Neoplasta Coquillett (Diptera: Empididae: Hemerodromiinae) from Brazil: new species and male description of N. fortiseta Smith Author Câmara, Josenir T. Author Rafael, José A. text Zootaxa 2016 2016-02-25 4084 2 journal volume 31479 10.11646/zootaxa.4084.2.3 49578aa0-7bd0-4aaf-a5af-b21b02e38bfc 1175-5326 1050923 DB942175-F4CB-480F-9B3F-D47B07C03D0D Neoplasta macdonaldi sp. nov. ( Figs 23–29 ) Diagnosis . Postpedicel elongate ( Fig. 24 ); scutum with narrow longitudinal brown stripe along median line; mediotergite brown; fore tibia with longitudinal brown stripe posterodorsally ( Fig. 24 ); cercus with rounded apex ( Fig. 25 ); surstylus with pointed apex and a curved internal projection ( Fig. 27 ); phallus pointed at apex ( Fig. 28 ). Description . Male ( Fig. 23 ). Head ( Figs 23, 24 ): Dark brown to black, all setae yellowish. Ocellar triangle with 1 pair of divergent proclinate setae; anterior ocellus larger. Eye iridescent black, ommatidia enlarged anteriorly. Frons with 2 frontal setulae; 1–2 pairs of vertical setae contiguous with uniseriate row of postocular setae. Face separated, diverging ventrally, bearing fine reclinate setulae. Occiput bearing scattered fine hairs. Mouthparts yellow; proboscis slightly curved with yellow setae. Antenna yellow, with scape and pedicel bearing distinct, short dorsal setulae; postpedicel about 2.0X as long as wide, stylus very short, about 0.1X as long as postpedicel. Thorax ( Fig. 23 ): Elongate, slightly arched ventrally; pronotum with anterior margin almost straight; scutum reddish-yellow except brown on anterior margin and narrow longitudinal stripe medially; anterior margin of scutellum and mediotergite brown; scutum with yellow setae, very small and fine, except 1 notopleural, 1 postalar and 1 pair of small scutellar setae. Legs ( Fig. 24 ): Yellow except fore coxa reddish and fore tibia with longitudinal brown stripe posterodorsally. Fore coxa ~ 1.2X as long as distance between fore- and mid coxae, 2.5X as long as wide, with a few setae dorsally. Fore femur ~ 1.3X longer than fore coxa, with row of 7 anteroventral and 20 posteroventral denticles, anteroventral row on apical third. Fore tibia as long as fore femur. Mid coxa with 2 strong anteroventral setae. Mid- and hind legs slender with fine setae. Wing : Membrane faintly yellow, veins brownish; R2+3 short, gently curved towards C apically, joining C ~ 0.3X of distance between end of R1 and R4; R4+5 fork angle acute (~ 60°); cell bm+dm very long, ~ 2X as long as cell br. Halter yellowish. Abdomen ( Fig. 23 ): Brown. Tergite 8 shorter than sternite 8. Terminalia : Brown. Cercus narrower basally, rounded at apex ( Fig. 25 ); left and right cerci closely approximated anterodorsally, with scattered setae on outer face ( Fig. 26 ). Epandrium wide, with rounded apex and scattered setae on outer face ( Fig. 25 ). Surstylus with curved internal projection and pointed apex ( Figs 25, 27 ). Hypandrium subtriangular, with distinct setae ( Fig. 29 ); gonocoxal apodeme projecting as narrow process just beyond anterior margin of hypandrium. Subepandrial sclerite straight on anterior margin; hypoproct bilobate ( Fig. 27 ). Phallus sclerotized, extending beyond hypandrium apex, pointed apically ( Fig. 28 ). Ejaculatory apodeme unilamellar, short ( Fig. 29 ). Specimen length : 2.7 mm ; wing length : 2.9 mm . Female . Unknown. Geographic distribution . Brazil ( Santa Catarina ). Type Material . HOLOTYPE , labelled: “ Brazilien , [ Santa Catarina ], Nova Teutonia. 27º11'B[S], 52º23'L[W]. xi.1971 . Fritz Plaumann.” ( MZUSP ). Holotype condition . Abdomen in microtube with glycerin. Etymology . The specific epithet is a tribute to John F. MacDonald in recognition of his contribution to the knowledge of the Hemerodromiinae fauna. Remarks . Neoplasta macdonaldi sp. nov. may be related to N. neblina Rafael from the Amazon Basin. However, N. macdonaldi sp. nov. has an elongate postpedicel, yellow thorax, except for a narrow brown stripe and tergite 3 yellow. In N. neblina , the postpedicel is short, thorax is entirely brown and tergite 3 is brown.