Revision of Anisepyris Kieffer (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae), with description of 135 new species Author Barbosa, Diego N. Author Azevedo, Celso O. text Zootaxa 2018 4416 1 1 258 journal article 30136 10.11646/zootaxa.4416.1.1 aa238a39-adf8-4b94-8808-c788670d0455 1175-5326 1242263 3341A80B-7E54-4C6B-8B46-1336094952E2 Anisepyris idrili Barbosa & Azevedo , sp. nov. ( Figs 9K ; 10F; 10G; 10I ) Description, male. Body length 3.38 mm . Head with darkish green reflection; mesosoma with darkish blue reflection and metapectal-propodeal disc black; wings sub-hyaline; metasoma dark castaneous. Head wide. Flagellomeres short, with sparse and short setae. Mandible very narrow, curved, and with teeth equally wide. Median clypeal lobe angulate, short; median clypeal carina higher than frons level. Frons coriaceous . Antennal scrobe carinate. Eye large. Frontal angle of ocellae forming right angle; ocelli large. Vertex convex. Pronotal disc as long as wide, strongly coriaceous ; transverse pronotal carina complete; without posterior pronotal sulcus. Notaulus narrow. Mesoscutellar sulcus narrow. Metapectal-propodeal disc short; metapostnotal median carina complete; longitudinal ridges present; metapostnotal-propodeal suture straight; paraspiracular carina present and conspicuous; metapleural carina present and conspicuous; metapectal-propodeal disc with short striae; propodeal declivity strigate. Mesopleuron with anterior fovea closed; mesopleural fovea closed; lower fovea opened; posterior fovea absent; mesopleural suture opened. Forewing with stigma developed; Rs&M vein distinguished. Mesotibia not spinose. Claws trifid. Metasomal segments glabrous. Genitalia. Basiparamere shorter than paramere; paramere bifid, arms hardly distinct, with ventral arm wide, long, and rounded and with dorsal arm short, wide and rounded, sparsely setose; basivolsella straight; cuspis with arms long, dorsal arm slender; aedeagus with basal portion convex and wide, and apical portion shorter than basal and wide; apodeme slender. Material examined. Holotype , , BRAZIL , Espírito Santo , Santa Teresa , Estação Biológica Santa Lúcia , 19°58'18.5”S 40°32'07.6"W , 06–09.xi.2009 , [armadilha] Malaise, M . Tavares, C . Azevedo & eq[uipe] col[etores] ( UFES 125391 ) . Paratype (1). BRAZIL , Rio Grande do Norte , 1 ♂ , Patu , Caatinga , 06°06'S 37°37'W , ix.2008 , arm[adilha] Malaise , D.R.R. Fernandes col[etor] ( UFES 113689 ). Distribution. Brazil : Rio Grande do Norte , Espírito Santo . Remarks. This new species differs from A. divisus Santos, 2002 only by having the genitalia with the paramere with its dorsal arm short and wide, and its ventral arm short with its apex rounded, and the aedeagus with the basal portion distinctly angulate, whereas A. divisus has the genitalia with paramere ventral arm with its apical margin truncate and its dorsal arm rounded, and the aedeagus with the basal portion convex and slender.