Revision of the genus Exochomoscirtes Pic (Coleoptera: Scirtidae: Scirtinae) 2598 Author Ruta, Rafał Author Yoshitomi, Hiroyuki text Zootaxa 2010 2010-08-31 2598 1 1 80 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.2598.1.1 1175­5334 10095059 B7D2F686-CE7A-42AE-8395-4527E587C565 Exochomoscirtes nahangensis sp. nov. ( Figs. 14E , 59 , 60 ) Type material. Holotype , male ( NMW ): “N VIETNAM : 26.– 30.5.1996 / 160 km NNW Hanoi , 150–200m / NE env. of Na Hang / leg. Napolov & Roma” [printed label] . Paratypes . 2 males ( NMW ): same data as holotype . Diagnosis. Exochomoscirtes nahangensis sp. nov. is distincly smaller than E. nipponicus sp. nov. The species is similar to E. meghalayensis sp. nov. and E. arunachalensis sp. nov. , but the body is lighter brown, the apical process of the tegmen is half as long as tegmen, and the parameres are apically widened, and have bidentate apices. Description. Holotype , male. Body elongate oval, TL/EW 1.4, slightly flattened, covered with erect brownish setae. Head, pronotum, scutellum, and elytra brown. Mouthparts, antennae and legs yellowish, metafemora darkened, brown; antennae subtly darkening apically. Ventral surface brown. Head with distinct punctation, punctures separated by ca. 1.0 diameter. Eyes big, protuberant; head 2.0 X wider than interocular space. Antennae filiform. Antennomere 1 subcylindrical, antennomeres 2 and 3 of subequal lengths, antennomeres 4–11 slightly shorter than antennomeres 2 and 3 combined. Palpomeres of maxillary palpi slightly widened. Pronotum moderately convex, covered with distinct punctation, similar to that on head, separated by ca. 1.0 diameter, anterolateral corners obtuse, slightly projecting anteriorly; lateral margins subtly rounded; posterolateral corners acute; base of pronotum bisinuate, with complete margination along basal margin; PW/PL 2.9. Scutellum punctured as on pronotum, equilaterally triangular. Angle between pronotum and elytra not marked in dorsal outline. FIGURE 59. Exochomoscirtes nahangensis sp. nov. , male. A) sternite 9; B) tergite 8; C) tergite 9; D) tegmen; E) penis. Scale bar = 0.5 mm. FIGURE 60. Exochomoscirtes nahangensis sp. nov. , female. A) bursal sclerite and prehensor; B) apex of prehensor; C) detail of membranous duct. Elytra oblong, with slightly explanate lateral margins, widest in basal 1/3, punctation stronger than on pronotum, punctures deep, separated by ca. 1.0 diameter; humeri well marked; EL/EW 1.2; EL/PL 5.1; EW/ PW 1.4. Legs moderately long. Hind tibial spurs well developed, dorsal one weakly curved, unmodified, as long as 3/4 length of tarsomere 1, and over twice as long as ventral one; ventral spur weakly curved. Ventrite 1 with sparse setation in mesal portion, and short longitudinal ridge, ventrite 2 with basal row of big punctures. Apex of tergite 7 unmodified. Apex of ventrite 5 subtly emarginated. Sternite 9 (L 0.47, W 0.33 ) elongated, consisting of two subrectangular hemisternites, with moderately long setae at apical margin, which are dense in mesal portion. Tergite 8 (L 0.62, W 0.45 ) moderately sclerotized, apical portion subtrapezoidal, bearing indistinct setae on apical margin, apodemes moderately long, diverging basally; tergite 9 (0.29, W 0.48 ) small, moderately sclerotized, with wide apical portion and minute setae at apex, with a pair of short apodemes strongly diverging basally, apodemes fused anteriorly. Tegmen (L 0.55, W 0.40 ) large, well sclerotized, parameres straight, widening and incurved apically, apices with large denticles, mesal process very narrow, widened at apex, reaching half of the length of parameres. Penis (L 0.23, W 0.12 ) small, elongate oval, parameroids indistinct. Female unknown. Variability. TL/EW 1.3–1.4 (1.4) Measurements. Males (n = 3): TL 3.10–3.45 (3.29), PL 0.53–0.65 (0.58), PW 1.55–1.75 (1.65), EL 2.68– 3.14 (2.84), EW 2.23–2.58 (2.42). Distribution. N Vietnam . Etymology. Locotypically, after Na Hang in N Vietnam .