Review of the leucotela species-group of Conura (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae) from Amazon rainforest Author Brotto, Thales Renan De Aguiar Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Biologia Animal), 29.075 - 910, Vitória, ES, Brasil. thales. brotto @ gmail. com Author Tavares, Marcelo Teixeira Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Departamento de Ciências Biológicas, 29.075 - 910, Vitória, ES, Brazil. text Zootaxa 2021 2021-03-15 4942 3 409 427 journal article 7672 10.11646/zootaxa.4942.3.5 38ef7708-7c79-46d9-8db9-f7d30bd89710 1175-5326 4604424 FF2841C8-D952-44E0-83AC-75C3FA5953EC Conura paraleucotela sp. nov. Figs 3 A–F; 4A–D Zoobank: F34A8B89-0F11-4682-BBB6-80DC4EADFD79 Etymology . From the Greek prefix παρά- (“ para ” meaning resembling, near), referring to the close similarity of the female of this species to those of C. leucotela and C. pseudoleucotela . Description . FEMALE. Holotype : length 7.36 mm . FIGURE 3 A–F . Conura paraleucotela sp. nov. , holotype, female: A , habitus, lateral; B , head, frontolateral; C , apical three funiculars and clava, lateral; D , head and pronotum, dorsal [arrows indicate the anterior carina of pronotum]; E , pronotum and mesoscutum, dorsa; F , mesoscutellum, dorsal. Abbreviations : CH, metacoxal height; FH, metafemoral height; PC, paratorular carina; TC, transverse carina; S, unfoveate strip. Scale bar = 500 μm. Color Body mainly black ( Fig. 3A ), but antennal scape on dorsum, pedicel and anellus ( Fig. 3B ), dorsum of Fu1 to clava ( Figs 3A, 3B ), front and middle legs ( Fig. 3A ), middle of metascutellum ( Fig. 4A ), and gaster brown ( Figs 4C, D ), and following yellow: submedian spots anterior to median ocellus ( Fig. 3B ), venter of antennal scape, funiculars and clava, lower half of parascrobal area ( Fig. 3B ); side of lower face dorsally ( Fig. 3B ), upper part of gena ( Figs 3A, 3D ), posterior transversal stripe on dorsum of pronotum ( Figs 3D, E ), posterior margin of mesoscutum except medially ( Fig. 3E ), tegula, posterior spot on axilla; large submedian spot on either side of mesoscutellum in posterior half ( Fig. 3F ), sides of metascutellum, lateral panel of pronotum ( Fig. 3A ), spot on mesepimeron ( Fig. 3A ), inner face of protibia, protarsus, base of mesotibia, mesotarsus, spot on metacoxa ventrodistally, wide stripe on inner and outer faces of metafemur ( Fig. 3A ), transverse band on gastral tergites, and base and apex of Gt7+8 ( Figs 3A , 4D ). Wings hyaline, veins dark brown. Head . Clava with second segment slightly wider than the first segment so as to appear slightly swollen ( Fig. 3C ); paratorular carina longer than greatest diameter of antennal foramen; lower face with conspicuous transverse carina below antennal foramen ( Fig. 3B : TC). FIGURE 4 A–D . Conura paraleucotela sp. nov. , holotype, female: A , propodeum, posterolateral; B , metasternum, ventrolateral, anterior to the left; C , gaster, dorsal; D , gaster, lateral. Abbreviations : ACP, anterior costula of propodeum; AdA, adpetiolar area; Gs1, gastral sternite 1; Gt1, gastral tergite 1; PCP, posterior costula of propodeum; MCM, median carina of metasternum; MCP, median carina of propodeum; PT, petiole; PTH, petiole height. Scale bar = 500 μm. Mesosoma . Pronotal anterior furrow delimited posteriorly by sharp margin ( Fig. 3D , arrow heads); mesoscutum median area with regular umbilicate foveae, interstices not so narrow, giving sculpture a reticulate appearance ( Fig. 3E ); mesoscutellum convex, basally with wide smooth and shiny transverse band ( Fig. 3F ), with median nonfoveate strip over basal half ( Fig. 3F : S), and diameter of foveae on disc 0.47–0.52× MOD, with interstice width usually greater than 0.5× diameter of foveae ( Fig. 3F ); frenal carina almost straight posteriorly ( Fig. 3F : red dashed line); metascutellum convex, smooth and shiny; propodeum oblique ( Figs 3A , 4D ), anterior costula conspicuous laterally, inconspicuous medially (( Fig. 4A : ACP), median carina (anterior to posterior costula) 0.4× median length of propodeum ( Fig. 4A : MCP), posterior costula conspicuous and limited to posterior half of propodeum ( Fig. 4A : PCP), adpetiolar area with median and submedian carinae ( Fig. 4A : AdA); metafemur with 10 teeth, basal tooth not followed by a minute tooth; metasternum concave, with median carina conspicuously raised as lamina ( Fig. 4B : MCM). Metasoma . Petiole visible dorsally, short, 0.60× as long as wide ( Figs 4C, D ), basal lamina present dorsally and ventrally ( Fig. 4D ), submedian carinae absent, one lateral carina present; Gs1 not projected forward, petiole attached to gastral base ( Fig. 4D ); dorsally, Gt1–Gt5 about 0.6× as wide as long ( Fig. 4C ); Gt6 with posterior margin slightly concave ( Fig. 4C ); Gt7+8 about 0.3× as long as Gt1–Gt6 combined ( Fig. 4D ). MALE . Unknown. Host . Unknown. Distribution: BRAZIL ( Amazonas : Manaus). Remarks . The only known female of C. paraleucotela is easily distinguished from those of C. leucotela and C. pseudoleucotela by having the propodeum oblique ( Fig. 3A , 4D ), metasternum slightly concave ( Fig. 4B ), petiole short, but dorsally visible ( Fig. 4C ), Gs1 not projected anteriorly ( Fig. 4D ), and Gt7+8 shorter, about 0.3× as long as Gt1–Gt6 combined ( Figs 4C, D ). Material Examined . HOLOTYPE ( INPA ): female, labeled ‘BRA[ Brazil ], AM [ Amazonas ], Manaus, ZF 3 [ Reserva Florestal ZF-3], Km 23, Res. 1112, 03. VI . 1986, Armad [ilha]. Malaise , Bert Klein col.’. The specimen has the right and left hind legs glued on a card.