New and little known Agraeciini species from Hainan, China (Orthoptera: Ensifera: Tettigoniidae: Conocephalinae: Agraeciini) Author He, Zhu-Qing Author Wang, Han-Qiang Author Liu, Yun-Feng Author Tian, Di Author Li, Kai text Zootaxa 2020 2020-03-05 4748 1 153 162 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4748.1.8 65c91f46-0c62-416d-a382-d1b3b4aff52e 1175-5326 3697647 4064ED8B-1DE7-4988-8D22-E980D7F9CF96 Nahlaksia hainanensis He & Wang sp. nov. ( Fig. 1 ~3) Holotype : male, CHINA , Hainan , Ledong , Jianfengling , 9-viii-2018 , coll. HE Zhu-Qing ( ECNU ). Paratypes : 1 male & 1 female nymph, CHINA , Hainan , Sanya , Baolong , 21-iii-2019 , coll. HE Zhu-Qing ( ECNU ) ; 3 male nymphs & 4 female nymphs, CHINA , Hainan , Changjiang , Bawangling , 17-iii-2018 , coll ( ECNU ) ; 1 female & 1 male nymph, CHINA , Hainan , Wuzhishan , alt. 400m , 1-v-2017 , coll. LIU Xian-Wei , WANG Han- Qiang , QIN Yan-Yan & JIANG Hui-Ting ; 1 female , CHINA , Hainan , Changjiang , Bawangling , alt. 460~ 1500m , 24-iv-2017 , coll. LIU Xian-Wei , WANG Han-Qiang , QIN Yan-Yan & JIANG Hui-Ting ( SEM , CAS ) . Diagnosis. Similar to N . suphattra , but differs in the shape of male cercus having an additional slender spine, and the shape of female subgenital plate which bears a pair of triangular lobes posteriorly. Description. Male. Head: antennae very long, eyes small; fastigium verticis conical but step-like inclined in circa half of length, with lateral ocelli projecting laterad, apex sub-obtuse ( Fig. 2B ), dorsal surface with a tubercle near base, ventral surface with medial carinula, numerous irregular tubercles beneath the antennal scrobe forming a transverse carina each side; frons rugose and pubescent ( Fig. 2A, B, D ). Pronotum rugose and sub-pubescent, regularly curved from one side to the other, transverse sulcus not clear on disc or lateral lobes, anterior margin broadly rounded, slightly protruding in middle, posterior margin concave, lateral lobe longer than deep, ventral margin subsinuate, anterior angle rounded, posterior angle circa rectangular but angle itself rounded, humeral sinus absent ( Fig. 1A & 2A ). Tegmen micropterous ( Fig. 2A ); prosternum unarmed, meso- and metasternal lobes rounded ( Fig. 2C ). Legs setose and pubescent, fore and middle femora compressed and broadened, fore femur with spines on both margins of ventral surface; middle- and hind femora armed on ventro-external margin; genicular lobes of fore and middle femora rounded externally, spinose on internal margin, tympana present on both sides, shield-like ( Fig. 2E ); femora with the following number of spines on ventral margins: fore femur 4 external, 4 internal, middle femur 5 external, 0 internal, hind femur 7~8 external, fore tibia 8 external, 8 internal, middle tibia 5~9 external, 0 internal, hind tibia 1 (tiny) external, 0 internal, 7~9 external and internal spines on dorsal margin, with external ones smaller. Abdomen: tenth abdominal tergite triangular with apex bi-spinose ( Fig. 2F ); apex of subgenital plate extended into two long parallel projections ( Fig. 2H ), cerci conical, apex obtuse, downward curved, with a small spinule in inner side ( Fig. 2F, G ). FIGURE 1. living photos of Nahlaksia hainanensis He & Wang sp. nov. A. male; B, C. female; D. male nymph of last instar; E. female nymph of last instar. A. in laboratory from Jianfengling; B. in habitat from Bawangling; C, D. in habitat from Wuzhishan; E. in laboratory from Sanya. Female: similar to male but squamipterous ( Fig. 1B, C & 3A ), tegmina laterally situated and never interlaced ( Fig. 3B ~E). Tenth abdominal tergite faintly extended in the central of posterior edge, slightly bilobate in terminal. Epiproct rounded-triangular. Cerci conical, apex pointed ( Fig. 3F, G ). Subgenital plate dorsally curved from one side to another, central one-third of width elevated ventrally and extended posteriorly but deeply notched in the middle resulting a pair of triangular lobes produced ( Fig. 3F, G ). Ovipositor elongate and gently upcurved in apical two third; margins smooth, dorsal valves furrowed laterally ( Fig. 3H, I ). FIGURE 2. male of Nahlaksia hainanensis He & Wang sp. nov. A. head, pronotum and tegmina in dorsal view; B. head and fastigium verticis in dorsal view; C. meso- and metasternum in ventral view; D. head in frontal view; E. fore tibia in frontal view; F. end of male abdomen in dorsal view; G. end of male abdomen in lateral view; H. end of male abdomen in ventral view. Coloration. Brown with irregular white or yellow spots ( Fig. 1A ). Frons black including fastigium frontis, antennal scrobe, otherwise red to yellow towards mandibles, mandibles brown, palpi yellow, compound eyes yellow in dorsal and black in ventral ( Fig. 2D ), pronotum black in disc and yellow in paranota, tegmen: veins in dorsal field green and veins in lateral field yellow ( Fig. 1A, C ), ventro-internal lobes of middle and hind coxae white ( Fig. 2C ), hind femur with a large black spot followed by a long, whitish ring, ovipositor brownish in the base and the remainder darker. Dorsal areas of fore- middle- and hind femur and middle and hind tibiae with green pattern, seen best when alive ( Fig. 1A ). Measurements (in mm). Male: body 22.05–22.78, pronotum 5.73–5.99, tegmen circa 1.32–1.71, hind femur 10.28–10.89; Female: body 17.52–21.34, pronotum 5.46–6.02, tegmen circa 1.26–1.38, hind femur 10.27–11.49, ovipositor 11.90–12.68. Etymology. This species is named after the type locality. Biology. This species prefers branches and is widely distributed in Hainan ( Fig. 1A ~E). Although the male tegmen has developed mirror, stridulations have not been observed..