Checklist of the Hungarian species of family Macrochelidae (Acari: Mesostigmata) Author Kontschán, Jenő text Acarological Studies 2006 2020-01-31 2 1 7 17 journal article 2667-5684 Macrocheles nataliae Bregetova and Koroleva, 1960 Macrocheles nataliae Bregetova and Koroleva, 1960: 140 . Occurrences. Aggtelek, Dunavecse, Isaszeg, Sukoró, Szabadbattyán, Tátika, Zamárdi ( Erőss and Mahunka, 1971a ), Egyek, Nagyiván, Tiszacsege, Újszentmargitfa ( Kandil, 1983 ). Notes. This species was collected from dungs of horse and cattle ( Erőss and Mahunka, 1971b ), and from soil ( Kandil, 1983 ).