Phytoseiid mites of the tribe Typhlodromini (Acari: Phytoseiidae) from sub-Saharan Africa Author Ueckermann, Edward A. Author Zannou, Ignace D. Author De Moraes, Gilberto J. Author Oliveira, Anibal R. Author Hanna, Rachid Author Yaninek, John S. text Zootaxa 2008 2008-10-15 1901 1 1 122 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.1901.1.1 1175­5334 5134045 Typhlodromus ( Anthoseius ) apoxys Van der Merwe ( Fig. 2 ) Typhlodromus ( Anthoseius ) apoxys Van der Merwe, 1968: 31 ; Moraes et al ., 2004: 309 ; Chant & McMurtry, 2007: 152 . FIGURE 2. Typhlodromus ( Anthoseius ) apoxys Van der Merwe : Female—A. Dorsal shield; B. Ventral surface; C. Chelicera; D. Spermatheca; E. Leg IV; Male— F. Spermatodactyl; G. Ventrianal shield. Amblydromella apoxys , Moraes et al ., 1986: 154 . Amblydromella ( Aphanoseia ) apoxys , Denmark & Welbourn, 2002: 308 . FEMALE. ( Specimens measured— South Africa : holotype , 2 paratypes and 9 additional specimens). Idiosomal setal pattern 12A:8A/JV: ZV . Dorsum. Dorsal shield 309 (298–318) [313] long and 168 (159–180) [169] wide; reticulate. With 5 pairs of solenostomes same arrangement as in T . ( A .) acaciae . Setae j1 17 (15–20) [16], j3 19 (16–22) [21], j4 15 (13–19) [16], j5 15 (13–16) [15], j6 16 (12–18) [18], J2 21 (16–24) [22], J5 10 (8–13) [10], z2 16 (14–18) [15], z3 19 (16–22) [18], z4 19 (15–23) [23], z5 17 (14–18) [17], Z4 28 (25–32) [31], Z5 43 (39–46) [47], s4 20 (19–22) [22], s6 23 (20–26) [26], S2 26 (22–29) [27], S4 28 (23–31) [31], S5 27 (23–31) [31], r3 19 (16– 23) [17], R1 18 (15–22) [20]. Setae smooth and sharp-tipped, except Z4, serrate; and Z5, serrate and knobbed . Peritreme. Extending to level of j1. Venter. Sternal shield smooth, with 2 pairs of setae (ST3 on integument); posterior margin with median lobe; distances between ST1-ST3 55 (51–64) [64], ST2-ST2 48 (47–50) [48]. Genital shield smooth; distance between ST5-ST5 50 (48–54) [50]. Ventrianal shield pentagonal, smooth, with anterior margin almost straight, 90 (95–104) [104] long, 73 (72–85) [85] wide at level of ZV2, 77 (72–80) [78] wide at level of anus, with 4 pairs of pre-anal setae; round pre-anal pores posteromesad of JV2.With 2 pairs of metapodal shields. Caudoventral setae smooth and sharp-tipped. Chelicera. Movable digit 22 (20–25) [25] long, with 1 tooth; fixed digit 20 (19–20) [20] long, with 4 teeth (not 3 as in Van der Merwe, 1968 ). Spermatheca. Calyx bell-shaped, short and broad, 11 (9–12) [10] long. Legs. Macroseta knobbed on most specimens, sharp-tipped in some; St IV 18 (16–20). Chaetotaxy: genu II: 2-2/0, 2/0-1; genu III: 1- (2, 2)/0-1. MALE. (Specimens measured — South Africa : 2) Dorsum. Dorsal shield pattern and setae as in female, 238 (234–242) long and 149 (147–150) wide. Setae j1 15 (14–15), j3 17 (16–17), j4 11 (9–13), j5 12 (11–13), j6 14 (13–14), J2 15 (14–16), J5 9, z2 13 (12–14), z3 15 (13–16), z4 17 (16–17), z5 14 (13–14), Z4 20 (19–21), Z5 31 (29–31), s4 18 (17–18), s6 19 (15–22), S2 19 (18–19), S4 20 (19–20), S5 19 (18–20), r3 18, R1 16. Peritreme. Extending to level of j1. Venter. Ventrianal shield subtriangular, reticulate, fused with peritrematal shields, 96 (93–98) long, 121 (116–125) wide at the anterior corners; with 4 pairs of pre-anal setae and 4 pairs of lyrifissures (2 anterior to JV1, 1 lateral and slightly posterior to JV1 and 1 lateral and anterior to ZV2); round pre-anal pores posteromesad of JV2. Caudoventral setae smooth and sharp-tipped. Spermatodactyl. Slightly bent distally with a process on the curved region, shaft 24 (23–25) long. Legs. Macroseta knobbed on most specimens, sharp-tipped in some; St IV 15. Chaetotaxy of genua II and III as in female. Specimens examined. South Africa : Holotype and 1 paratype female , Kwazulu / Natal Province , Munster , on an unidentified shrub, 19-XI-1955 , M.K.P. Smith Meyer ; 1 paratype female , Eastern Cape Province , East London , on Diospyros dichrophylla , 16-I-1965 , G.G. van der Merwe ; 1 paratype female , Limpopo Province , Kruger National Park , on Combretum imberbe , 13-I-1964 , P. Jordaan ; 1 female , Limpopo Province , Gravelotte , on C . imberbe , 25-V-1983 , M.K.P. Smith Meyer ; 1 female , Western Cape Province , Uilekraal River Mouth near Gansbaai , on Chrysanthemoides monilifera subsp. pisifera , 10-III-1983 , D.P. Keetch ; 1 female , Limpopo Province , Die Eiland ( The Island ), on Achyropsis leptostachya , 25-V-1983 , M.K.P. Smith Meyer ; 1 female Mpumalanga Province , ZASM-Tunnel near Waterval Boven , on an unidentified plant, 22-I- 1986 , M.K.P. Smith Meyer ; 1 female , Limpopo Province , Moria , on an unidentified plant, 24-V-1983 , M.K.P. Smith Meyer ; 1 female , Kwazulu / Natal , Leisure Bay , on Pastinaca rigida , 5-IX-1996 , E.A. Ueckermann ; 1 male and 1 female , Western Cape Province , on an unidentified plant, 26-I-1994 , E. van den Berg ; 1 male , Mpumalanga Province , Sabie , on Bowkeria cymosa , 22-V-1992 , S. Neser ; 1 female , Mpumalanga Province , Mbotsweni near White River , on unidentified shrub, 25-III-1996 , E.A. Ueckermann. Remarks. In some specimens, genu IV bears a knobbed seta 10-14 [13] long. World distribution . South Africa and Mozambique .