New species of Euryglossula Michener (Apoidea: Colletidae) Author Batley, Michael text Records of the Australian Museum 2016 68 6 245 261 journal article 20980 10.3853/j.2201-4349.68.2016.1665 8f8a5b41-f716-4645-bc76-c4c30b7947f6 4022527 30548D79-1F3A-42D8-92C3-DEB707860C8F Euryglossula kubinensis n. sp. Figs 11 , 25 , 34 Type specimens . HOLOTYPE , 5 km WSW of St Pauls , Moa (Banks) Is., Torres Strait , Queensland , 16 July 1977 , G. Monteith and D. Cook , on Melaleuca , in QM ( T234971 ) . PARATYPES ( 14♀♀ , all in QM ), same data as holotype ( QM T234972–985 ) . Diagnosis . Female black or with faint metallic sheen, metasomal terga with conspicuously translucent apicolateral margins, tibiae and tarsi mostly yellow. Distinguished from E. incisa by convergent inner orbits and from E. elizabethae by tergal margins. Male face yellow to top of fovea, mandible with stiff setae ventrally, metasoma dark brown. Distinguished from E. aeneoceps by shorter fovea and from E. carnarvonensis by short lateral yellow marks on scutum. Description . Female.—Head width 0.93 mm , body length 3.3 mm . Relative measurements: HW 50, HL 41, UID 30, LID 25, FVL 11, CW 24, CL 7, FL 24. Head black or with faint metallic sheen, mandible yellow, antenna mottled yellow-brown. Frons weakly tessellate with close to dense punctures. Mesosoma black with the following yellow: tegula, alar sclerites, trochanters, femora apically, tibiae and tarsi (mid and hind tibiae with medial brown marks). Pronotal tubercle brown, wing veins weakly pigmented. Fore basitarsal setae stiff, weakly capitate; setae on ta2–4 stiff, apically hooked. Scutum weakly tessellate with dense punctures. Metasoma black, T2–5 with translucent margins, wider laterally. S3–5 apical margins translucent, preceded by narrow yellow line. Sculpture of frons, scutum, scutellum and dorsal surface of propodeum finely tessellate with fine, open punctures. Metasoma with transverse lineolation. Male.—Head width 0.80 mm , body length 2.5 mm . Relative measurements: HW 50, HL 43, UID 33, LID 25, FVL 6, CW 21, CL 8, FL 29. Head yellow with vertex, occiput and upper frons black. Mandible ventrally with ca 3 long, stiff setae. Frons and scutum dull with strong tessellation obscuring the weak punctures. Mesosoma black dorsally, except anterolateral corners of scutum yellow, just reaching anterior edge of tegula; ventrally yellow, except upper half mesepimeron and large spot on mesepisternum black. Metasoma brown dorsally, apical margins T2–6 translucent, ventrally yellow with irregular brown suffusions. Posterior margin S1 with rounded medial projection bearing plumose setae extending ½ length of S2. S5 with prominent apical fringe, long and uniform in length. Sculpture as for female. Etymology . The specific name refers to the collection location, currently known as Kubin Island.