A revision of the Nearctic species of Brachygluta Thomson, 1859 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae) Author Chandler, Donald S. Author Sabella, Giorgio Author Bückle, Christoph text Zootaxa 2015 3928 1 1 91 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3928.1.1 2b375076-a84a-4a22-a770-cb7337a2fdb1 1175-5326 288057 8D1FFD50-9BFE-4FD0-9B79-A448EDFC82DD 17. Brachygluta ( Brachygluta ) texana ( Casey, 1886 ) ( Figs 22 , 40 C) Bryaxis texana Casey, 1886 : 183 . Type locality: El Paso, Texas. Type depository USNM, Holotype male: // Tex [with dot in front of Tex = El Paso]/ Casey bequest 1925/ TYPE USNM 38694/ texana Csy. //. Casey 1894 : 480 . Bryaxis ( Bryaxis ) texana : Brendel & Wickham 1890 : 268 (key), 285, plate IX, fig. 59. Brachygluta texana : Raffray 1904 : 225 ; 1908: 231; 1911: 95. Leng 1920 : 130 . Bowman 1934 : 86 (Group II, key), 87. Poole & Gentili 1996 : 381 . Chandler 1997 : 56 . Bryaxis arizonae Casey, 1887 : 465 . Type locality: Tucson, Arizona. Type depository USNM, Holotype male: // Ari [with dot beneath "r" =Tucson]/ Casey bequest 1925/ TYPE USNM 38693/ arizonae Cas //. Casey 1894 : 481 . NEW SYNONYMY . Brachygluta arizonae : Raffray 1904 : 225 ; 1908: 231; 1911: 95. Leng 1920 : 130 . Bowman 1934 : 86 (Group II, key), 87. Poole & Gentili 1996 : 380 . Chandler 1997 : 54 . Material examined , 93 specimens . USA : Arizona : Cochise Co. : 4 km E Willcox, VIII-20-1982 , L.D. French, UV light ( UCDC , 1); IX-14-1972 , D.S. Chandler & K. Stephan ( DSCC , 1). Cochise Stronghold, Dragoon Mts. , VII-24/ 27 , R.J. Shaw, UV light trap ( DSCC , 1), VII-27/30 -1970, R.J. Shaw, UV light trap ( UAIC , 1), VIII-29 / IX-3-1969 , R.J. Shaw, UV light trap ( UAIC , 1), IX-3 /7-1969, R.J. Shaw, UV light trap ( UAIC , 1); Graham Co. : 2 mi E Safford, VIII-19-1977 , D.S. Chandler, UV light ( DSCC , 7; UCDC , 1). Aravaipa Canyon, VIII-19-1977 , D.S. Chandler, UV light ( UCDC , 1); VIII-12-1975 , S. McCleve, at light ( UAIC , 1). Aravaipa Canyon, 3050', VIII-24- 1976 , D.S. Chandler, at light ( DSCC , 6; UAIC , 2); east end Aravaipa Canyon, VII-24/25 -1974, S. McCleve, at light ( UAIC , 3). Geronimo, VIII-6-1948 , Werner & Nutting ( DSCC , 1; UAIC , 1). Thatcher, VIII-5-1940 , E.J. Taylor ( DSCC , 1). La Paz Co. : Ehrenberg, VII-1938 , F.H. Parker ( UAIC , 2); VI-24-1938 , F.H. Parker ( UAIC , 1); III-20-1939 , F.H. Parker ( UAIC , 2); III-22-1940 , F.H. Parker ( UAIC , 2); IX-9-1939 , F.H. Parker ( UAIC , 3). Parker, IX-10-1979 , T. King ( FMNH , 2). Maricopa Co. : Gillespie Dam, Gila Bend, 1000', VIII-9-1948 , F. Werner & W. Nutting ( UAIC , 1). Wickenburg, VIII-12-1950 ( FMNH , 1), VIII-31-1950 ( FMNH , 1), H.K. Gloyd. Mohave Co. : Burro Creek Camp, V-11-1988 , T. Dworakowska ( DSCC , 5). Pima Co. : Tucson ( USNM , holotype of B. arizonae ). Pinal Co. : Superior, VII-31-1984 ( FMNH , 5), VIII-5-1948 ( FMNH , 1), H.K. Gloyd. Superior, B(oyce) Thomps(on) Arb(oretum), 2500', VII-30-1948 , H.K. Gloyd, white light trap with 1/4" screen ( DSCC , 1). No County : Grand Can(yon), VII-4-1904 ( MCZC , H.C. Fall Collection, 1). California : Riverside Co. : Blythe, VIII-8- 1947 , J.W. MacSwain ( UCBC , 1); VIII-24-1947 , J.W. MacSwain ( UCBC , 1); VII-8-1947 Barr & MacSwain ( UCBC , 1); VI-8-1941 ( UCBC , 1); VIII-6-1947 , J.W. MacSwain ( MCZC , 1; DSCC , 1); VII-10-1947 , J.W. MacSwain ( UCDC , 1; CASC , 6; DSCC , 1). New Mexico : Bernalillo Co. : Albuquerque, II-15 , H. Soltau ( USNM , 4); III-1 , H. Soltau ( USNM , 1); XII-3-1901 ( MCZC , H.C. Fall Collection, 2). Chaves Co.: Bottomless Lakes State Park, VIII-7-1989 , Y. Bousquet, gypsum flats ( CNCI , 1). Sandoval Co. : 6 mi S Jemez Springs, VIII-22-1968 , F.G. Andrews & G.R. Noonan, blacklight ( CSCA , 4; DSCC , 2). Only state on label : “N.M.” ( MCZC , H.C. Fall Collection, 2). Texas : Brazos Co .: College Station, V-29-1933 , H.J. Reinhard ( TAMU , 1). El Paso Co. : El Paso ( USNM , holotype B. texana ). Montgomery Co.: 5 mi N Montgomery, III-7-1987 , R.S. Anderson, black walnut litter ( DSCC , 1). Presidio Co. : 3 mi NE of Porvenir, IX-26-1946 , CNMH Palaeont. Exped. Texas (1946) B. Patterson leg. ( FMNH , 1). Description. BODY: Length 1.80–1.88 mm ; orange-brown to brown, setae over body short, on head decumbent, over pronotum and body appressed. Head : surface smooth, shining, punctures indistinct. Setose area of median vertexal fovea as wide as those of lateral foveae. Antennomeres slightly shorter in female than male, differences indicated below. Pronotum : smooth, shining, punctures indistinct. Setose area of median antebasal fovea slightly smaller than those of lateral antebasal foveae. Elytra : smooth, shining with microreticulation faint and punctures visible, to microreticulation stronger and obscuring punctures; discal stria reaching to four-fifths of elytral length. Abdomen : tergite 1 disc smooth, shining, punctures sparse; with basal striae variable in length, ranging from about one-sixth to nearly one-third paratergite length, at base distant from each other more than half of tergite width, with distinct but sparse setose brush between bases of striae. MALE: Antennae lacking modifications, antennomeres III–VI clearly longer than wide, VII slightly longer than wide to quadrate, VIII slightly transverse, IX about as wide as long, X transverse, VIII close to one-half width of IX ( Fig. 22 C). Trochanters lacking modifications. Metaventrite convex, with dense appressed setae covering middle third of metaventrite. Abdomen with tergite 1 disc nearly as long as wide; posterior margin of tergite 1 shallowly emarginate at middle, short appressed setae and punctures dense on deflexed apical zone of tergite; tergites 2-3 with short appressed golden setae on disc, surface microreticulate; tergite 2 with two oblique, dorsally converging sulci, with rounded bump between them at middle ( Figs 22 A–B); in lateral view tergite 1 with deflexed apex curving down just posterior to 2, 2-3 nearly vertical. Ventrites broadly convex. Metatibiae narrow basally, slightly widening through length to near apex, with dense comb of setae on mesal margin in apical fourth where slightly curved medially ( Fig. 22 D). Aedeagus 0.38 mm long; dorsal plate triangular, with acutely pointed apex; parameres with three thick setae on lateral margin at basal angle of preapical constriction, with preapical hyaline seta near mesal margin, thick basally, aciculate apically; internal sac with three spines, one straight and two curved ( Fig. 22 E). FEMALE: Antennomeres III–V longer than wide, VI slightly longer than wide, VII–X transverse, VIII about two-thirds width of IX. Metaventrite with setae at middle more abundant and longer than laterally, but not noticeably dense. Abdominal ventrites broadly rounded. Collecting data. One collection was taken from black walnut litter, but nearly all other specimens with collecting data were taken at ultraviolet light. One specimen was attracted to white light. Nearly all individuals were taken from July to September, but a small number were taken during the winter months and May. Distribution ( Fig. 40 C). This species is found in the Chihuahuan and lower Sonoran Deserts from central Texas through Arizona. Comments. This species is very close in form to B. foveata , and can be reliably separated only by the presence of three thick spines in the internal sac, and by its more easterly distribution. Brachygluta foveata has only two large spines in the internal sac, and is found basically west of the Colorado River (except the type series), while B. texana is found east of the Colorado River (except for collections at Blythe, California).