Synopsis of the Neotropical genus Lepturgantes Gilmour (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) with description of a new species Author Monné, Miguel A. Author Monné, Marcela L. text Zootaxa 2008 1876 60 68 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.274486 ee340249-e399-4f88-85ac-78a75192d790 1175-5326 274486 Lepturgantes prolatus Monné & Monné sp. nov. ( Fig. 5 ) Description. Male. Integument brownish red to dark brown. Body with predominance of whitish-gray pubescence. Middle of pronotum with a narrow, circular line, and the lateral tubercles of prothorax covered with dark-brown pubescence. Lateral margin of elytra, from humeri almost reaching the apices, with black pubescence and a whitish spot on apical third. Elytra with dark-brown pubescence covering the median margin, from humeri to apical fifth and parallel to the sutural margin, a line of longitudinal patches from base to distal fourth. Antennae exceeding elytral apices at apex of segment 5. Prothorax with lateral tubercles continuous with posterior angles; pronotum with sparse punctures in the middle and a row of coarse punctures on posterior margin. Prosternum and mesosternum with intercoxal processes narrow, laminiform, about 1/6 as wide as one coxa. Elytra about 3 times as long as prothorax; coarsely and densely punctate on basal third; apical third of lateral margins with only two short setae; elytral apices obliquely truncated, outer angles slightly projected in a short, acute spine. Fifth urosternite with apical margin subtruncate, and urotergite rounded at apex. Female. Very similar to male, differing by the antennae exceeding elytral apices by half of segment 6; fifth urosternite and urotergite truncated at apex; ovipositor slightly projected beyond elytral apices. Measurements (mm), male/female. Total length, 8.0–13.0/8.0–12.0; prothorax length, 1.5–2.0/1.2–2.0; prothorax width, 1.9–3.7/1.8–3.1; elytral length, 6.4–9.0/6.0–9.0; humeral width, 2.2–3.2/2.0–3.2. Etymology. Latin, prolatus means elongate. Type material. Holotype . male, BRAZIL , Bahia: Mun. Encruzilhada, estrada Rio-Bahia, km 965 (Motel da Divisa, 960 m ), XII.1972 (C. A. C. Seabra & O. Roppa leg.) ( MNRJ ). Paratypes . same data as holotype , 1 female , XI.1971 ( MNRJ ), 7 males , 6 females , XI.1972 ( MNRJ ), male, XII.1972 ( MNRJ ), 4 males , 8 females , XI.1974 ( MNRJ ), female, XI.1975 ( MNRJ ); Bahia: Itapetinga, 1 male , XI.1969 (F. M. Oliveira leg.) ( MNRJ ); Espírito Santo: Conceição da Barra (Pedro Canário), 1 male , 1 female , XI.1976 (E. dos Santos leg.) ( MNRJ ); Linhares (Parque Sooretama), 2 males , 2 females , XII.1967 (F. M. Oliveira leg.) ( MNRJ ); Minas Gerais: Pirapora, 1 male , XI.1975 (C. A. C. Seabra, O. Roppa & M. A. Monné leg.) ( MNRJ ); Rio de Janeiro: Rio de Janeiro (Corcovado), 1 male , 21.XII.1968 (M. Alvarenga & C. A. C. Seabra leg.) ( MNRJ ); Floresta da Tijuca, 1 male , IX.1975 (C. A. C. Seabra leg.) ( MNRJ ); Represa Rio Grande, 1 male , III.1967 (F. M. Oliveira leg.) ( MNRJ ); Santa Catarina: Nova Teutonia, 2 females , X.1941 (F. Plaumann leg.) ( MNRJ ), 2 males , 2 females , XI.1941 ( MNRJ ), male, II.1973 ( MNRJ ), male, XII.1973 ( MNRJ ); Mato Grosso: Pontes e Lacerda, 2 females , X.1988 (P. Magno, O. Roppa & J. Becker leg.) ( MNRJ ); Mato Grosso do Sul: Corumbá (Serra do Urucum), 1 male , XI.1960 (K. Lenko leg.) ( MZSP ). BOLIVIA . Santa Cruz: Santa Cruz ( 600 m ), 1 female , 17.X.1960 (R. Zischka leg.) ( MNRJ ); 4 km N Bermejo ( 1000 m ), 5 males , 1 female , 4–8.X.2007 (J. Wappes & R. Morris leg.) ( ACMT ); Potrerillos del Guenda, 40 km N Santa Cruz, 17° 40’S , 63° 27’W , 1 female , 30.IX–3.X.2007 (Wappes & Morris leg.) ( ACMT ); 4–6 km SSE Buena Vista (Hotel Flora & Fauna), 1 male ( RFMC ), 4 females ( ACMT ), 17–19.X.2000 (Wappes & Morris leg.); 1 female , 22–30.XI.2003 (Robin Clarke leg.) ( FSCA ); 1 male , 13–16.XI.2003 (Wappes, Morris & Nearns leg.) ( EHNC ); 1 male , 14–19.X.2000 (M. C. Thomas leg.) ( FSCA ).