Scaphisomatini (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Scaphidiinae) from two biosphere reserves in eastern China, with descriptions of two new species Author Löbl, Ivan Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Case postale 6434, CH- 1211 Geneva Author Hájek, Jiří Department of Entomology, National Museum, Cirkusová 1740, CZ- 19300 Praha text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2021 2021-12-30 61 2 495 501 journal article 10.37520/aemnp.2021.027 1804-6487 5821106 700409CA-7C46-4D0B-9D32-7205D1664BA9 Scaphisoma geminatum Löbl, 1986 Material examined. 28 spec. : Fujian Prov. , Wuyishan Mts. NNR, 0.5 km SE Tongmu-Guadun, 27°43.981′N , 117°38.375′E , 1230 m , (W09) sift #05, detritus with mycelia, dense short bamboo forest with inter-mixed high evergreen trees, 25.v.2018 , D. Král & J. Růžička leg. ( IZCAS , NMPC ); 10 spec. , Fujian Prov. , Wuyishan Mts. NNR, 4.8 km SW Tongmu-Sangang, Xiaofeng Mt., 27°42.707′N , 117°39.128′E , 1150 m , (W14) sift #08, detritus under dense shrubs, mixed broad-leaved forest with bamboo, 27.v.2018 , D. Král & J. Růžička leg. ( NMPC ); 1 ♂, Fujian Prov. , Wuyishan Mts. NNR, 1.3 km E Legaduc vill., Yaoyuanyu valley, 27°43.693′N , 117°43.056′E , 640 m , (W18) sift #11, detritus along path, mixed broad-leaved forest with Cunninghamia , 28.v.2019 , D. Král & J. Růžička leg. ( NMPC ). Comments. This species was described from Meghalaya , northern India , and was subsequently reported from Fujian , Guangdong and Jiangxi provinces of China (L ÖBL 2000, 2003).