Kerteszmyia, a new genus of Pachygastrinae from the Neotropical Region (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) Author Woodley, Norman E. text Zootaxa 2008 1746 39 45 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.274221 10609322-6a33-4d2f-ad00-f0d99c62a792 1175-5326 274221 Key to Neotropical genera of Pachygastrinae with two or more scutellar spines 1 Antennal flagellum divided, bifurcate or trifurcate.....................................................................................2 - Antennal flagellum simple, variously shaped but not divided....................................................................3 2 Antennal flagellum bifurcate, second flagellomere strongly divided, upper branch of flagellum consisting of six flagellomeres, apical two forming short stylus; general coloration strongly sexually dimorphic, male with shiny black scutum, female with brownish black scutum with two pairs of distinct pale vittae .. ................................................................................................................................. Blastocera Gerstaecker - Antennal flagellum trifurcate or bifurcate, second flagellomere unmodified, third strongly divided or unmodified, upper branch of flagellum having fourth flagellomere with strong ventral process or unmodified, apical flagellomere aristate; general coloration weakly dimorphic, male completely yellowish brown, female with apex of abdomen darkened, scutum not vittate ....................................... Neochauna Williston 3 Scutellum with two very different pairs of spines, outer (basal) spines of scutellum very small, directed laterally, inner (apical) spines large, longer than scutellum, directed laterally and slightly posteriorly ....... ........................................................................................................................... Paracanthinomyia Lindner - Scutellum with a single pair of spines, or if two pairs present, spines are usually all similar and directed more posteriorly (if spines are dissimilar [two species of Caenacantha ] then spines are directed posteriorly or dorsally)...........................................................................................................................................4 4 Scutellum with two marginal spines (occasional aberrant specimen with one or two additional spines); thorax and abdomen uniformly dark bluish to purplish (abdomen occasionally partly reddish in P. m i c ro - donta ), vestiture not forming well-defined pattern......................................................................................5 - Scutellum with four marginal spines; thorax and abdomen variously colored, but usually not uniformly dark bluish to purplish, and frequently with vesititure forming pattern......................................................6 5 Head with postocular orbit narrow to very narrow, much less than width of eye in lateral view; wings nearly hyaline to moderately infuscated, but not dark brown; antennal flagellum with short, semi-globose complex with elongate apical arista-like stylus; not strongly resembling female Cyphomyia ...................... .................................................................................................................................... Panacris Gerstaecker - Head with postocular orbit very wide, nearly as wide as eye in lateral view; wings deeply infuscated, dark brown; antennal flagellum unknown; strongly resembling dark females of Cyphomyia with a yellow head ..................................................................................................................................... Platylobium Lindner 6 Apical antennal flagellomere forming long, slender stylus or arista-like stylus more than one-half length of remaining flagellar complex, usually as long as or longer than complex...............................................7 - Apical antennal flagellomere forming short, stout, sometimes weakly developed stylus one-third or less length of remaining flagellar complex.......................................................................................................10 7 First 6 antennal flagellomeres forming elongate-conical to nearly cylindrical complex, with length at least twice diameter; apical flagellomere forming slender stylus slightly less to slightly more than length of complex .......................................................................................................................... Caenacantha Wulp - First 6 flagellomeres forming ovoid to kidney-shaped complex, with length much less than twice diameter; apical flagellomere forming slender, arista-like stylus at least twice length of complex......................8 8 Flagellar complex short ovoid, about as high as long or slightly longer, with arista-like stylus apical; apex of wing hyaline or wing completely dark brown; male holoptic (but unknown in Hypselophrum )...........9 - Flagellar complex short, more than twice as high as long, with arista-like stylus arising from dorsal third of complex; apex of wing darkened; male narrowly dichoptic ................................. Kerteszmyia gen. nov. 9 Thorax predominantly yellowish brown, darkened posteriorly in some females; apex of wing hyaline; not resembling Cyphomyia ............................................................................... Panacridops James & Woodley - Thorax metallic violet-blue; wing entirely dark brown; strongly resembling dark females of Cyphomyia with a yellow head ...................................................................................................... Hypselophrum Kertsz 10 Wing uniformly dark, without pattern; head yellow, strongly contrasting with dark, blue-black body, strongly resembling dark females of Cyphomyia with a yellow head .................. Pseudocyphomyia Kertsz - Wing hyaline or with dark infuscation forming pattern or bicolored, never uniformly dark brown; head and body color variable, but not resembling some species of Cyphomyia ................................................11 11 Dorsum of scutellum nearly in same plane as scutum in lateral view; scutum without a silvery medial pubescent longitudinal vitta.......................................................................................................................12 - Dorsum of scutellum forming a distinct angle with scutum in lateral view (equivocal in Artemita nana (Bellardi) in which the scutum has a silvery medial pubescent longitudinal vitta)...................................13 12 Apex of wing distal to discal cell more or less uniformly dark, gradually becoming lighter near posterior margin; body black, without metallic reflections ..................................................... Acanthinomyia Hunter - Apex of wing distal to discal cell hyaline, basal half slightly darkened; body with dark blue metallic reflections on abdomen, slightly more greenish on scutum .................................... Proegmenomyia Kertsz 13 R2+3 arising above crossvein r-m or at most very slightly distal to it; scutum with four longitudinal silvery vittae in dorsal view, with medial strip black [Note: this genus is very similar to Artemita , and perhaps should be considered a synonym] ................................................................................ Neoacanthina Kertsz - R2+3 arising distinctly distal to r-m (only slightly so in A. nana ); scutum variously marked with silvery pubescent, but without four longitudinal vittae, occasionally with a medial silvery vitta. Artemita Walker