Snailfishes (Family Liparidae) of the Ross Sea, Antarctica, and Closely Adjacent Waters 3285 Author Stein, David L. text Zootaxa 2012 2012-04-30 3285 1 120 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.283120 1175­5334 Paraliparis fuscolingua Stein & Tompkins 1989 Figs. 37, 38 Paraliparis fuscolingua Stein & Tompkins 1989:5 , Figs. 7 , 8; Stein & Andriashev 1990:242, Fig. 17; Andriashev 2003:278 , Figs. 143, 144. Holotype . LACM 11351–4 , female,> 118 mm TL, 115 mm SL, 70°55' S , 172°59.5' E , USNS Eltanin , Stn. 1867, 13 Jan. 1967 , 2273 m. Material examined. Holotype . Paratype , LACM 11351–7 , female, 89 mm TL, 84 mm SL, captured with holotype . Expanded diagnosis (modified from Stein & Tompkins, 1989 ). Counts. V 67–68 (9+58–59), D 61–63, A 54– 57, C 8 (4+4), P 24–25 (14–16+4–5+5), radials 4 (3+1), pc 8–9, pore formula unknown. Ratios. HL 19.4–19.6, HW 11.8, E 4.3–5.6, uj 9.6–9.9, go 6.2, bd 16.5, preD 20.5–21.3, preA 27.6–30.6, sna 15.8–15.9, ma 12.7–13.0, aAf 14.5–15.8, UPL 13.4, LPL 12.1. In % HL: HW 61.0, E 21.8–29.2, uj 49.8–50.3, go 31.8, ma 64.8–66.8, preD 105.8–108.5, preA 140.6–157.8, aAf 73.9–81.6, UPL 69.0, LPL 62.3. Head relatively small, snout blunt, rounded. Eyes large, not entering dorsal profile of head. Mouth large, upper jaw extending to below rear of eye. Teeth sharp, recurved canines, forming a narrow band of irregular rows up to four teeth long. A wide symphyseal gap present in upper jaw but not in lower. Gill opening apparently above pectoral fin or in front of 1–2 rays. Anus below interopercle, distinctly nearer tip of mandible than to anal fin origin. Pectoral fin of 24–25 rays; notch moderately deep, its rays more widely spaced, rudimentary rays absent. Radials 4 (3+1), rounded. Scapula with helve, coracoid without helve, ventrally notched. Pyloric caeca short, fat. Tongue and mouth both dusky. Scapula and pectoral radials unnotched. Distribution . Known from two specimens taken together off Cape Adare at 2273 m . ; view lateral . a ; 7 . Fig : 1989 , Tompkins & Stein From . SL mm 115 , 4 11351 LACM , Holotype . 1989 Tompkins & Stein fuscolingua 11351 – 7. Paraliparis . 37 LACM, girdle FIGURE pectoral. b FIGURE 38. Distribution of Paraliparis fuscolingua . Comparisons. Paraliparis fuscolingua is most similar to P. leucoglossus Andriashev 1986 , but differs in tongue color (dusky vs pale), more anterior position of anus (below preopercle vs below posterior of gill flap), distance from mandible to anus (82–88 vs>100% distance from anus to anal fin origin), gill opening apparently above pectoral fin (vs extending ventrally in front of 5–6 rays), and other characters. It is also similar to P. orbitalis (see that description for comparison).