An annotated list of the genus Chlaenius Bonelli, 1810 (Coleoptera: Carabidae) of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China Author Kabak, I. I. Author Liang, H. - B. text Far Eastern Entomologist 2021 2021-04-09 429 12 28 journal article 10.25221/fee.429.3 2713-2196 7165884 Chlaenius ( Trichochlaenius ) steveni (Quensel, 1806) Fig. 8 MATERIAL EXAMINED . China : sands of Dzhin , S of Jinghe Vill. , ca. 44°26'10"N , 82°49'15" E , h= 500 m , 10.VI 1889 , 1 ♀ , leg. Gr. Grzhimajlo ( ZIN ); ( IOZ ); Xinjiang , Kuitun , ca. 44.433°N , 84.927°E , h= 503 m , 4, 6, 24. VI 1999, 1 ♂ , 2 ♀ , leg. Hongbin Liang ( IOZ ) ; Xinjiang , Shihezi , ca. 44°17'30"N , 86°02'E , h= 415–460 m , 28.VII 1957 , 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ leg. Dunpei Hong ( IOZ ); the same data, but leg. Guang Wang , 1 ♂ ( IOZ ) ; Xinjiang , Shihezi, 1980, 1 ♂ , 1 ( IOZ ); Xinjiang , Shihezi , VIII 1983 , 1 ♂ ( IOZ ); Xinjiang , Shihezi , light trap , 23. VII 1981, 1 ♂ ( IOZ ); Xinjiang , Fukang City , Beishawo , 44°22.537'N , 87º52.786'E , h= 439 m , light trap , 6. VII 2010 , 1 ♀ , leg. Lou Qiaozhe ( IOZ ); Xinjiang , Fukang , desert ecological station, 44.29202°N , 87.93427°E , h= 474 m , light trap , 23. V 2007, 1 ♀ , leg. Ye Liu ( IOZ ); the same locality, 1. VI 2007, 2 ♀ ( IOZ ); the same locality, 1. VII 2007, 1 ♂ ( IOZ ) . NOTES . Chlaenius steveni is formally attributed to the subgenus Trichochlaenius . This species shares with most taxa belonging to the subgenus (including the type species of subgenus, Carabus chrysocephalus P. Rossi, 1790 ) several characters, namely: palpi, basal antennomeres and dorsal surface of tarsi covered with dense pubescence; antennomere 3 distinctly longer than antennomere 4; lateral setiferous pore of pronotum shifted anteriad from the hind angle; basal border of the elytra incomplete, not reaching the anterior termination of the parascutellar striole. However, Ch. steveni has the bifid apical gonocoxite ( Fig. 8 ), while it is simple in most Trichochlaenius species, except for Ch. ( T. ) dilutipes Reitter, 1894 (which has the bifid apical gonocoxite as well). Similar shape of the apical gonocoxite is known in Ch. suvorovi (Semenov, 1912) , a representative of the monotypic subgenus Eochlaenius Semenov, 1912 (see Habu, 1987). The latter has the external features, listed above, as well as the aedeagus shape, similar to those of the Trichochlaenius species. At the same time, Ch. suvorovi differs from these taxa in having the following combination of important characters: eyes faintly pilose (glabrous in the Trichochlaenius species); dorsum of head, including whole clypeus, with long and dense erect hairs (in Trichochlaenius , it is sparsely pubescent, clypeus glabrous both, anteriorly and medially); marginal seta of pronotum lacking (present in Trichochlaenius ). Despite of the similarly shaped apical gonocoxite, Ch. steveni cannot be attributed to the subgenus Eochlaenius . Hence, the systematic position of Ch. steveni in the genus needs to be specially studied. DISTRIBUTION. The species is recorded from Ukraine , Russia (the Lower Volga and Ural River regions, Eastern Ciscaucasia), Transcaucasia, Iran , Afghanistan , Turkmenistan , Southern Tajikistan , Northern Kyrgyzstan , western, southern and south-eastern parts of Kazakhstan (Kryzhanovskij et al ., 1995; Kirschenhofer, 2017). In Xinjiang, Ch. steveni was collected in the plains and foothills along northern slopes of the Tien Shan from the Jinghe County in the West to the Fukan County in the East. The species is firstly recorded from China . HABITAT. This species occurs on banks of the rivers, mostly on plains, at elevation 400– 600 m.