Old World species of Trichanthecium (Poaceae: Panicoideae: Paniceae) including a new species from the Democratic Republic of Congo Author Zuloaga, Fernando Omar Instituto de Botánica Darwinion, ANCEFN-CONICET, Labardén 200, B 1642 HYD San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina Author Aliscioni, Sandra Instituto de Botánica Darwinion, ANCEFN-CONICET, Labardén 200, B 1642 HYD San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina Author Delfini, Carolina Instituto de Botánica Darwinion, ANCEFN-CONICET, Labardén 200, B 1642 HYD San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina Author Salariato, Diego Leonel Instituto de Botánica Darwinion, ANCEFN-CONICET, Labardén 200, B 1642 HYD San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina text Phytotaxa 2024 2024-05-06 646 3 230 264 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.646.3.2 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.646.3.2 1179-3163 13215433 10. Trichanthecium perrieri (A.Camus) Zuloaga , comb. nov . Panicum perrieri Camus (1925: 371) . Lectotype (designated by Vorontsova 2018: 170 ):— MADAGASCAR . Fianarantsoa , Massif d’Andringitra, 2200 m , March 1921 , Perrier de la Bâthie 13694 ( P [ 00224770 !], isolectotypes K [ 000244712 !], P [ 00224771 !]) . Perennial, not tufted, shortly rhizomatous; culms decumbent, rooting and branching at the lower nodes, then erect, 15– 65 cm long; internodes cylindrical, hollow, glabrous; nodes compressed, brownish, glabrous. Sheaths striate, glabrous. Ligules membranous, ca. 0.5 mm long. Blades linear, 1.5–8 × 0.2–0.6 cm , flat, narrow at the base, apex acuminate, often reflexed at maturity, densely hispid on both surfaces to glabrous. Inflorescence a terminal, partly or fully exserted, open, narrowly ovate panicle, 2–7 × 2–6 cm ; peduncle 8–10 cm long, cylindrical, glabrous, pulvini glabrous; main axis striate, glabrous, first-order branches alternate, appressed or ascendent, naked at the lower portion, axis of the branches scaberulous, spikelet congested on first- and second-order branches, pedicels 2–4 mm long, scaberulous. Spikelets long ovoid, 2–5–2.8(–3) × 0.8–1 mm , greenish to purple; lower glume as long as the spikelet, 3–5-nerved, long acuminate, pubescent to glabrous; upper glume as long as the spikelet, 7-nerved, hispid to glabrous, membranous, lower lemma glumiform, 7-nerved, hispid to glabrous; lower palea reduced, ca. 0.4 mm long to absent; lower flower absent. Upper anthecium ovoid, 2 × 0.8–1 mm , shorter than the upper glume and lower lemma, indurate, pale to brownish, smooth, shiny. Caryopsis not seen. Distribution and habitat: —Species endemic to high elevations in Madagascar , open savanna, forest understory, rocky habitats, often on limestone and gneiss, at 950–2400 m elevation ( Vorontsova 2018 ). Representative material examined: MADAGASCAR . Massif de L’Andohahela , Vallée supériere de la Sakamalio , January 1934 , Humbert 13568 ( G ). Antsiranana : Mount Tsaratanana , s.d. , Perrier de la Bâthie 16363 ( P ) ; Massif de Marivohahona au Sud-Est de Manambato , 18 March 1951 , Humbert & Capuron 25654, 25692 ( P ) ; Montagne d’Ambre , June 1970 , Bosser 20353 ( K , P ). Antananarivo : route Ambatolampy-Faratsiho , February 1957 , Bosser 10839 ( P ) ; P . K . 40, route d’Anjozorobe , February 1954 , Bosser 7255 ( P ) ; Lac Mantasoa , February 1954 , Bosser 19991 ( K , P ) ; Analabe , March 1952 , Bosser 5152 ( P ) ; La Mandraka , February 1953 , Bosser 4902 ( P ). Fianarantsoa : Ambatofinandrahana , February 1962 , Bosser 15869 ( P ) .