New taxa of Clitumninae from Vietnam (Phasmatodea: Phasmatidae)
Ho, Wai-Chun George
Zoological Systematics
journal article
Prosentoria vietnamensis
sp. nov.
Figs 23–26
Diagnosis. This new species is similar to
Prosentoria arrogans
Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1907
, but can be diagnosed by the densely serrate femora and tibiae and the elongate supra-anal plate in the both sexes.
Description. Female. Large size. Body cylindrical, very slender and long, larger and more robust than male. General colouration of body and legs green. Head oval, gently tapering posteriorly behind compound eyes. Vertex weakly convex, with a pair of long horns between compound eyes. Occiput flat, median and lateral longitudinal furrows distinct, posterior margin with indistinct swellings. Compound eyes small and oval, its length about three times of genae. Antennae short, with 25 segments, reaching middle point of profemora; scapus flattened, constricted anteriorly and posteriorly, longer than combined length of pedicellus and third segment; and pedicellus as long as third segment. Thorax sparsely and obscurely covered with a few small granules. Pronotum trapezoidal, gently expanded posteriorly, shorter than head, anterior and posterior margins truncate, transverse and longitudinal sulci crossing after middle point. Mesonotum elongate, longer than combined length of metanotum and median segment. Metanotum longer than median segment. Abdomen cylindrical, tapering posteriorly, sparsely and obscurely covered with a few small granules. Median segment rectangular, longer than wide. Seventh sternum lacking noticeable praeopercular organ. Eighth tergum longer than ninth tergum. Anal segment shorter than ninth tergum, posterior margin broadly emarginated posteriorly. Supra-anal plate distinct, lanceolate, longer than eighth tergum, tapering posteriorly, apex pointed and reaching middle area of subgenital plate. Subgenital plate lanceolate, elongate, longer than mesonotum, posterior apex pointed. Cerci short, flattened, apices obtuse and not surpassing posterior margin of anal segment. Legs very slender and long. Profemora curved basally, anterodorsal, posterodorsal and posteroventral carinae with dense and small serrations, anteroventral carina unarmed. Anterodorsal, posterodorsal, anteroventral and posteroventral carinae of mesofemora and metafemora with dense and small serrations. Anterodorsal and posterodorsal carinae of protibiae unarmed, anteroventral and posteroventral carinae with dense and small serrations. Anterodorsal, posterodorsal, anteroventral and posteroventral carinae of mesotibiae and metatibiae with dense and small serrations.
Figures 61–68.
Neomedaura yokdonensis
sp. nov.
61. Female habitus. 62. Female abdomen, lateral view. 63. Female abdomen, dorsal view. 64. Male habitus. 65. Male abdomen, lateral view. 66. Male abdomen, dorsal view. 67. Female head and thorax, dorsolateral view. 68. Male head and thorax, dorsolateral view. Scale bars =5 mm.
Figures 69–71.
Parapachymorpha pseudospinosa
sp. nov.
69. Female habitus. 70. Female abdomen, lateral view. 71. Female abdomen, dorsal view. Scale bars = 5 mm.
Figures 72–81.
Prosentoria vietnamensis
sp. nov.
72. Female habitus. 73. Female abdomen, lateral view. 74. Female abdomen, dorsal view. 75. Male habitus. 76. Egg, lateral view. 77. Egg, dorsal view. 78. Male abdomen, lateral view. 79. Male abdomen, dorsal view. 80. Female head and thorax, dorsolateral view. 81. Male head and thorax, dorsolateral view. Scale bars: 72–75, 78–81 = 5 mm; 76– 77= 1 mm.
Male. Body slender and long, distinctly slenderer than female. General colouration of body and legs green. Head oval, longer than pronotum, gently tapering posteriorly behind compound eyes. Vertex weakly convex, with a pair of long horns between compound eyes. Occiput flat, with distinct median and lateral longitudinal furrows, posterior margin with six small swellings. Compound eyes small and rounded, its length about three times of genae. Antennae short, with 23 segments, apices reaching subapical area of profemora; scapus flattened, constricted anteriorly and posteriorly, longer than combined length of pedicellus and third segment; and third segment longer than pedicellus. Thorax with a few small granules. Pronotum rectangular, longer than wide, anterior and posterior margins truncate, transverse and longitudinal sulci crossing after middle point. Mesonotum elongate, longer than combined length of metanotum and median segment. Metanotum longer than median segment. Abdomen slender and cylindrical. Median segment rectangular, longer than wide. Second to seventh tergites parallel-sided. Eighth tergum weakly expanded posteriorly, as long as ninth tergum. Anal segment shorter than ninth tergum, posterior margin broadly emarginated. Supra-anal plate distinct, lanceolate, shorter than anal segment, tapering posteriorly, apex pointed. Poculum small, cup-shaped, posterior margin rounded and reaching middle area of ninth tergum. Cerci cylindrical, short, apices obtuse and not exceeding posterior margin of anal segment. Legs very slender and long. Profemora curved basally, anterodorsal and posteroventral carinae with dense and small serrations, other carinae unarmed. Anterodorsal and posterodorsal carinae of mesofemora and metafemora with sparse and small serrations, anteroventral and posteroventral carinae with dense and small serrations. Protibiae unarmed. Anterodorsal, posterodorsal, anteroventral and posteroventral carinae of mesotibiae and metatibiae with small spines.
Measurements. Length. Body,
155.0–160.0 mm,
95.0–105.0 mm; antennae,
22.0–23.0 mm,
28.0–30.0 mm; head,
7.0 mm,
5.0mm; pronotum,
6.0 mm,
4.0 mm; mesonotum,
33.0–34.0 mm,
22.0–25.0 mm; metanotum,
15.5 mm
12.0–14.0 mm; median segment,
4.5 mm
3.0 mm; profemora,
50.0 mm,
42.0–45.0 mm; mesofemora,
38.0 mm,
31.0 mm; metafemora,
45.0 mm,
37.0–40.0 mm; protibiae,
62.0–69.0 mm,
58.0– 65.0 mm; mesotibiae,
40.0–42.0 mm; metatibiae,
58.0–62.0 mm,
55.0 mm.
Egg. Capsule brown, oval, densely granulated, posterior pole rounded. Micropylar plate brown, nearly rounded. Micropylar cup placed at posterior margin of micropylar plate. Median line short. Operculum dark brown, thick-built, centrally concave, with a small closed-stalked capitulum.
Measurements. Capsule length
2.5 mm
, width 2.0 mm, height 3.0 mm.
Thua Thien Hue
Bachma Mountain
19 September 2016
, He Li (
1 egg
, same data as holotype (
Etymology. The specific epithet of this new species is derived from the type-locality,
I wish to thank Dr. Xingyue Liu (
) for providing valuable collecting information on the phasmids collected from
Agricultural University,
for the loan of specimens; and the anonymous reviewers for providing valuable comments to improve the manuscript.