Systematics and convergent evolution in three Australian genera of Pepsinae spider wasps (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae) Author Shimizu, Akira Department of Biological Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Hachioji, Tokyo 192 - 0397, Japan & Research Institute of Evolutionary Biology, Inc., Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 158 - 0098, Japan & The University Museum, The University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113 - 0033, Japan. Author Pitts, James P Department of Biology, Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322 - 5305, USA. Author Rodriguez, Juanita Australian National Insect Collection, CSIRO, Acton, ACT 2601, Australia. Author Wahis, Raymond Department of Functional and Evolutionary Entomology, Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, University of Liège, Gembloux 5030, Belgium. Author Yoshimura, Jin Department of Biological Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Hachioji, Tokyo 192 - 0397, Japan & The University Museum, The University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113 - 0033, Japan & Department of International Health and Medical Anthropology, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University, Nagasaki 852 - 8523, Japan & Department of Environmental and Forest Biology, State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse, NY 13210, USA & Marine Biosystems Research Center, Chiba University, Uchiura, Kamogawa, Chiba 299 - 5502, Japan. text Austral Entomology 2021 2021-03-17 60 2 301 316 journal article 10.1111/aen.12530 871ea7e5-8005-4c5b-9af9-a247a638aa74 4627871 Maurillus australis Smith, 1855 ( Fig. 2 ) Maurillus australis Smith, 1855: 170 ; Evans 1972: 249 , . Pompilus australiensis Dalla Torre, 1897: 275 (new name for australis Smith preoccupied in Pompilus ). Material examined Holotype ‘N. Holl., N.W. Coast’B.M. TYPE HYM. 19.257 ’ ( NHML ). Diagnosis Female Head dark ferruginous above ocelli ( Fig. 2a,e ), its height greater than width; distance from eye toptovertex crest, in profile, about two-thirds of eye height ( Fig. 2c ); gena in dorsal view very thick ( Fig. 2e ), OOcD/POD = ~3.0; gena, in profile, 1.2× as broad as eye ( Fig. 2c ); and T1–5 with a pair of patches of dense golden pubescence posterolaterally ( Fig. 2f ). Redescription Female Based on holotype . Length 20 mm ; fore wing 13.6 mm . Body and legs black or dark rufous, except for dark ferruginous upper frons, tibiae and tarsi. Wings infuscate with paler spot in subdiscal cell 1 and weakly defined, oblique, paler band apically to SMC3 ( Fig. 2g ). Body and legs with pubescence mainly back, but silvery-white on lower frons laterally to antennal sockets, clypeus, upper gena, side of scutellum and propodeum posterolaterally; upper half of head with golden pubescence. Head 0.98× as broad as high ( Fig. 2a ). Frons with median sulcus strongly impressed below and barely reaching anterior ocellus. MID 2.3× as broad as both eyes together. Antennocular line concave immediately laterally to antennal socket ( Fig. 2e ). Inner orbits subparallel but weakly emarginate above middle. UID: MID:LID = 9.5:10:9.9. MID 0.7× TFD. POL:OOL = 1:1.7. Clypeus 2.8× as wide as long; lateral and anterior rims smooth and polished ( Fig. 2b ); lateral margin weakly slanted, apicolateral corner narrowly rounded. Labrum broadly rounded apically. Scape roughly triangular in cross-section with U-shaped carinae on both median and lateral faces ( Fig. 2d ), surfaces insidethem concave. Scape:pedicel:fl1:fl2 = 10:1.8:10:7.6. Fl1 3.8× as long as wide, 0.5× UID. Pronotum with posterior margin subangulate medially. Mesoscutum flattened with posterolateral margin narrowly rounded. Metapostnotum very short, less than 0.2× as long as metanotum at midline, not constricted medially. Propodeum, in dorsal view, 1.6× as wide as long; dorsum convex with coarse, transverse, somewhat reticulate rugae and indistinct median groove; its sides arcuately convex, slightly broadened subapically; declivity with strong transverse rugae ( Fig. 2h ). Longer spur of hind tibia 0.4× hind tarsomere 1. Fore and hind wings as shown in Fig. 2g . Marginal cell removed from wing tip by 0.6× its own length. SMC2: SMC3 = 1:1.1 on vein M , 1:0.9 on vein Rs . SMC2 0.6× as high as long, narrowed on vein Rs by 0.7× its length on vein M , receiving crossvein 1m-cu at basal 0.6. SMC3 0.7× as high as long, narrowed on vein Rs by 0.6× its length on vein M , receiving crossvein 2m-cu at basal 0.5. Crossvein 2rs-m bisinuate. Crossvein cu-a originating distal to point of separation of vein M + CuA and oblique to vein A . Hind wing crossvein rs-m sinuate, meeting vein M obliquely. Crossvein cu-a originating at point of separation of vein M + CuA . Metasoma short, almost as long as mesosoma, much broader than latter, somewhat compressed dorsoventrally ( Fig. 2f ). T6 with many long sparse bristles. S6 slightly compressed laterally. Male Unknown. Distribution Australia (North West Coast).