Fossil Alloceltidoxylon, Allonymphaea, Arecocaryon, Paralnoxylon and Paranyssa and extant Komaroviopsis, Marcanodendron, and Papyrocactus (Magnoliophyta), new replacement generic names Author Doweld, Alexander B. text Phytotaxa 2021 2021-11-03 524 2 92 98 journal article 3631 10.11646/phytotaxa.524.2.3 95502ed7-70ba-4246-bc62-ec628ba12f4e 1179-3163 5642032 Paranyssa Doweld , nom. nov . Browniea Manchester et Hickey, Int. J. Pl. Sci. 168: 231. 2007, nom. illeg . non Brownea Jacquin, Enum. Syst. Pl. : 6, 26. 1760 (‘ Brownaea ’), nom. et orth. cons . ( Fabaceae ). IFPNI registration LSID: F7CCA979-CCC5-2040-9B44-5E6F3AEA90C5 . Type— Paranyssa serrata (Newberry) Doweld , comb. nov. Alnus serrata Newberry, Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. New York 9(Art. 1): 55. 1868 HolotypeUSA : Montana , Tongue River [erroneously? Banks of Yellowstone river, Montana ] (USNM 7003 [counterpart of same specimen YPM 11586], National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington , USA ). IFPNI registration LSID: E758A322-7B7F-3E76-D2F4-3A1C4E4DDB 8F . Stratigraphy: Palaeocene. Etymology: by superficial likeness to the leaves of extant Nyssa L. (1753: 1058). The distinctive fossil foliage of the Palaeocene sediments of North America named initially as Alnus serrata Newberry (1868) was revised and formed a distinct fossil-genus Browniea Manchester & Hickey (2007) . However, the fossil generic name is preoccupied by the generic name of well-known extant plant, Brownea Jacquin (1760) of Fabaceae , conserved with that spelling. In this connection, a new generic name, Paranyssa gen. nov. , is proposed in place of Browniea Manchester et Hickey.