Revision of the Afrotropical genus Pulchrisolia Szabo (Hymenoptera, Platygastridae, Sceliotrachelinae) Author Lahey, Zachary Author van Noort, Simon Author Polaszek, Andrew Author Masner, Lubomir Author Johnson, Norman F. text Journal of Hymenoptera Research 2019 2019-11-18 73 39 71 journal article 1314-2607-73-39 388A2BB4D65342C1BF5F4AB5CB614EB2 0F814858DA6C55B7AFFACC3779C92A3F 3553219 Pulchrisolia Szabo Pulchrisolia Szabo , 1959: 395 (original description. Type: Pulchrisolia maculata Szabo , by monotypy and original designation); Masner 1964 : 11 (treated as a synonym of Sceliotrachelus Brues); Masner and Huggert 1989 : 29, 108 (keyed, description, diagnosis, species list); Vlug 1995 : 73 (cataloged, catalog of world species); Veenakumari et al. 2019 : 453 (key to genera of the Isolia -cluster, keyed). Description. Coloration: yellow; orange; light to dark red; brown to brownish-black. Antennal formula: 10-10. Male antennae: filiform. Clava: subcompact. Number of clavomeres: 3. Arrangement of setae on ventral surface of clavomeres: chevron-shaped leading to posterior-most papillary sensillum. Sensillar formula of clavomeres: A10-A8/1-2-2. Position of lateral ocellus: remote from inner margin of compound eye by> 3 ocellar diameters. Hyperoccipital carina: present. Frontal ledge: present; absent. Interantennal process: present. Shape of clypeus: ovoid, abruptly widening below ventral surface of interantennal process. Labrum: concealed by clypeus. Facial striae: absent. Malar striae: absent. Malar sulcus: absent. Epomium: incomplete dorsally. Notaulus: present; absent. Anterior admedian depression: present; absent. Axilla: absent. Axillular carina: present, potentially fused with transaxillar carina, sometimes with the posterior margin projecting over metanotal trough. Sculpture of anterior margin of mesoscutellum: smooth; weakly crenulate. Scutoscutellar sulcus: undifferentiated from transcutal articulation. Posterior mesoscutellar sulcus: undifferentiated from mesoscutellar disc. Metascutellum: differentiated from metanotal trough by metascutellar carinae. Sculpture of metascutellum: smooth. Sculpture of metanotal trough: smooth. Netrion: absent. Sculpture of dorsal mesopleuron: transversely ridged. Transepisternal line: absent. Mesopleural carina: present. Foamy structures on metapleuron: present posteriorly. Metapleural carina: concealed by foamy structures. R (submarginal vein) of fore wing: present, <1/10 length of fore wing. Marginal cilia of fore wing: present; absent. Shape of fore and hind wing microtrichia: scale-like pegs, some nearly as wide as long. Shape of T1 in dorsal view: transverse. Foamy structures on T1: present anterolaterally. Foamy structures on S1: present, transverse, sometimes projecting between hind coxae. Transverse felt field on S2: absent. Tibial spur formula: 1-2-2. Protibial spur: combed. Setation of dorsal metatibia: present as linear tract of dense setae. Diagnosis. Species of Pulchrisolia may be diagnosed from other platygastroids by the following combination of characters: fore wing with incredibly short, tubular R vein terminating in a knob and at least some microtrichia of the fore and hind wings in the form of short, scale-like pegs. The coloration of the adult (most species are yellow, orange, red, or a combination thereof); frontal ledge on the lower frons; bilobed, protuberant interantennal process; and tract of dense setae on the metatibia are additional characters that may aid in the recognition of the genus.