Revision of the brachycistidine genus Colocistis Krombein, 1942 (Hymenoptera, Tiphiidae) Author Kimsey, Lynn S. Bohart Museum of Entomology, Department of Entomology, University of California, Davis, 95616 USA Author Wasbauer, Marius S. Bohart Museum of Entomology, Department of Entomology, University of California, Davis, 95616 USA text Journal of Hymenoptera Research 2013 2013-08-01 33 1 24 journal article 1314-2607-33-1 88E03F8FD9B947F1B6E90456D47B1E37 5F20FFE2E95AAC21FFD1FFA0D8160112 574825 Colocistis oaxacana Kimsey & Wasbauer sp. n. Figures 6 , 25, 26 , 37 , 46 , 54 Diagnosis. Two unique features distinguish Colocistis oaxacana from other species of Colocistis , the bicolored body and strongly elevated vertex. This species most closely resembles Colocistis castanea but, in addition, to differences in the coloration and the elevated vertex, can be distinguished by the gonostylar apex strait or slightly curved but not excavate as in Colocistis castanea . Type material. Holotype male: Mexico: Oaxaca, 23 mi. south Matias Romero, iv/5/1962, F. D. Parker & L.A. Stange (BME). Paratypes (30 males): 6 males: same data as holotype; 4 males: iv/6/1962; 1 male, iv/8/1962; 1 male, iv/22/1962; 10 males: Tequisistlan, iv/6/1962, F. D. Parker & L.A. Stange; 4 males: 1 mi sw Tehuantepec, iv/5/53, E. I. Schlinger; 2 males: Ixtepec, iv/23/1962, F. D. Parker & L.A. Stange; 1 male: 10 mi ne Juchitan, iv/15/1953, E. I. Schlinger; 2 males: Chiapas, 28 mi w Cintalapa (BME, EMEC). Description. Male ( Figs 25, 26 ). Figures 25-32. 25-28 . Males. 29-32 Females. 25, 27, 29, 31 Lateral view 26, 28, 30, 32 Dorsal view 25-30 are images of the holotypes. Figures 33-36. Distribution maps of Colocistis species. Figures 37-40. Distribution maps Colocistis species. Body length . 9-11 mm. Head ( Fig. 6 ). Compound eyes enlarged, extending well beyond temples; ocelli enlarged, diameter of lateral ocellus at least 0.7 x OOL; lateral ocelli removed from vertex by nearly one ocellar diameter in frontal view; impressed line present between lateral ocelli; clypeus slightly convex but without projecting tubercle in lateral view, apex not bounded laterally by strong teeth; antennal socket rim only slightly thickened ventrolaterally; LID 0.8 x UID; flagellomeres I-II length 2.7-2.8 x breadth; flagellomere IX length 5.2-5.5 x breadth; occipital carina strong but incomplete ventrally, without carina extending from foramen magnum to hypostomal carina medially; gular carina not raised; mandible narrowest submedially, tapering apically toward ventroapical tooth. Mesosoma . Pronotum nearly vertical anteriorly, sloping posteriorly, punctures shallow and sparse medially, laterally deep and close, shoulders well developed, not produced laterally; forefemur without stout spines; foretibia without spines except apically; basitarsus with two spines on outer surface; tibial spur 0.9 x length of basitarsus; hindcoxal longitudinal dorsal carina not tooth-like; scutal and mesopleural punctures separated by 0.5-1.0 puncture diameter; scutellum not arched dorsally above level of propodeum, punctures large, 0.5-1.0 puncture diameters apart, with polished impunctate area posteromedially; postscutellum impunctate medially; propodeum nearly impunctate, dorsal surface with shallow V-shaped trough medially, forming obtuse angle with posterior surface, separated from posterior surface by medially interrupted transverse carina, lateral surface with scattered punctures, 2-5 puncture diameters apart; forewing with 3 submarginal cells, costa extending long wing margin beyond stigma. Metasoma . Tergum I without transverse carina; sternum I with narrow longitudinal medial groove extending most of length; sternum II without raised anterior portion. Genitalia ( Figs 46 , 54 ). Gonostylus not excavate ventrally before apex and apical margin straight not excavate in lateral view; aedeagus broadest subapically and submedially, not decurved before apex in lateral view, apex simple. Figures 41-48. Ventral view of male genital capsule. Figures 49-56. Lateral view of male genital capsule. Color . Head and mesosoma castaneous, metasoma darker, often nearly black; vestiture pale brown to black. Female unknown. Distribution ( Fig. 37 ) Etymology. The species is named after the collection locality, the state of Oaxaca, Mexico. Discussion. Colocistis oaxacana is the southernmost species in the genus. The others are only recorded from as far south as Sinaloa, Mexico.