Review of the genus Aschistophleps Hampson, 1893 (Lepidoptera, Sesiidae) of Laos Author Gorbunov, Oleg G. text Zootaxa 2021 2021-08-12 5020 2 384 396 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5020.2.9 1175-5326 5223448 C2FB9FE1-DAC1-4B1C-95B9-9ACDE13BB6F0 Aschistophleps longipoda Arita et O. Gorbunov, 2000 ( Figs 1–12 , 27–28 ) Aschistophleps longipoda Arita & Gorbunov , sp. nov. ” — Arita & Gorbunov 2000: 62 , figs 5, 10, 14a–d. Type locality: “N. Vietnam , Ninh Binh Prov. , Gia Vien , Cuc Phuong , 170–250 m , ...”. Holotype (NSMT). Aschistophleps longipoda Gorbunov & Arita 2002 : [193], 195; Pühringer & Kallies 2004: 14 ; Skowron Volponi & Volponi 2017a: 5 ; Skowron Volponi & Volponi 2017b: 135 , 139; Skowron Volponi & Volponi 2018: 281 ; Kallies & Štolc 2018: 597 , 599; Skowron Volponi 2020: 6 ; Pühringer & Kallies 2020 . This species was described in detail from a series of 11 males collected using synthetic unspecific sex attractants ( Arita & Gorbunov 2000 ). Like specimens of the type series, males collected in Laos have practically no differences in the colouration of various parts of the body. One male ( Figs 9–10 ) turned out to be very small, which somewhat shifted the variability of individual size downward: alar expanse 15.5–24.2 mm ; body length 7.5–12.4 mm ; forewing 7.2–11.0 mm; antenna 4.4–7.6 mm . Material ( 96 ♂♂ ; all in COGM ) 12 ♂♂ , Laos , Khammouang Prov. , Ban Khounkham ( Na Hin ), 18˚13΄N, 104˚31΄E, 200 m , 09.IV.2005 , O. Gorbunov leg. ( Sesiidae pictures №№ 0053-0060–2021) ( Figs 1–4 ) ; 4 ♂♂ , same locality, 10.IV.2005 , O. Gorbunov leg. ; 2 ♂♂ , same locality, 11.IV.2005 , O. Gorbunov leg. ( Sesiidae pictures №№ 0071-0072–2021) ; 2 ♂♂ , same locality, 14.IV.2005 , O. Gorbunov leg. ( Sesiidae pictures №№ 0073-0074–2021) ( Figs 9–10 ) ; 6 ♂♂ , same locality, 15.IV.2005 , O. Gorbunov leg. ( Sesiidae pictures №№ 0079-0080–2021) ( Figs 11–12 ) ; 5 ♂♂ , same locality, 16.IV.2005 , O. Gorbunov leg. ( Sesiidae pictures №№ 0061-0070–2021) ( Figs 5–8 ) ; 6 ♂♂ , same locality, 17.IV.2005 , O. Gorbunov leg. ( Sesiidae pictures №№ 0829-0832–2014, №№ 0075-0078–2021) (genitalia preparation № OG–065-2018) ; 9 ♂♂ , same locality, 18.IV.2005 , O. Gorbunov leg. ( Sesiidae pictures №№ 0299-0300–2013, №№ 0821-0828–2014) ; 14 ♂♂ , same locality, 19.IV.2005 , O. Gorbunov leg. ( Sesiidae pictures №№ 0295-0296–2013, №№ 0833-0834–2014) ; 1 ♂ , same locality, 20.IV.2005 , O. Gorbunov leg. ; 1 ♂ , same lo- cality, 22.IV.2005 , O. Gorbunov leg. ( COGM ) ; 17 ♂♂ , same locality, 23.IV.2005 , O. Gorbunov leg. ; 4 ♂♂ , same locality, 24.IV.2005 , O. Gorbunov leg. ; 9 ♂♂ , same locality, 25.IV.2005 , O. Gorbunov leg. ; 4 ♂♂ , same locality, 27.IV.2005 , O. Gorbunov leg. Male genitalia (genital preparation № OG–065-2018) ( Figs 27–28 ). Unfortunately, the species of the genus have almost identical male genitalia. Very slight differences can be found in the valva and saccus shapes. In addition, there are several differences in the length and thickness of the aedeagus (cp. Figs 27–32 ). Bionomics. The host plant is unknown. Males in Laos was collected during April. They were mud-puddling. FIGURES 1–6. Variability of males Aschistophleps longipoda Arita & O. Gorbunov, 2000 . Laos, Khammouang Prov., Ban Khounkham (Na Hin), 18˚13΄N, 104˚31΄E, 200 m, O. Gorbunov leg. 1) upside. 09.IV.2005. Sesiidae picture № 0053–2021. Alar expanse 19.8 mm; 2) ditto underside. Sesiidae picture № 0054–2021; 3) upside. Same locality, 09.IV.2005. Sesiidae picture № 0057–2021. Alar expanse 21.8 mm; 4) ditto underside. Sesiidae picture № 0058–2021; 5) upside. Same locality, 16.IV.2005. Sesiidae picture № 0065–2021. Alar expanse 23.1 mm; 6) ditto underside. Sesiidae picture № 0066–2021. FIGURES 7–12. Variability of males Aschistophleps longipoda Arita & O. Gorbunov, 2000 . Laos, Khammouang Prov., Ban Khounkham (Na Hin), 18˚13΄N, 104˚31΄E, 200 m, O. Gorbunov leg. 7) upside. 16.IV.2005. Sesiidae picture № 0067–2021. Alar expanse 20.9 mm; 8) ditto underside. Sesiidae picture № 0068–2021; 9) upside. Same locality, 14.IV.2005. Sesiidae picture № 0073–2021. Alar expanse 15.5 mm; 10) ditto underside. Sesiidae picture № 0074–2013; 11) upside. Same locality, 15.IV.2005. Sesiidae picture № 0079–2021. Alar expanse 18.0 mm; 12) ditto underside. Sesiidae picture № 0080–2021. Habitat. In Laos it inhabits a primary, monsoon, semi-deciduous, lowland, tropical forest with Dipterocarpus alatus Roxb. ex G.Don , Hopea odorata Roxb. , H. ferrea Laness. (Dipterocarpaceae) , Lagerstroemia cochinchinensis Pierre ex Laness. (Lythraceae) , Afzelia xylocarpa (Kurz) Craib (Fabaceae) and Alstonia scholaris (L.) R . Br. ( Apocynaceae ) as the most dominant species ( Gorbunov, 2015b , 2021b ). Distribution. This species is known from the type locality in North Vietnam and in Laos . This is the first record for the country.