Natarsia Fittkau (Diptera: Chironomidae: Tanypodinae) from China Author Cheng, Ming Author Wang, Xinhua text Zootaxa 2006 1111 59 67 journal article 50814 10.5281/zenodo.171550 0fd0672b-c637-4608-9206-3152aca461bf 1175­5326 171550 Natarsia qinlingica sp. n. (Figs.7–12) Type material. Holotype male (BDN No.04252), CHINA : Shaanxi Province, Fengxian County, Qinling, 30 vii 1994 , sweep net, W. J. Bu. Paratypes : 4 males (BDN No. 0 4227, 0 4228, 0 4238, 04240), same data as for holotype . Etymology. This species is named after the type locality. Diagnostic characters. The species differs from other members of the genus except N. tokunagai (Fittkau) by having a banded abdomen and a dark spot surrounding crossvein r­m, but it has a conical anal point that is lacking in N. tokunagai . Male imago ( n = 5) Total length 3.60–4.25, 3.87 mm . Wing length 2.28–2.48, 2.38 mm . Total length/wing length 1.53–1.77, 1.63. Wing length/length of profemur 2.07–2.36, 2.17. Coloration. Head brown. Antenna brown. Thorax pale brown, vittae not distinct. Ground color of abdomen pale yellow. Tergites II–V each with a roughly triangular brown area along anterior margin; tergites VI–VIII each with rounded brown area at anterior margin. Hypopygium brown (Fig. 7). Legs brown, apices of all femora with dark brown ring. Head. AR 1.65–1.93, 1.75. Temporal setae 19; including 16 verticals and 3 postorbitals. Clypeus with 8–13, 11 setae. Tentorium 150–170, 164 µm long; 60–75, 65 µm wide. Palpomere 1–5 lengths (µm): 50–60, 55; 70–90, 77; 120–130, 124; 150–180, 168; 175–275, 239. Wing (Fig. 8). Conspicuous dark brown rounded marking surrounding crossvein r­m. VR 0.85–0.93, 0.90. Brachiolum with 3 long setae. Squama with 38–42, 40 setae. C extension 100–125, 115 µm. Thorax. Antepronotal setae 8–9, 8. Dorsocentrals 31–38, 35; acrostichals 22–30, 27; prealars 42–80, 65; scutellars 8–16, 11; preepisternals 3–5, 4; anepisternals 3–5, 4; postnotals 2–4, 3. Legs. Spur on fore tibiae 53–60, 56 µm long with 6 lateral teeth; apex of fore tibiae with light comb of 10 bristles (Fig. 9). Spur on mid tibiae 58–63, 60 and 75–88, 79 µm long with 8 and 9 lateral teeth respectively (Fig. 10). Spur on hind tibiae 55–65, 59 and 75–90, 83 µm long with 8 and 9 lateral teeth respectively; tibial comb on hind leg of 10 setae (Fig. 11). Length (µm) and proportions of legs (hind tarsi of specimen No. 0 4238 were lost) as in Table 2 . TABLE 2. Lengths (µm) and proportions of legs of N. qinlingica sp. n.
fe ti ta1 ta2 ta3 ta4 ta5 LR
p1 1050–1150, 1100 1325–1425, 1375 1000–1125, 1065 440–510, 476 310–350, 328 190–230, 210 140–150, 144 0.75–0.80, 0.77
p2 1275–1325, 1300 1250–1300, 1270 740–790, 762 350–400, 362 230–270, 252 150–160, 156 120–130, 126 0.58–0.63, 0.60
p3 1075–1150, 1110 1375–1425, 1405 1050–1100, 1075 490–520, 508 330–360, 345 220–240, 233 150–160, 155 0.75–0.77, 0.76
Hypopygium (Fig. 12). Gonocoxite 198–213, 206 µm long. Gonostylus 140–160, 149µm long. HR 1.23–1.52, 1.38. HV 2.34–2.93, 2.60. Female, pupa, and larva unknown.
Distribution: The species was found in a northwestern Chinese province (Shaanxi Province, Fengxian County) of Palaearctic China .