Review of the Southeast Asian millipede genus Antheromorpha Jeekel, 1968 (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Paradoxosomatidae) Author Likhitrakarn, Natdanai Author Golovatch, Sergei I. Author Panha, Somsak text ZooKeys 2016 571 21 57 journal article 1313-2970-571-21 4EEA9AD157624A93A189CF185F64CBAF Taxon classification Animalia Polydesmida Paradoxosomatidae Antheromorpha pardalis (Pocock, 1895) Figs 3D, E, 21 Orthomorpha pardalis Pocock, 1895: 815 (D). Orthomorpha pardalis - Attems 1898 : 327 (D); 1914 : 192 (D); 1930 : 132 (D); 1936 : 205 (M); 1937 : 94 (M). " Orthomorpha " pardalis - Jeekel 1963 : 269 (M). Antheromorpha pardalis - Jeekel 1968 : 57 (M); Jeekel 1980 : 82 (D); Nguyen and Sierwald 2013 : 1235 (M). Remark. This species was described and still remains known only from a single ♀, the holotype which comes from Palon in Pegu, Myanmar ( Pocock 1895 ) and is kept in the Genova Museum, Italy ( Jeekel 1980 ). The species is similar to Antheromorpha miranda (Pocock, 1895), but has a different colour pattern of the metaterga, the latter showing yellowish paramedian spots in front of the transverse sulcus (versus yellowish paramedian stripes), coupled with the sulcus starting with segment 2 (versus segment 5). Since the colour pattern is one of the most important taxonomic characters for species discrimination in the genus, Antheromorpha pardalis for the time being is regarded as a separate species. However, only the discovery of topotypical ♂ specimens can provide decisive information concerning the identity of this species ( Jeekel 1980 ).