A review of the genus Cryptotendipes Lenz (Diptera: Chironomidae) from China Author Yan, Chuncai Author Tang, Hongqu Author Wang, Xinhua text Zootaxa 2005 1086 1 24 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.170487 ff62d4b5-4440-4b6b-8b7b-9490a3b70c30 1175­5326 170487 Cryptotendipes parallelus sp. n. ( Fig. 4 A–C) Material examined : Holotype male, CHINA : Shandong Province: Zaozhuang City, Beizhuang, 28.V.1994 , X. Wang (BDN no. 03337). Etymology : The species name is from Latin parallelus , parallel, referring to the parallel­sided anal point. Diagnostic characters : The species is similar to C. emorsus ( Townes, 1945 ) , but differs in having a lower antennal ratio (1.71 as opposed to 2.40) and a lower LR1 (1.82 as opposed to 2.40), microtrichia on superior volsella, parallel­sided anal point, and apically pointed gonostylus. Male imago ( n = 1) Total length 2.86 mm . Wing length 1.43 mm . Total length/wing length 2.00. Wing length/length of profemur 2.47. Coloration : Thorax yellowish brown, scutellum and dorsum of scutum pale yellow. Abdomen yellowish green. Femora and tibiae of front legs brown at apex, tarsi of fore legs yellowish green, mid and hind legs entirely yellowish green. Head : AR 1.71. Ultimate flagellomere 530 µm long. Frontal tubercles weakly developed, 3 µm in diameter. Temporal 10 setae, including 2 outer verticals and 8 postorbitals. Clypeus with 8 setae. Tentorium 135 µm long, 25 µm wide. Palpomere lengths (in µm): 38, 38, 85, 115, 163. Palp segments 5th/3rd 1.92. Thorax : Antepronotals with 3 setae, acrostichals 1, dorsocentrals 5, prealars 2. Scutellum with 6 setae. Wing ( Fig. 4 A): VR 1.25, R and R1 bare, R4+5 with 2 setae at apex. Brachiolum with 2 setae. Squama with 2 setae. Anal lobe weakly developed. Legs : Front tibia with 2 subapical setae, 82 µm and 83 µm long, spurs of middle tibia 15 µm and 17 µm long, comb with 14 teeth, 10 µm long; spurs of hind tibia 23 µm and 25 µm long, comb with 20 teeth, 10 µm long. Tarsus 1 of mid legs with 3 sensilla chaetica in distal 1/3. Lengths (in µm) and proportions of legs as in Table 4 . Hypopygium ( Fig. 4 B, C): Anal point 45 µm long, slender, 6 µm wide at base, 5 µm wide at apex, parallel sided, rounded at apex, without lateral setae. Tergite IX with 13 setae at base of anal point, and with 4 setae on ventral tergite IX. Laterosternite IX with 2 setae. Anal tergite without obvious bands. Phallapodeme 50 µm long. Transverse sternapodeme 28 µm long. Superior volsella rod­like, with 3 long apical setae and microtrichia. Gonocoxite 93 µm long and inner margins forming sharp angle in middle. Gonostylus 135 µm long, widest at about 1/3 from base, inner margin concave in middle and bearing 11 setae on inner margin. HR 0.69; HV 2.12. Distribution: The new species occurs in Palaearctic China (Shandong Province).