Deep-sea Cirripedia Thoracica (Crustacea) from the northeastern Atlantic collected by French expeditions Author Young, Paulo S. Museu Nacional / UFRJ, Quinta da Boa Vista, 20940 - 040 Rio de Janeiro RJ (Brazil) psyoung @ acd. ufrj. br. text Zoosystema 2001 23 4 705 756 journal article 6379 10.5281/zenodo.4689055 5aec84f2-b3a3-4f16-bb46-efec4dddcb9e 1638-9387 4689055 3B853248-623C-4344-BDD8-444040704ED2 Metaverruca aequalis ( Aurivillius, 1898 ) Verruca aequalis Aurivillius, 1898: 196 . Metaverruca aequalis Young 1998b: 51 , figs 9, 11, 12 (with synonymy). MATERIALEXAMINED. — SEAMOUNT 2, stn DW 251, 33°13.47’N , 29°28.39’W , 985 m to 33°13.49’N , 29°28.75’W , 900 m , 1 specimen , rc 4.5 mm ( MNHN Ci 2890). — Stn DW 262, 34°23.36’N , 30°29.06’W , 1160 m to 34°23.58’N , 30°29.35’W , 1000 m , 1 specimen , rc 4.4 mm (MNRJ 13928). REMARKS Metaverruca aequalis was redescribed and discussed by Young (1998b: 51) . New distribution records were given previously: Azores and off Spain and Morocco ( Gruvel 1920: 42 ; Young 1998b: 51 ) but the depth of occurrence ( 900- 1160 m ) is somewhat less than the previous known range ( 1022-3215 m ).