Studies of the genus Anthelephila Hope (Coleoptera: Anthicidae). Part 19. New species from Indonesia and Malaysia Author Kejval, Zbyněk Muzeum Chodska, Chodské náměstí 96, Domažlice CZ- 344 01, Czech Republic text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2019 2019-05-24 59 1 171 184 journal article 5788 10.2478/aemnp-2019-0015 8b82e556-ff8c-418e-8c03-320c952b0e3a 1804-6487 4505211 B538C51C-71A3-467A-9423-54B69A204CF4 Anthelephila kalabahi sp. nov. ( Figs 19–22 , 53 ) Type locality. Indonesia ,Alor Island, 5 km NW of Kalabahi,altitude 150 m . Type material. HOLOTYPE : , ‘NTT, Alor Island 5 km NW of Kalabahi , 150 m , 1.-8.iii.2006 , S. Jakl lgt.’ ( NMPC ). PARATYPES : 3 ♂♂ , same data as holotype ( ZKDC ). Additional material examined. INDONESIA : SUMBAWA : 2♀♀ , Besàr , 24.iv.–2.v.2007 , B. Rensch lgt. ( NHMW ). Description. Male ( holotype ). Body length 4.1 mm . Head and pronotum reddish-brown, elytra black, with slight greenish reflection ( Fig. 53 ); legs reddish-brown, tibiae and tarsi darker; antennae largely reddish, distinctly darkened, brownish in terminal third. Head 1.2 times as long as wide, somewhat angled postero-medially (widely parabolic), differentiated from short neck; tempora strongly narrowing posteriad, posterior angles absent. Eyes medium-sized, rather convex. Dorsal surface at most moderately glossy, distinctly, densely punctate and largely corrugated; punctures distinctly separated. Setation short, subdecumbent; scattered long tactile setae. Antennae moderately enlarged in terminal third; antennomere I 1.8 times, X 1.3 times, XI twice as long as wide. Pronotum 1.4 times as long as wide, distinctly narrower than head including eyes, nearly evenly rounded anteriorly, narrowed and strongly impressed (constricted) postero-laterally in dorsal view; pronotal disc convex anteriorly, nearly flattened in front of base in lateral view (slightly uneven at place of transverse corrugation). Surface moderately glossy; disc rather distinctly and densely punctate, distinctly transversely corrugated in front of smooth antebasal area; antero-lateral sides minutely and sparsely punctate, impunctate near procoxal cavities; postero-lateral impressions densely wrinkled, adjacent dorso-lateral surface rugose. Setation as on head. Mesoventrite simple. Metaventrite with paired submedian setose projections close to posterior margin near metacoxae. Elytra 1.7 times as long as wide, conjointly rounded apically; humeri quite distinct, postscutellar impression moderate. Surface glossy, distinctly punctate; punctation uneven, distinctly double, setiferous punctures both rather widely separated and forming dense transverse band in postscutellar impression. Setation uneven, diversified, pale and whitish; ordinary pale setae somewhat longer and sparser in basal fourth, mostly subdecumbent; whitish setae short, subdecumbent, coarse, forming conspicuous transverse setose band in postscutellar impression ( Fig. 53 ); scattered, moderately longer tactile setae. Figs 19–22. Anthelephila kalabahi sp. nov. , male, holotype: 19 – profemur (right) and protibia (left); 20 – sternum VII; 21 – prongs of sternite VIII; 22 – apical portion of tegmen. Scale bars: 0.5 mm – A (Fig. 19); 0.2 mm – A (Fig. 21), B (Fig. 20), C (Fig. 22). Metathoracic wings fully developed. Fore legs modified ( Fig. 19 ); profemoral process robust, rounded to subtruncate apically, with short fringe of stiff setae subapically; protibiae with slight lobule on inner side in distal third; pro- and mesotibiae with two, metatibiae with single distinct terminal spur; metatibiae with tuft of long stiff setae on median side subapically; penultimate tarsomere widened/flattened distally, with terminal tarsomere articulated dorsally near base for all tarsi. Abdominal sternum VII with rounded median lobe, coarsely, densely setose on margins ( Fig. 20 ). Tergum VII nearly evenly rounded apically. Sternite VIII ( Fig. 21 ); paired prongs robust, straight in lateral view, coarsely setose ventrally in distal half. Tergite VIII with simple paired sclerites narrowly connected medially, somewhat unevenly rounded apically.Apical sclerite of segment IX inconspicuous. Aedeagus ( Fig. 22 ); apical portion of tegmen rather short, 0.2 times as long as basal-piece, trilobed apically. Female . Unknown (see Remarks). Variation. Body length (♂ ) 3.9–4.1 mm . Differential diagnosis. Anthelephila kalabahi sp. nov. belongs to the A. praetor species-group ( KEJVAL 1999 ). It resembles externally A. opiata ( Kejval, 1999 ) from Thailand in larger, more robust body and weakly developed median longitudinal impression/groove of pronotal disc, as well as in some male characters, e.g. modification of front legs and abdominal sternum VII. It differs clearly in morphology of male sternite VIII (prongs slender, sinuous and differently setose in A. opiata , see Figs 49, 50 by KEJVAL (1999)) . Figs 23–28. Anthelephila pectinipes sp. nov. , male, holotype: 23 – profemur (right) and protibia (left); 24 – sternum VII; 25 – prongs of sternite VIII; 26 – tergite VIII; 27 – apical portion of tegmen. 28 – A. pectinipes sp. nov. , female, paratype, sternum VII. Scale bars: 0.5 mm – A (Fig. 26), B (Fig. 23); 0.2 mm – B (Fig. 27), C (Figs 24, 25, 28). Etymology. Named after the type locality, Kalabahi; noun in apposition. Distribution. Indonesia (Alor, Sumbawa). Remarks. The two female specimens from Sumbawa bear red ‘TYPE’ labels and an identification label ‘cinctus Hbdy’ by R. F. Heberdey, which is in my opinion a manuscript name of a never described species. They are essentially identical with types of A. kalabahi sp. nov. , but their identification is rather tentative.