First record of the genus Spathiomorpha Tobias, 1976 (Hymenoptera: Braconidae Doryctinae) in the New World, with the description of a new species Author Belokobylskij, Sergey A. 0000-0002-3646-3459 Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Universitetskaya naberezhnaya 1, Saint Petersburg 199034, Russia. doryctes @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 3646 - 3459 Author Zaldívar-Riverón, Alejandro Colección Nacional de Insectos, Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 3 er. Circuito exterior s / n Cd. Universitaria, Copilco, Coyoacán, A. P. 70 - 233, C. P 04510., Ciudad de México, México. text Zootaxa 2022 2022-07-08 5162 4 439 445 journal article 110543 10.11646/zootaxa.5162.4.8 3e0fe44d-daef-4b56-8d69-fe630a7e896c 1175-5326 6810484 CE2942EF-AFDC-45AF-B401-64E77C63E62B Key to species of the genus Spathiomorpha Tobias 1. Brachypterous form. First metasomal tergite short, its length 1.1 × apical width...................................................................................................... S. jenningsi Belokobylskij et Austin, 2013 – Macropterous form. First metasomal tergite long, its length 1.4–1.8 × apical width................................. 2 2. Vertex striate in anterior 0.7. Mesoscutum densely and weakly granulate with punctation, with long and dense striae along notauli and laterally. Mesopleuron mostly rugose-striate. Body length 4.2 mm . – Australia ( Tasmania ).............................................................................. S. tasmanica Belokobylskij, Iqbal et Austin, 2004 – Vertex mainly or entirely smooth. Mesoscutum smooth or punctate, without granulation and striation. Mesopleuron mostly smooth..............................................................................................3 3. Ovipositor short, its sheath 0.3–0.4 × as long as body, 0.7–0.8 × as long as metasoma, about 0.4 × as long as fore wing. Second metasomal tergite entirely smooth........................................................................ 4 – Ovipositor long, its sheath 0.7–1.1 × as long as body, 1.4–2.3 × longer than metasoma, 0.8–1.4 × as long as fore wing. Second metasomal tergite basally or basolaterally with short striation or sometimes entirely smooth.......................... 5 4. Head behind eye weakly convex in basal half and weakly roundly narrowed in posterior half (dorsal view). Transverse diameter of eye 0.8–0.9 × length of temple. Mesosoma 1.7–1.8 × longer than maximum width. First metasomal tergite 1.6–1.7 × longer than its apical width. Metapleuron entirely coarsely rugose-reticulate. Body length 1.5–2.2 mm . – Azerbaijan , Georgia , Macedonia , Russia ( Krasnodar Terr, Crimea), Serbia , Turkey .............................. S. varinervis Tobias, 1976 – Head behind eye distinctly evenly roundly narrowed (dorsal view). Transverse diameter of eye 1.4 × length of temple. Mesosoma 1.6 × longer than maximum width. First metasomal tergite 1.4 × longer than its apical width. Metapleuron mostly smooth, with fine punctuation, rugose only posteriorly. Body length 3.9 mm . – China ( Taiwan) ....... S . enderleini Belokobylskij, 1996 5. Head behind eye weakly convex in basal half and weakly roundly narrowed in posterior half (dorsal view).Areola of propodeum short, 1.2 × longer than wide. Second metasomal tergite distinctly striate in basal third. Ovipositor sheath 2.3 × longer than metasoma, 1.4 × longer than fore wing. Body multicolored; hind tibia basally black. Body length 6.5 mm . – Mexico ( Chiapas ).................................................................................... S. mexicana sp. nov. – Head behind eye distinctly roundly narrowed (dorsal view). Areola of propodeum long, 1.8–2.0 × longer than wide. Second metasomal tergite usually entirely smooth, only sometimes shortly striate basolaterally. Ovipositor sheath 1.4–1.7 × longer than metasoma, 0.8–1.0 × as long as fore wing. Body dark brown or black almost entirely; hind tibia basally light............ 6 6. Antennae setiform. Penultimate flagellomere of female slender, 2.6–3.2 × longer than wide. Radial vein arising usually less distinctly behind middle of pterostigma, from its apical 0.40–0.45. Second radial abscissa (3-SR) of fore wing longer, 3.0–4.2 (rarely 2.5) × longer than first abscissa, 0.5–0.6 × as long as third abscissa, 1.2–1.5 (rarely 1.15) × longer than first radiomedial vein. Second radiomedial (submarginal) cell 2.0–2.7 × longer than its maximum width. Second metasomal tergite basolaterally with rather long or sometimes short striation. Hind coxa entirely reddish brown or dark reddish brown. Body length 3.5–6.8 mm . Japan .......................................................... S . japonica Belokobylskij et Maeto, 2006 –. Antennae filiform. Penultimate flagellomere of female thick, 2.0–2.2 × longer than wide. Radial vein arising distinctly behind middle of pterostigma, from its apical 0.33–0.4. Second radial abscissa (3-SR) of fore wing relatively shorter, 2.0–2.6 × longer than first abscissa, 0.45–0.50 × as long as third abscissa, 1.0–1.2 × as long as first radiomedial vein. Second radiomedial (submarginal) cell about twice longer than its maximum width. Second tergite usually without basal striation or rarely with short striae. Hind coxa entirely yellowish brown or light reddish brown, rarely basally shortly infuscate. Body length 3.3–5.5 mm . Russia ( Primorskiy Terr.), Korea .......................................... S . longipalpis Belokobylskij, 1985