: tricolorous, with head and gaster dark reddish brown (gaster very dark), dorsum of pronotum and waist medium reddish brown, and mesosoma and appendages light reddish brown. Range Known only from the type locality. biology Evidently a rare species. During intensive and independent bouts of collecting at the La Selva Biological Station, Stefan Cover and John T. Longino each found it only once. I later returned to the same spot in the forest where Cover collected the holotype nest series, and despite a close search in the vicinity failed to discover another colony. Males were present with the holotype series, on 27 March. figure Upper: holotype, major. Lower: paratype, minor. COSTA RICA: La Selva Biological Station, near Puerto Viejo, Heredia (Stefan Cover). Scale bars = 1 mm.